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Classroom Design (Virtual)

A classroom can be defined as a communication system that makes it possible for a group of people/users to
come together to dialogue about something they want to learn and to look at visuals (pictures, diagrams) and text that
might aid them in understanding. The conventional classroom is surrounded by walls that provide protection from
outside noise and interference, contributing to a more effective learning process (Tiffin and Rajasingham 1995).
A virtual classroom, on the other hand, is a system that provides the same opportunities for the teaching and
learning process, beyond the physical limits of the traditional classroom's walls, thanks to the use of computer
communication networks. Due to the ubiquity and popularity of the Internet -- particularly the World Wide Web -- most
virtual classroom implementations are Web-based.
1. Assess the needs and the necessary conditions to satisfy them.
2. Plan the virtual classroom.
3. Design the virtual classroom.
4. Prepare and distribute contents.
5. Enable communication.
6. Implement online student assessment methods.
What about cheating?

The main issues behind cheating prevention are impersonation and security. Some possible solutions involve: requiring the
presence of a proctor close to students while they take the test; establishing a time window during which all the students should
attempt the test (avoiding impersonation of a colleague at a later time); and using randomly selected and sorted questions out of a
(much) larger repository of possible questions.

How will assignments, tests, etc. be submitted, graded, and returned to students?

Online quizzes and tests should normally be made available through a Web-based form and submission of results should be
as simple as pressing a button when done. For other assignments, the most common way of submission is e-mail with attachments.
Grading will strongly depend on the nature of the assignment, quiz or test. An online quiz composed only of multiple-
choice questions can easily be graded (and the grade immediately sent back to the student, if desired) automatically. An
extensive assignment or project might require manual intervention of the instructor.

• Implement class management procedures.

• Set up the system.
• Maintain and update the virtual classroom.
Creating a virtual classroom demands a lot of work, but that is just the beginning. As with any other computer-based
information system, the virtual classroom requires maintenance and frequent updates to retain its usefulness.
Rules and Discipline

Classroom rules look different for every teacher. Some use only a few, while others prefer to use more. In our first meeting, I
introduced my hard contract to my handled classes (Grade 11 students from ABM, two sections from STEM, HUMSS, ICT and HE). The
following are stated in my hard contract:
 Ask questions.  Share new ideas.
 Respect and listen to your classmates.  Keep your hands to yourself.
 Respect and listen to the teacher.  Be kind.
 Raise your hand to speak.  Always do your best.
 Be prepared for class.  Be a good friend.
 Wear your prescribed uniform.  Be on time.
 Be quiet when the teacher is talking (stay on-cam) but I have to take considerations for those students’ only used data and having
illness during my class but discretion from me for these kinds of excuses.
 Share with others.  Contribute to discussions.
 Listen to all the teachers.  Be respectful of others’ ideas.
 Obey all school rules.  Follow the teacher’s directions the first time they are
 Finish your homework on time. given.
 Be respectful of classmates who are working.  Cooperate with your classmates.
 Have a good attitude.  Be creative.
 Use positive language.  Be honest/
 Listen with your ears and your eyes.  Use technology appropriately
 Be proud of your work.
 Always wear your SMILE when entering the meeting room
 Stay on-cam and unmute (unless want to recite) but I have to take considerations for those students only used data and having illness
during my class but discretion from me for these kinds of excuses.
Scheduling and Organization

 There are two types of classes: synchronous and asynchronous class. It is determined by the school’s description or
memo and it normally occurs during Monday, Wednesday and Friday while asynchronous are on Tuesday and
 If the teacher/s are burned out, they will use Synchronous class (MWF).
 Quizzes are given after the discussion either immediately after the session or the next day.
 No more extensions of activities.
 Develop effective working relationships with your students.
 Train your students on how learning takes place in your classroom.
 Protect and leverage your time.
 Anticipate your students’ behaviors in well-written lesson plans.
 Establish behavioral standards.
 There are sessions or academic meetings about the tasks/activities that will be implementing.
Instructional Techniques

It is a big challenge to teach virtually but these strategies help me a lot to survive and do more excellent teachings.
1. Visualization. Bring dull academic concepts to life with visual and practical learning experiences, helping your
students to understand how their schooling applies in the real-world. Examples include using the interactive whiteboard to
display photos, audio clips and videos, as well as encouraging your students to get out of their seats with classroom
experiments and local field trips.
2. Cooperative learning. Encourage students of mixed abilities to work together by promoting small group or whole class
activities. Through verbally expressing their ideas and responding to others your students will develop their self-
confidence, as well as enhance their communication and critical thinking skills which are vital throughout life.
3. Inquiry-based instruction. Pose thought-provoking questions which inspire your students to think for themselves and
become more independent learners. Encouraging students to ask questions and investigate their own ideas helps
improve their problem-solving skills as well as gain a deeper understanding of academic concepts. Both of which are
important life skills.
 4. Differentiation. Differentiate your teaching by allocating tasks based on students’ abilities, to ensure no one gets left behind.
Assigning classroom activities according to students’ unique learning needs means individuals with higher academic capabilities are
stretched and those who are struggling get the appropriate support.
5. Technology in the classroom. Incorporating technology into your teaching is a great way to actively engage your students,
especially as digital media surrounds young people in the 21st century. Interactive whiteboards or mobile devices can be used to
display images and videos, which helps students visualize new academic concepts. Learning can become more interactive when
technology is used as students can physically engage during lessons as well as instantly research their ideas, which develops
6. Behavior management. Implementing an effective behavior management strategy is crucial to gain your students respect and
ensure students have an equal chance of reaching their full potential.
7. Professional development. Engaging in regular professional development programs is a great way to enhance teaching and
learning in your classroom.Sessions can include learning about new educational technologies, online safety training, advice on how
to use your teaching assistant(s) and much more.Being an effective teacher is a challenge because every student is unique;
however, by using a combination of teaching strategies you can address students’ varying learning styles and academic capabilities
as well as make your classroom a dynamic and motivational environment for students.
Online Class/Teaching is all about communication - listening, speaking, reading, presenting and writing. Teachers who
hone their communication skills are prepared to instruct, advice and mentor students entrusted in their care (just like a
face-to-face class).

Additionally, teachers must communicate well to effectively collaborate with colleagues and update administrators on
student progress. Frequently, parents call, visit or email, so teachers must be adept at answering questions verbally
and in writing.
1. Based on the result/data of your interview, are you going to apply or adapt those best practices? Justify your answer.

Yes, because Sir Erquiza set a well-planned classroom management that make his classroom run smoothly and
organized. As he plans and prepares their virtual classroom, he assesses the needs and necessary conditions to
satisfy his students, establishes rules and disciplines so that students understand the do’s and don'ts to act
appropriately and safely in their virtual classroom and maintaining positive relationships with others, and ensures
open and effective communication between teacher and students, resulting in students to feel comfortable and
having the confidence to engage and participate. To summarize, the teacher is a role model who strives for well-
organized classroom management in order to create a conducive learning environment.
2. Is there a meaningful effect of a well-planned classroom management in achieving a productive study environment?
Substantiate your answer by providing evidence.

Yes, classroom management is when a teacher exhibits complete control over their classroom through a series of
strategies and techniques that encourage positive student behavior. The practice of effective classroom management turns
your classroom into the optimum learning environment where students can engage with their studies and work to the best of
their ability. Establishing effective classroom management takes time and differs from teacher to teacher based on their
personality and preferred teaching style. It is also impacted by the subject and age group that are being taught. There are in
fact many different types of classroom management, just as there are many different approaches to pedagogy.
Classroom management is at the very heart of teaching; it affects your students’ learning outcomes and can also have an
impact on your own wellbeing. Good classroom management is a classroom environment where learning thrives; students
are dedicated to their studies and well behaved.
1. What is the set of ideals, values, beliefs, and goals on classroom or remote learning management plan?
As a future teacher, in planning a classroom or remote learning management, the following set of ideals, beliefs,
and goals should be considered:
1. Understand and identify your students’ needs.
2. Shaped well-disciplined and respectful students.
3. Foster students’ learning.
4. Classroom management should be achievable.
5. Promote active students’ engagement.
6. Safe and conducive to learning.
7. Set a particular standard.
2. What set of criteria and/or standards will you set to judge the quality of the classroom/remote learning environment?

As a future teacher, I define a quality classroom/remote learning environment as possessing the following criteria:
1. Learning environment that is clean, neat, and has a good ambiance – the classroom should be clean, with
proper ventilation and lighting to help students feel comfortable and focused.
2. Safe learning environment - teachers should provide a safe learning environment to avoid students feeling fear,
hesitation, or anxiety about going to school.
3. Interactive learning environment – it is important for every teacher to engage their students during the teaching
and learning process to foster meaningful learning for students.
4. Enough educational equipment – every classroom should contain the proper equipment that can be used by the
teacher to support learning
How will you design your classroom to create an appropriate and effective learning environment? Illustrate and justify your design.

As a future educator, we will design a classroom where everyone feels at ease and at home. And to meet their
needs, we will provide them other resources/materials that will aid in learning and matches their learning styles. We
will see to it that the learning objectives could be achievable. This will have an impact on their conditions and skills,
as well as provide them with additional focus in their studies.
Establishing strategies in developing optimal classroom climate and culture can build a positive learning environment like
addressing student’s needs. When teachers intentionally meet the needs of the learners, behavior incidents occur far less
frequently and student engagement and learning increases. Create a sense of order, in this way the teacher is teaching the
learners the effective procedures for the many practical tasks that are performed in the classroom such as entering the
classroom and become immediately engaged in a learning activity, distributing and collecting materials, finding out the missed
assignments due to absence and how to make them up, and arranging their desks quickly and quietly for various purposes
like collaborative learning, cooperative learning and class discussions. Get to know your students and let students get to know
you. To build a connection and relationship, you have to dig deeper by knowing their cultures, interests, and personality
assessments. Employ class-building games and activities to develop positive relationship among students and make them feel
a sense of belonging towards their classmates. Lastly, celebrating success. Once the class achieved the goal, hold a
celebration. Recognizing their achievements can influence their effort and learning.
All students need structure and want to know that their teacher not only knows his/her content area but also knows how
to manage his/her classroom. It is the teacher’s responsibility to provide a clear behavioral and academic expectations right
from the beginning – students should know what is expected of them all the time.
1. What classroom rules and procedures will you formulate to ensure discipline and order in your class? How will you
ensure safety and security of your students?

The following are some rules and procedures that I would use to maintain order and discipline in my future class:
1. Always be respectful and courteous.
2. No bullying in the classroom.
3. No yelling and only positive words will be used.
4. Do not speak in chorus. Raise your hand or ask permission to speak if you wish to say something.
5. Attend class on time and turn in your homework on time.
6. Maintain a clean environment.
7. Have a good attitude.
2. What strategies will you employ for rewards and consequences?
There will always be a result to all of your efforts. Either it is fruitful, or it will necessitate extra effort on your part to
achieve it. Students who got a high and average score/grade will be rewarded and to those students who got low
scores/grades will be having an extra lesson for them to understand the topic very well. The rewards are things they can
use in their studies or a plus points to their records. And the consequence or still a reward to those who got low scores are
attention and repetition of lessons. They claim that “Grades don’t define you” nor “Grades are just pure numbers.” But for
us, it simply demonstrates study personality trait such as laziness, diligence, and patience. If you strive harder, you’ll
achieve more. If you slack and you’re not helping yourself out, you’ll receive less.
3. What techniques are you going to use to maximize the effectiveness of your classroom management? Include
the description of your specific techniques.
The following techniques will assist me in improving the effectiveness of my classroom management in the future:

Identify students' needs and interests - teachers should carefully organize classroom management in order to
enhance students' welfare and develop their learning.
Good communication - the teacher should give clear instruction to students about classroom management for
them to follow it. This will serve as the guide for the students on how they should act inside the classroom.
Furthermore, having good communication to students can help the teacher to identify the difficulties of the
students and create necessary adjustment from it.
Engage with students – There should be a connection between teacher and students to sustain the needs of
the learners.
Be mindful and be aware for the causes of their behavior. – As a teacher, you should be mindful and sensitive of their
behavior and your actions as well to avoid conflict and misunderstanding.
Setting effective rules inside the classroom – Implementing clear rules is important to maintain the effectiveness of
classroom management and these rules should obey by everyone. We teach them to gain knowledge and improve their
skills as well as to mold their characters.
Practice patience with rational detachment – we need to stay calm and in control and try not to take their rude actions
personally and use a positive talk with them.
Evaluate your classroom management - this will allow the teacher to see whether the classroom management is effective
or not. Through this, the teacher can improve the classroom management or reapply it to the students.
End of Presentation…


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