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Grid Computing
• What is Grid?

• What is Grid Computing?

• A grid is a network of devices.
• These devices can be homogenous
or heterogenous
• They can be connected through LAN,
• Grid can be referred as a infrastructure that enables coordination, and
resource sharing among the devices
Grid Computing
• Grid computing is a technology that leverages multiple computers, to
work together to perform a task.
• These computers are distributed geographically but connected by
• Analysing huge data sets
• Weather modelling
• Analysing protein sequences
• Analysing the stock data.
Grid Computing
• Computers on the network contribute the resources like processing
power and storage.

• It links computer resources together in a way that lets someone to

use the collected power of all computers in the system.
• A grid computing network consists three main components:

• Control Node: A computer (Server or group of servers), that administers the

whole network and maintains the information about resources in the

• Provider: The computer that contributes its resources in the resource pool.

• User: The computer that uses the resources on the network.

• For controlling the network and it’s resources a software/networking
protocol is used generally known as Middleware.
• This is responsible for administrating the network and the control nodes
are merely it’s executors.
• Grid computing system should use only unused resources of a computer.
• It is the job of the control node that any provider is not overloaded with
• Middleware gives authorizes any process that is being executed on the
• De-centralized architecture.
• Heterogenous machines can be pooled together.
• Tasks can be performed parallelly with high efficiency.
• Grid software and standards are still evolving.
• Need fast interconnect between compute resources.
• Many organizations are reluctant with sharing resources.
• BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network

• SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence)

@Home project
Cloud Computing Grid Computing

Follows Client-Server Architecture Follows Distributed Architecture

Scalability is High Scalability is normal

More Flexible Less Flexible

Centralized Decentralized

Resources owned by Infrastructure Owned and Managed by

providers Organizations
Service-Oriented Application oriented
Utility Computing
• What is Utility?

• What is Utility computing?

• The term “Utility” refers to basic amenities like electricity, water, gas.

• In computing “Utility” refers to the basic software/hardware

requirements for a business model.
Utility Computing
• Utility computing is a model in which computing resources are
provided to the customer based on a specific demand.
• Based on pay-per-use model.
• Few services are:
• Customer storage
• Software applications
• Computing power
Utility Computing
• In utility computing, there is a provider who will own the resources.
• The customer is charged based on how much they make use of
• Depending on the resources that are offered, utility computing can be
called as:
• Infrastructure as a service
• Hardware as a service (HaaS)
Examples of Utility Computing
• CPU time.
• Hard drive space and its access time.
• Virtual and physical memory.
• Network Bandwidth.
• Storage space.
• Reliability: If the utility computing company undergoes any financial
trouble then there will be a disruption in the services.
• Security
Difference between CC & UC
• Utility computing is precursor to cloud computing.
• CC does everything that UC does and more than that.
• Utility computing is more like a business model than a particular
• Cloud computing relates to the way it is designed, deployed, built and
run applications that run in virtual environment.
Difference between CC & UC
Utility Computing Cloud Computing

Relates to Business Model where A specific technology related to the

computing resources are provided. way we design, build, deploy and
run applications.

Doesn’t require resource Virtualization is a key factor.


Restricted to specific Networks. Accessible through the internet.

Edge Computing
• Edge computing is an upgrade of Cloud Computing.

• Why upgrade?
Scenario 1
• Applications that cannot tolerate Latency.

•  Latency: The delay between a user's action and a Server’s response

to that action.

• In networking terms, it is referred as the total round trip time it takes

for a data packet to travel.
Reasons for Latency
Scenario 1
• Applications that cannot tolerate Latency.

• Health Care

• Financial Transactions

• Automated Systems
Scenario 2 : Growth of IoT devices
Scenario 2 : Growth of IoT devices
Edge Computing
• Edge computing is optimization of cloud to move the
compute closer to the source of data, to the edge.
• Edge in this context means literal geographic distribution.
• Edge computing is computing that’s done near the source of
data instead on the cloud.
• It doesn’t mean the cloud will disappear. It means the cloud
is coming to you.
Edge Computing Architecture
Three-Level Architecture
• First Level
• Cloud Infrastructure
• Second Level
• Cloudlets with state cached from first level
• Third Level
• Edge devices (Mobile/IoT devices)
Cloudlets (Edge)
• An enhanced small-scale cloud data center that is located at the edge
of source.
Data Processing in Edge
• Highly responsive Cloud Services.
• Low Latency
• Scalability
• Privacy policy enforcement
• Cloudlet enforces the privacy policies of its owner prior to the release of the
data to the cloud
• Masking cloud outages
• If cloud service becomes unavailable, a nearby cloudlet can temporarily mask
the failure.

• Control, Maintenance, sharing of cloudlets in distributed computing.

• Managing cloudlet infrastructure.

• Higher management cost than centralized infrastructure.

Fog Computing
• The term Fog Computing is coined by CISCO in 2014.
• Fog Computing is a paradigm that extends Cloud computing and
services to the edge of the network.
• Like Edge computing, Fog computing brings the advantages and
power of cloud closer to the data source.
• In addition to Cisco, Companies like Microsoft, Dell, Intel, GE involved
in standardization of Fog Computing.
Fog Computing
• Edge Computing is a subtype of Fog Computing.
• These two are ideal for IoT and applications which require real-time
• Fog Computing is applicable for many types of IoT devices, where as
Edge computing is applicable only for one type.
• Fog nodes decide what data needs to be pushed to cloud and what
can be analyzed locally at the edge.
Fog Computing
Fog Computing
• Analyze IoT data closer to where its collected so as to minimize
latency and processing load on cloud.
• Any device with computing, storage and network connectivity can be
a Fog node
• Can be deployed anywhere, based on location.
Application Areas
• Smart Cities: Collect data on city activities.
• Traffic surveillance
• Data can be sent for long term analytics
• Wearable Technology: Data from wearable sensors need to be
processed locally to inform the user and also communicate to the
• Well being: Monitor environmental conditions in house, Health
conditions for people etc.
• Low Latency
• Fog nodes are geographically closer to users and is able to provide instant
• Lower bandwidth consumption
• Data is aggregated at different points instead of sending them together to one
center via one channel.
• Improved user Experience
• Instant responses and no downtime improves the user satisfaction.
• A more complicated system
• Fog is an additional layer in the data processing and storage system
• Additional Expenses
• Companies should purchase edge devices such as routers, hubs and gateways.

• Limited Scalability:
• Fog is not as scalable as the cloud
Cloud Security
• Cloud security is the process of protecting computing systems and
resources that reside in the cloud.
• Computing Environments: The location of computing resources. The
environment can be private, public, hybrid or multi-cloud.
• Infrastructures: Virtual Machines
• Platforms: Application development resources like OS.
• Software: cloud based software such as google docs etc.
• Databases: Such as storage, recovery and backup.
Cloud Threats
• Identity Theft
• Attacker steals cloud account information such as emails and passwords.
• Uses this account to impersonate the account owner.
• Data Breach
• Theft of private data and corporate information.
• Insider threats
• When authorized user use their privileges inappropriately or fraudulently.
Cloud Threats
• Misconfiguration of Cloud resources
• When assets are set up incorrectly, they are vulnerable to attack.
• Ex: The Capital One breach exposed Amazon S3 buckets because of a firewall
Cloud Threats
• Denial of Service attacks (DoS)
• Hacker floods a system with more web traffic than it can handle at its peak.
• It makes the users/customers unable to access the system.

• User Identity and Access Management (IAM)
• Provides advanced management of user roles and access privileges.
• IAM defines who gets to use a cloud resource, how and even when.
• Alerts for monitor behavior.
• Preconfigured response to anomalous activity.
• 2FA (2 Factor Authentication)
• SAML (Secure Assertion Markup Language)
• Prevent Data Loss by setting up Backup and Recovery Solutions
• Backup: Using backup solutions and safeguarding duplicate copies of the data
in another repository.
• Backups must be on a separate cloud account.
• Backups are done on continuous basis
• Archives: Archives are great for large amount of data that you don’t need for
frequent use.
• Recovery: Setting up various process for recovering lost data.
• Monitor for compliance & secure configuration
Cloud Security Model
• C I A Model
• Simple but widely applicable security model stands for:
• Confidentiality
• Integrity
• Availability

• These are the three key principles which should be guaranteed in any
kind of security system.
CIA Model
• Confidentiality:
• Ability to hide information from people who are unauthorized to view it.
• It is the one which is attacked most often.
• Cryptography and Encryption methods are an example of an attempt
to ensure confidentiality of data transfer.
CIA Model
• Integrity:
• Ability to ensure that data is accurate and unchanged.
• This attack happens when intruder intercept the important data and
make changes before it reaches the receiver.
CIA Model
• Availability:
• Information is readily accessible to the authorized person all the time.
• Denial of service attacks happens most.

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