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Sustainable Development

Amal Sarkar
Assistant Professor
Jatindra Rajendra Mahavidyalaya
Kalayani University ,West Bengal
What is Sustainable
In the year 1987, the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) is introduced the term sustainable
development in its report our common future (the Brundtland Commision. Sustainable development has been defined in
many ways, but the most frequently quoted definition is from Our Common Future, also known as the Brundtland Report:

According to WCED, sustainable development may be defined as a process of changes in which the exploitation of
resources, direction of investments, the orientation of technological development and the institutional changes are in
harmony and enhance both current and future potential to meet human need as aspiration.
What is Environmental Crisis?

Environmental crisis refers to a situation when an environment fails to

perform its vital function of life sustenance. A term that is used to
describe the sum of the environmental problems that we face today.
Key contemporary environmental problems include the greenhouse
effect and global warming, the hole in the ozone layer, acid rain, and
tropical forest clearance. Resource extraction remains below the rate of
resource generation.
Barriers For Sustainable
Development/Environmental Crisis
1. Population explosion

2. Rise in economic activity

3.Rapid industrialisation
Barriers For Sustainable
Development/Environmental Crisis



6. Increased use of insecticides,

pesticides, and chemical fertilisers
Achieving Sustainable Development
• i) Stabilisation of population growth
• (ii) Conservation and rational exploitation of forest resources.
• (iii) Afforestation in waste lands and deforested areas.
• (iv) Control of pollution (Air, water, land etc.)
• (v) Maintenance of sustainability in agriculture
• (vi) Recycling of waste and residue
• (vii) Conservation of biodiversity
• (viii) Development of non-polluting renewable energy stems.
• (ix) Updating environmental laws and its strict imposition.
• (x) Assessment of ecological security
((xi) Development of Technology: Technology should be developed which provides essential goods with minimum
waste in a non-polluted manner..
(xii) Environmental Education: Environmental education should be made compulsory to create awareness about the
basic environmental issues.

Sustainable Development Goals

To promote the kind of development that minimises environmental problems.
To meet the needs of the existing generation without compromising with the quality of the environment for future

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