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Living and non-

living things
• Anything that is alive is called living. Example: plants, animals and human
• Anything that has no life is called non-living.
• When we talk of life around us, we are talking about BIOLOGY

Biology is the branch of science that deals with the

study of life [bios means life and logos means study]
Biotic vs Abiotic
• All living things in our environment are called biotic components.
• All non-living things in our environment are called abiotic
To which group do these things belong to?

These were living at one point. So they belong to a third category called
once living
How to identify if something is alive?
• Put it in its favorable conditions and observe.
• If a snail is around many insects or senses danger, it will not move.
Does that mean its not alive?
• If you keep it in a warm and quiet place, you will see life under that
Identify the category of the given object
living/non-living/once living?
Identify the category of the given object
living/non-living/once living?
Identify the category of the given object
living/non-living/once living?
Identify the category of the given object
living/non-living/once living?
Identify the category of the given object
living/non-living/once living?
Identify the category of the given object
living/non-living/once living?
Identify the category of the given object
living/non-living/once living?
Identify the category of the given object
living/non-living/once living?
Identify the category of the given object
living/non-living/once living?

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