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Online Learning Platform: Zoom

Thompsons Rivers University

Akash, Kabir, Ishanka, Vikas

Introduction Findings Conclusion

Covid-19 pandemic caused the minimalization According to the survey conducted in one of the university I US
where 31 students were chosen to participate gave the following Based on the survey, student has mixed opinions
of face to face interactions and as a result
feedback after attending face to face and and virtual classes. about using Zoom as virtual learning tool. Some of
majority of schools and other higher
Students voted based on their experience with Zoom. them mentioned that, it is flexible, easier to interact,
educational institutions were temporarily
written communication is best option, and others
closed. Classes and other meetings were
stated that, it is difficult to stay concentrated, poor
shifted from in person interactions to online Pros education quality and problems with the technology.
platforms. Among the different online • Flexibility : Can attend classes from home and any place
But as per the study, the advantages outnumber the
meeting platforms “Zoom” was extensively • Easier Interaction : by raising hand , texting and breakout rooms.
disadvantages comparatively which is a positive sign.
utilized for teaching and learning. Zoom offer • Written Communication : Chat option
several features such as annotation polls , • Multimedia : Usage of technology for better upcoming future
breakout rooms , video and screen sharing which is going digital.
which make it one of the most ideal platforms 11%
for conducting classes and other forms of • Zoom platform must be integrated with the
meetings Flexibility
official website of TRU and mobile applications
easier instructions
such as Moodle. The meeting links should be
Background/context written communication
provided on websites and mobile apps thereby
Eric Yuan, an applied mathematics and multimedia
helping students easily access online classes.
computer science graduate from Shandong • Instructors and students must be trained on
University of Science and Technology (China) usage of Zoom to improve their quality of
created Zoom in 2011 Figure 2: Shows the positive opinions of students based on their experience teaching and understanding of content.
Eric Yuan worked for Webex (from 1997 with zoom in percentage. • Online classes should be conducted in a much
to 2010) which is also a Video Conferencing more collaborative manner to avoid student
platform and where Eric acquired first-hand Cons boredom and distraction
knowledge about working on such platform. • Distraction : various distractions at home • A technical support team should be maintained
Zoom gained most popularity after the • Quality of interaction : Some students felt it like a one way of to address any issues with the Zoom
world got hit by Covid-19 Pandemic. Even interaction. application.
today in this Post-Pandemic World Zoom • Poor education quality : Some instructors quality of teaching
continues to be a popular means of is low compared to FTF teaching as they are new to virtual References
communication. learning
What started off as a platform for hosting • Technical difficulties : Problem with hardware, software and Khonke,L., & Moorhouse,B.L.(2020).Facilitating Synchronous
business meetings turned out to be a vital internet connection. Online Language learning through Zoom. RELC Journal.
Academic Tool today
Kent,D.(n.d).History of Eric Yuan’s Zoom.Mio Dispatch.

42% Distractions Quality of interaction

Souheyla, B. (2021). Zoom sessions in Distant Learning:
Algerian EFL students’ perceptions and attitudes. Arab
World English Journal, 264–280.
poor education quality Technical difficulties

Khairul, A. R. (2020). Zoom user guide. International Journal

37% of TESOL Studies, 2, 174–182. https://

Figure 3: Shows the negative opinions of students based on their Konrad, A. (2019, April 19). Zoom ZoomZoom! The Exclusive
Figure 1: Shows an online Zoom meeting on a computer screen experience with zoom in percentage. Inside Story Of The New
Billionaire Behind Tech's Hottest IPO. Forbes.

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