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Leadership and

1. Leadership Defined
2. Leading versus
3. Leadership Theories
4. Followership
5. Level 5 Leadership
 Theability to get things done
through people.
Leading versus Managing
• Innovate • Administer
• Develop • Maintain
• Inspire • Control
• Long-term view • Short-term view
• Ask what & why • Ask how & when
• Originate • Initiate
• Challenge the • Accept the
status quo status quo
• Do the right things • Do things right
Leadership Theories
 Is:

Trait Theories
 Does:

____________ Theories
Contingency Theories
Trait Theories
 Peopleare born with __________
_______________ which make
them leaders.
Common Traits
 Intelligence
 ____________
 Self-confidence
 Levelof ______ and _______
 Task Relevant Knowledge
Traits of A Charismatic Leader:
 Self-confidence
A ____________
 Strong Conviction in __________
 Out of the Ordinary Behavior
 The Image of A ____________
Charismatic leaders. . .
. . . Emphasize:
symbolic behavior
visionary and inspirational messages
____________ communication
appeal to ideological values
intellectual stimulation of followers by the
leader ______________
follower self-sacrifice
performance beyond the call of duty.
Charismatic Leadership
 Personal commitment to leader and
 Self-sacrificial behavior
 Organizational commitment
 Task meaningfulness and
 Increased individual, group, and
organizational performance
How Charismatic Am I?
 Attention
 Meaning
 Trust
 Self
 Risk
 Feelings
Behavioral Theories
 There are behavioral determinants of
leadership which can be __________.
 People can be _______ to be effective leaders.
Behavioral Theories
Ohio State Studies
University of Michigan Studies
The Managerial Grid
Behavioral Theories
Ohio State Studies
Univ. of Michigan Studies
The Managerial Grid

_______-Oriented Behavior
_______-Oriented Behavior
Leadership Grid
High 9 Country Club Team
8 Management Management
7 1,9 9,9
6 Middle of the
Concern 5 Road
for People 4 5,5
2 Impoverished Authority-
1 Management Compliance
1,1 9.1
Low 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Low Concern for Production High
Theories. . .
. . . propose that the
effectiveness of a particular
style depends on the situation
Leadership Theory
Leader Behavior


Task Behavior
Leader Behavior
____________ Selling

Relationship S3 S2
S4 S1

Delegating _________
Task Behavior
What is my leadership
Concern for ____________
Concern for ____________
Follower Readiness
High Moderate Low

R4 R3 R2 R1
Able & Able but Unable but Unable but
_______ _______ willing unwilling
or or or or
confident insecure __________ insecure

Follower Directed Leader Directed

Some followers Are More Effective
Independent, Critical Thinking

________ Effective
followers followers


Sheep __________

Dependent, Uncritical Thinking

Effective Followers
1. Manage themselves well
2. Committed to the organization
and to a purpose, principle, or
person outside themselves
3. Build their competence
4. Focus their efforts
5. Are courageous, honest, & credible
Cultivating Effective
Followers By:
1. Honing followership skills
A. Improving independent,
critical thinking
B. Disagreeing agreeably
C. Self-management
D. Building credibility
E. Aligning personal & organizational
goals & commitments
F. Acting responsibly
Cultivating Effective
Followers By:
2. Redefining followership
and leadership
3. Performance evaluation
and feedback
4. Creating organizational structures
that encourage followership
Building and Leading A
Team: Team
Development Behaviors
 Diagnosing team development
 Managing the forming stage
 Managing the storming stage
 Managing the conforming stage
 Managing the performing stage
Level 5 Leadership

Level 4 Effective Leader

Level 3 Competent Manager

Level 2 Contributing Team Member

Level 1 Highly Capable Individual

Source: Good
to Great
Level 5 leaders channel their ego
needs away from themselves and
into the larger goal of building a
great company (team). They are
incredibly ambitious – but their
ambition is first and foremost for
the institution (team), not

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