Econ 101 Lecture #15 October 28, 2021: Macro Statistics

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Econ 101

Lecture #15
October 28, 2021
Macro Statistics
New Material on Portal

• Reading Material #10 --- Notes on Macro

Calculation (to help with PS #5)
• Problem Session #5 (Macro
Calculations--- GDP, Real vs Nominal,
Inflation, Unemployment, Interest Rates)
• Reading Material #11--- CANADA—Macro
How big is Canada’s economy?
• 1. Calculate the total value of • Last year for annual data: 2020:
everything produced in that $2,314,552 millions
economy -- Gross Domestic • 2021(Q2): ($2,447,636 millions) or
Product (GDP) $2.4 trillion
• 2. Divide by the number of • $ 2,447,636,000,000
people --- GDP per capita • $2,447,636/37.742154 =$64,852 per
year (or $5,404 per month)
1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=361002 • What the average person (man,
2201&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1 woman, baby) produces each year.
.1&pickMembers%5B1%5D=2.2 What the average person consumes
each year
How did we get that number?
• Circular flow model…..
• Count the value of goods and
service produced by the money
spent to buy those goods and
• Every dollar spent is a dollar
• Income=Expenditures
• The only way we can spend
money is if we earned it
Simple bread economy…. (3 levels of

Wheat Production Flour Production Bread Production

Raw Materials 0 500 1000
Labour Inputs 400 300 200
Profits 100 200 300
Sales 500 1000 1500
Three ways to count GDP
1. Value of the final good or service --- $1500 (Bread produced)
2. Total income earned in the economy --- $900 + $600= $1500
3. Total value added at each level of production --- $500 + $500
+ $500 = $1500

Wheat Production Flour Production Bread Production Total Income

Raw Materials 0 500 1000
Labour Inputs 400 300 200 900
Profits 100 200 300 600
Sales 500 1000 1500
Value Added 500 500 500
Easiest way….Add up the total amount spent
on final goods and services
• We want to count EVERYTHING • Consumption (when a consumer
• We want to count each thing pays for a good)
ONLY ONCE • Investment (when a good or
• We count production by service reaches its final
indirectly counting expenditures, destination at the business level)
but ONLY when the good or • Government (when government
service reaches its final buys a good or service)
destination • Net Exports (Exports minus
• Y=C+I+G+X-M imports) when someone outside
• Four final destinations Canada pays for a good or service
Three types of expenditures that we don’t
count in GDP
• Because these three type of • 2. Change of ownership (nothing
expenditures would give us the new has been added to the
wrong idea of the total value of economy)
what our economy has produced • 3. Transfers (Gifts or payments
• 1. Intermediate transactions (to that are made without receiving
avoid double counting because a reciprocal delivery of a good or
these goods haven’t yet reached service)
their final destination)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Household final consumption
expenditure 1,086,253 1,122,079 1,153,668 1,208,438 1,255,327

Non-profit 26,826 28,575 30,951 31,976 33,207

General governments 404,297 415,561 426,335 444,149 465,792
Gross fixed capital formation 486,542 474,732 461,262 486,760 501,247
Investment in inventories 9,603 -577 -228 17,088 11,904
Exports of goods and services 1,012,891 1,003,061 1,004,873 1,062,913 1,121,022
Less: imports of goods and
services -1,030,955 -1,052,126 -1,052,648 -1,110,291 -1,164,585
Statistical discrepancy -559 -865 1,320 72 -59
Gross domestic product at market 1,994,898 1,990,441 2,025,535 2,141,107 2,223,856
Canada’s GDP (2018)

Total (Y = C+I+G+X-M) $2,223,856 100%

Consumption (C) $1,288,534 57.9%
Investment (I) $513,151 23.1%
Government (G) $465,792 20.9%
Net Exports (X-M) -$43,563 -2.0%
• Any new good or service that a • In the pizza, the consumer pays
consumer buys: Cars, clothes, ($20) is the flour ($1), the tomatoes
food, haircuts, rent ($2), the worker’s time($8), etc.,
• The biggest category of • We don’t count all the intermediate
steps (when the farmer sell the
expenditures (≈60% of GDP) tomatoes to the restaurant, when
• When the good reaches the the farmer buys fertilizer, when the
consumer all the value added at restaurant hires the worker……) All
each level of production gets are counted at once when the
counted all at once consumer pays for their pizza ($20)
• Four categories of “investment”
Investment • 1. Residential construction (building
• How can goods and services reach a new house or apartment)
their final destination at the • 2. Non-residential construction
business level. Wouldn’t these just (building new stores, offices, mines,
be “intermediate transactions”? etc.,)
• A good has reached the final • 3. Machinery and Equipment (new
destination at the business level, if computers, ovens, delivery trucks)
the good is still there at the end of
the year • 4. Change in inventory (unsold
merchandise already produced in
• Examples: A pizza store buys an the economy that hasn’t yet
oven. At the end of the year, the reached its final destination) –
oven hasn’t been used up. So we say change in inventory can be positive
it has reached its final destination or negative
• Because government does not • Notice G=20% of GDP but taxes
charge consumers directly for the in Canada about 42% of GDP…
services produced, we count where does the rest of the
goods and services when the money go?
government pays for them
• Most government expenditures
• Example: Pizza store hires a in Canada are for “transfers” –
worker (intermediate transaction), pensions, welfare, other
government hires a worker – G payments not in exchange for
because consumers don’t buy the goods and services
service directly but indirectly
through the taxes they pay
• When we count C, I and G, some
Net exports (X-M) of the spending is on goods and
services that are imported
• Canada is a trading country: • If imports were reduced, C, I & G
Exports are 50.4% of GDP and would fall by the same amount
Imports are 52.4%. • Canada would be a much poorer
• Would GDP increase if imports place if we had to live without
were reduced? the goods and services we
• NO! import
• We subtract imports to make • This is only an accounting
sure we are only counting goods subtraction, to make sure we are
and services produced in Canada only counting what is produced
in our economy
Counting growth
Year GDP %∆ • To calculate %∆:
2014 • 1,994,898 xxx [(New –Old)/Old]*(100%)
2015 • 1,990,441 -0.2% • OR (New/Old -1)*100%
2016 • 2,025,535 1.8%
• (2,310,712/2,231,168)= 1.036
2017 • 2,140,642 5.7%
2018 • 2,231,168 4.2% • (1.036-1)100=3.6%
2019 • 2,310,712 3.6% • By convention, GDP statistics are
2020? • 2,204,905 -4.6% rounded off to one decimal point
But did the economy really grow by 3.6%?
• Two possibilities: • %∆N vs %∆R
• 1. The economy produced more • Nominal growth rate is the
goods and services increase in GDP using current
• 2. The prices for the goods and prices
services increased even though • Real growth rate is the increase
we produced the same amount in goods and services, so we
of goods and services have to use constant prices
• We have to separate these two (base year prices)
Fruit Economy
Apples Bananas • N= Total value of fruit
Year Price Quantity Price Quantity produced each year
2015 5 10 2 20 • N=ΣPiQi
2016 7 11 3 18 • 2015=5(10)+2(20)=90
2017 6 12 3 17
• 2016=77+54=131
2018 5 11 4 22
• 2017=72+51=123
• 2018=55+88=143
What was the growth rate?
Year N %∆N
• Calculating the nominal growth
2015 90 xxx
rate (%∆N)
2016 131 45.6%
2017 123 -6.1% • It looks like 2016 was a great
2018 143 16.3% year (lots of growth) and 2017
was a terrible year (the economy
• But were people really worse
To calculate R and %∆R
• Pick a year to be the “Base Year”
– we’ll pick 2015
• Go back and calculate the GDP
each year as if the prices were • 2015=5(10)+2(20)=90
the prices in the base year
• 2016=5(11)+2(18)=55+36=91
• R = Total value of fruit produced
each year in 2015 prices • 2017=5(12)+2(17)=60+34=94
• R=ΣP2015iQi • 2018=55+44=99
What was the best year for this economy?
Year N %∆N R %∆R
• The fluctuations in N were
2015 90 xxx 90 xxx
caused by price movements
2016 131 45.6% 91 1.1%
2017 123 -6.1% 94 3.3% • When we used base year prices,
2018 143 16.3% 99 5.3% we see that this economy was
improving year by year, each
year the real growth rate (our
increased enjoyment of fruit)
was higher than the year before
A bonus– we now have a way to measure inflation
• N- the GDP in today’s prices
(ΣPiQi ) Year N R P=(N/R)100 Inflation
Rate --%∆P
• R – the GDP in base year prices 2015 90 90 (90/90)100=100 xxx
(ΣP2015iQi ) 2016 131 91 (131/91)100=144.0 44.0%
2017 123 94 (123/94)100=130.9 -9.0%
• N/R is the translation rate 2018 143 99 (143/99)100=144.4 10.3%
between today’s prices and the
base year prices
• Index – We report this
translation rate out of 100
• P(deflator)=(N/R)100
What is the relationship between N, R & P?
• Definition of deflator= (N/R)100 • In 2016, R=91 and P=144.0, so
• If we have N, R we can find P N=91(144.0)/100=131
• If we have N, P, we can find R • In 2018, N=143 and P=144.4 so
• N is made up of R and P (the
amount of fruit we produce and • Whenever we have two of the
the price of those fruit variables, we can find the third
What is the relationship between %∆N, %∆R and %∆P?
• In 2018, %∆N=16.3%, %∆R=5.3% • Since P=(N/R)100, P2/P1 =
and %∆P=10.3% (N2/R2)100/(N1/R1)100
• Since N is made up of R and P, =(N2/N1)/(R2/R1) OR (1+
you would think that %∆P(10.3%) %∆P/100) = (1+%∆N/100)/(1+
≈ %∆N (16.3%) - %∆R (5.3%) [but %∆R/100)
16.3-5.3=11.0% which is not • Check: 1.163/1.053=1.104
exactly 10.3%]
• To find %∆P, we use (P2/P1- • %∆P ≈ %∆N - %∆R
1)100, working backwards,
P2/P1= 1+ %∆P/100 • Exact Relationship: (1+%∆P/100)
= (1+%∆N/100)/(1+%∆R/100)
• If %∆P =10.3%, this means
• If (1+%∆P/100) = • Subtract 100 from both sides
(1+%∆N/100)/(1+%∆R/100) and we are left with:
• Cross multiplying: • %∆P+%∆R + (%∆P)(%∆R)/100)=
• [1+%∆P/100 +%∆R/100 + (%∆N)
• When %∆P & %∆R are small and
(%∆R)/10000] = 1+%∆N/100
you divide this small number by
• Multiply all term by 100 100, %∆P + %∆R ≈ %∆N
• 100 +%∆P + %∆R + (%∆P) • But when they are large,
(%∆R)/100) = 100 +%∆N approximation doesn’t work
Look at 2002….
• N=1,223,100, %∆N=7.9%, • Growth rates?
R=1,532,914, %∆R=3.5, P=80.0, • Approximation method: %∆P≈
%P=4.2% %∆N-%∆R=7.9%-3.5% =4.4% ≈
• Check: P=(N/R)100= 4.2%
(1,223,100/1,532,914)100 • Exact method: (1+%∆P)/100) =
=79.789 = 80.0 (1+%∆N/100)/(1+%∆R/100=
• (1.0425-1)100=4.3%
Testing our understanding….

• If GDP in 2012$ increases by 10.4% while

the GDP in today’s prices goes from
$258.8bn to $296.3bn what is the
inflation rate?

• N2/N1=296.3/258.8=1.145 (%∆N=14.5%)
• Since %∆R=10.4%, R2/R1=1.104
• P2/P1=(N2/N1)/R2/R1)=1.145/1.104=1.037
• %∆P=(1.037-1)100=3.7%
Another one?

• If the inflation rate is 6.2% what is the

real growth rate if the GDP in today’s
prices goes from $238.6bn to $254.8bn?
• N2/N1=254.8/238.6=1.068 (%∆N=6.8%)
• Since %∆P=6.2%, P2/P1=1.062
• R2/R1=(N2/N1)/P2/P1)=1.068/1.062=1.006
• %∆R=(1.006)100=0.6%
Some economists think that there is a better way
to calculate inflation: CPI – Consumer price index
• P(deflator)=(N/R)100= • Let’s calculate V (the value of the
(ΣPiQi)/ΣP2015iQi (weights of basket of goods we produced in
prices under consideration the base year each year as the
change each year as we buy or prices of our goods fluctuate
produce different amounts of • V= ΣPiQ2015i
• The want a constant weight:
what were the amounts of fruit
we bought in the base year?
• 2015=5(10)+2(20)=90
Calculating V= ΣPiQ2015i • 2016=7(10)+3(20)=70+60=130
• 2017=6(10)+3(20)=60+60=120
• Go back and calculate the value • 2018=50+80=130
of the same goods produced in
the base year (2015) each year • Let’s turn this information into a
as the prices fluctuate price index: CPIj=Vj/VBY)100=
ΣPiQ2015i/ ΣP2015Q2015i)100 (We
are comparing the prices in each
year to the prices in the base
year weighted by the goods
produced in the base year
• CPI =(Vj/VBY)100 = Year
2015 90 (90/90)100=100 xxx
ΣP2015iQ2015i)100 2016 130 (130/90)100=144.4 44.4%
2017 120 120/90)100=133.3 -7.7%
2018 130 (130/90)100=144.4 8.3%
Comparing the deflator to the CPI
• Deflator=(N/R)100=(ΣPiQi/
ΣP2015iQi)100 comparing prices Year P(deflator) %∆P CPI %∆P
today with the prices in the BY 2015 100 xxx 100 xxx
weighted by Qi 2016 144.0 44.0% 144.4 44.4%
2017 130.9 -9.1% 133.3 -7.7%
• CPI=(Vj/VBY)100= ΣPiQ2015i/
2018 144.4 10.3% 144.4 8.3%
ΣP2015iQ2015i)100 comparing the
prices today with prices in the BY
weighted by Q2015i
CPI vs Deflator (Weighting differences)
Deflator vs CPI





YEAR 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019



Deflator CPI
Deflator vs CPI
• Deflator=(N/R)100=(ΣPiQi/
ΣP2015iQi)100 comparing prices today • CPI=(Vj/VBY)100= ΣPiQ2015i/
with the prices in the base year
weighted by Qi (what we buy each
ΣP2015iQ2015i)100 comparing the
year) prices today with prices in the
base year weighted by Q2015i (what
• If we buy more X this year than last
we bought in the base year)
year, then the change in the price of
X will become more important when • Every year the importance of the
calculating average prices change in the price of X in
• Every year, the weights change in calculating the average prices
calculating average prices depending doesn’t change. It is set by the
on how much of each good we importance of X in the base year
bought or produced
REVIEW: 3 calculations
• N – Nominal GDP – GDP in
current prices or in today’s prices
• R – Real GDP – GDP in constant
prices or in base year prices
• V- Value of a consumer basket–
Today’s prices for the same
basket of goods that was • In 2016:
purchased in the base year • N=7(11)+3(18)=77+54=131
• N=ΣPiQi
• R=5(11)+2(18)=55+36=91
• R=ΣP2015iQi
• V=7(10)+3(20)=70+60=130
• V= ΣPiQ2015i
Nominal vs Real GDP 2000-2019
Nominal vs Real





YEAR 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Nominal GDP Real GDP

Growth Rates over time
• N(2000)=1,132,880 million • R(2000)=1,460,962 million
• N(2019)=2,337,684 million • R(2019)=2,100,493 million
• This economy grew • In constant dollars, this economy
((2,337,684/1,132,880)-1))100 grew ((2,100,493/1,460,962)-
=106.3% in 19 years 1)100=43.8% in 19 years
• Average annual Nominal growth • Average annual Real growth rate
rate = ((2,337,684/1,132,880)1/19- = ((2,100,493/1,460,962)1/19-
1)100 =3.9% 1)100=1.9%
How to calculate the unemployment rate….
• The number of people unemployed in Canada in2018: 1,143,000.
• The 2018 population of Canada: 37.5 million.
• 1.143/37.5 = 3.0%
• But the unemployment rate for 2018: 5.6%
• ????
• Unable to work: 1. Too young
(less than 15) 2. Institutionalized
(locked up) 3. Military
• Non-Participants: 1.Retired 2.
Homemakers 3.Students
• Unemployed: Must have spent
time actively looking for work
• “Data from the Labour Force Survey
(LFS) are based on phone interviews
with 56,000 households and more
than 100,000 individuals every
month” (
• Unemployment rate=
#unemployed/labour force =
1,143/20,268 = 5.6%
• Participation rate = labour
force/civilian, non-institutional
population = 20,268/30,943 =
• How do we know if someone
who is not working is a non-
participant or an unemployed
Do unemployment statistics underestimate or
overestimate labour misery?
• Underestimated • Overestimated
• “Discouraged” workers – those • Employment insurance pays 55% of your
who want to work but think that average insurable weekly earnings, up to
a maximum amount of $573 per week
looking right now will not get them
a job (counted as retired) • Adjustments to EI benefits have made EI
less generous which seems to have
• “Underemployed” workers – those reduced the number unemployed (no
working part-time who want full longer available for quitting voluntarily
time work or those who accept a or being fired with cause) Also regional
lesser job for which they are over- differences in benefits seems to have
encouraged regional differences in
qualified while waiting for a better unemployment rates
opportunity (PhD’s driving taxis)
Testing our understanding…
• If the unemployment rate is 8.9% and the number employed is
14.8million, how large is the labour force?
• U/LF=8.9% so E/LF=91.1%
• E=14.8m so 14.8/LF=.911, LF=14.8/.911=16.25m

• Check If LF=16.25, U=16.25-14.8=1.45m

• 1.45/16.25=8.9%
What is an interest rate?
• People want to trade over time • Would you prefer PV (an
• They want to buy certain products immediate payment) of $1000 or
(houses, cars, furniture) NOW and FV (a payment one year from
pay for them with future earnings today) of $1000?
• They want to save for future • If given a choice between a PV and
retirement an FV, FV would have to be larger
to make a chooser indifferent
• Usually, people expect a reward
for delaying consumption and • (FV/PV-1)100 is the premium you
expect to pay a premium for would require to make you
consuming future income today indifferent
• Would you prefer PV=1000 or FV=1001
(a $1 gain by waiting one year)?
• Would you prefer PV=1000 or FV=1500
(a $500 gain by waiting one year)?
• Ants/ grasshoppers --- we all have
different degrees of impatience
• r – the market interest rate
determined by the demand and supply • (FV/PV-1)100=r (to estimate the premium
of credit required to wait)
• As r (the premium you must pay to • FV=PV(1+r/100)n (to estimate the FV of money
borrow) rises, you want to borrow less deposited in a bank account) (n is years before
you collect --- it compounds exponentially)
• As r (the reward you get for waiting)
rises, you are willing to lend more • PV=FV/(1+r/100)n (to estimate the value of bonds
– promised future payments (n is years in the
future that you have to wait – discounts
• Would you prefer to pay $1000 • Another complication….
today for a TV or $1500 in 5 • Interest rates usually calculated
years time? in money (nominal) and the
• Compare PV of 1000 today to PV value of money can change over
or $1500 in 5 years time time
• If r=5%, PV of $1500 in 5 years is • Approximate relationship:
1500/1.055=$1,175.29 r (real interest rate) ≈ i (nominal
• If r=10% PV of $1500 in 5 years is interest rate) - %∆P
1500/1.15= $931.38 • Exact relationship: (1+r/100)=
• Insurance, pensions, bonds--- all (1+i/100)/(1+ %∆P /100)
are trading complicated • Example if i=13% and %∆P =3%,
contracts about trading over r=[(1.13/1.03-1)100]=9.7%
Summing up….

• Compounding: FV=PV(1+r)n
• Discounting: PV=FV/(1+r)n

• Discounting a stream of future income:

• Problem Session #5 Please turn your cameras on for the problem
• Quiz #3 - Class after that Thursday, Nov 4?

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