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Let’s Help One Another

Let us Review!
Fun Activity:
Directions: Learners will put the number
corresponding to the sentence, in the Venn Diagram on
the board.

Compare and contrast the sentences that expresses the

similarities and differences between the twins Ana and
Marie using the Venn diagram.
Both Ana and Marie are responsible
1 students.

2 Both of them are in Grade 10.

3 Ana likes to read Wattpad stories but Marie

likes to read pocketbooks.
Ana loves running daily but Marie loves
4 swimming.

Ana is a consistent honor student; Marie

5 belongs to average group of learners.

Both of them attend classes regularly and

6 submit projects on time.
3 1 3
4 2 4
5 6 5
Fun Group Activity:

Directions: Form a group of 3 containing of at least 4-5

members. Activity sheets will be given per group.

Assess the given emoji. Write YES if it conveys positive

emotion and write NO if it doesn’t. Write your answers
on a paper provided for you. 1 minute activity only.
Your Timer Starts Now!
Fun Activity:

Directions: Look on the picture that will be flashed

using the PPT Presentation and then answer the
questions that will be asked by the facilitator.
1.What can you say
about these

2.What do you think

is the connection of
this activity for
today’s lesson?
Discerning Positive and
Negative Messages Conveyed in
a Material Viewed

is a process of sending
and receiving messages.

During the primitive years,

communication had become
one of the primal means of
Body gestures, mimicking
the sounds of animals and
other nature around them,
unrefined writings on
stone pieces and even on
cave walls were proofs of
communication at that

Communication has been

empowered across the
centuries. Messages are now
on a very wide array of both
verbal and nonverbal contents.
Messages can either be
conveyed positively or

Positive messages are those

that motivate, encourage,
show empathy, and provide
good vibes to the receiver.
On the other hand, negative
messages can disappoint,
upset, anger, and provide
unpleasant vibes.
Let us Discuss it Further
Fun Activity:

Directions: : Read each texts carefully, then, answer

the hypothetical question at the end of each text. You
may write your answer directly on the Activity
Sheets Provided.
How can you
value the
of this lesson
in real life?
Fun Group Activity:
Directions: Form a group of 3 containing of at
least 4-5 members. Then, do the following
activities dedicated to your group. Instructions
and Rubrics will be handed to you as well. 10
minutes preparation and 1-2 minute/s
presentation only.
Group # 1: Draw your own Editorial Cartoon
portraying the positive and negative effects of the
ongoing Pandemic, explain your work afterwards. You
will be graded using a rubric.
Group # 2: Write your own
poem at least 2-3 stanza and
3-4 verses per stanza, written
in Filipino language by telling
the message of the picture
that will be given on your
group, which will also be
flashed using the PPT
Presentation. You will be
graded using a rubric.
Group # 3: Choose a song and analyze its lyrics.
Determine if it has a positive or a negative message. Use
table format, that will be flashed using PPT
Presentation, in doing the tasks. Sing the song chorus
chosen upon presentation. You will be graded using a

Directions: On your answer sheet that will

be given, draw a happy face ( ) if the
sentence tells a correct idea about positive
and negative messages and sad face ( ) if
it doesn’t.

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