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Activity 1: Writing An Action Research Plan

Group 3

Leader: Caliboso, Leeluck L.

Aquino, Estefanie C.
Asuncion, Marycar Jane P.
Catalan, Jay Marc D.
Cayabyab, Julie A.
Garcia, Lyka Mae
Gloria, Glenda J.
Junio, Kathlyn Anne P.
Peralta, Maricar N.
Sevilla, Ma. Angela C.
Tadena, Patricia Mae B.
Integration of Educational Software in Improving the
Engagement and Academic Performance of Gr 9 Students in
Online Class

Based on the virtual class we observed in our FS1, we will choose and limit our study to 1 class which
is more exposed to our desired focus of the study-integration of educational software application. In
choosing the class which will function as our respondents, we will take into consideration their
particular features which will be suited for our study. Moreover, since we will be focusing on the impact
Situation of the integration of educational software application on the teachers’ ways of delivering the lesson, we
will delimit the integration of educational software application through Online Webinar Workshop that
focuses on the different application for both teacher and student that will offer multiple ways to make
classroom more fun, interactive, and engaging. The chosen situation will serve as our springboard in
constructing our CBAR.

This approval sheet is to prove that the authors have passed the requirements needed for our research.
This is also signed by our FS adviser, the panel, and the Dean. The acknowledgement focused on
-Approval Sheet expressing gratitude to organizations, agencies, or individuals who, in one way or another, have aided
-Acknowledgement the researchers in finishing the thesis. The table of contents is essentially a topic outline of our
-Table of Contents
-Abstract research. It is compiled by listing the headings in the research down to whichever level we choose. An
abstract presents a brief summary of our research. Furthermore, the aim of the abstract is to briefly
provide the reader with the most important information from the entire text.

The background of the study must set the context for the study. It must talk about why this study is
I. Introduction
-Background of needed, what gaps the study will seek to fill, and what solutions or gains the study will tentatively offer.
the Study It will also contain a review of related literature (both local and foreign). On the other hand, the
-Significance of
significance of the study will be explained by the relevance of the research, the impact it has on your
the Study
research field, and its contribution to new knowledge and how others will benefit from it.

In this section, the action research's precise objectives are stated in the form of a question. It refers

II. Problem to the sense of awareness of a prevalent social problem, a social phenomenon, or a concept that is

Identification worth studying. The problems can be identified both now and in the future. They are organized
-Possible Causes logically and are introduced with a paragraph that states the study's main goal. We will identify
such a research problem through observation, knowledge, wisdom, and skills as the researcher. On
the other hand, a negative statement will be used to express the hypothesis.

The generation of alternative solutions is a part of the research paper that helps to understand the
III. Generation of
Alternative Solution possible answer to the problem that we want to solve. It provides a different statement that
enumerates the different alternative solutions.

Objectives- In this section, we plan to discuss what we are expected to achieve for our specific
IV. The Plan of
-Objectives In Time Frame, we will state when the research will begin and when it will end.
-Time Frame
-Target Participants Target Participants- From the chosen class that we have observed in our Field Study 1, we will
set various characteristics/attributes that represent our target participants.

In this chapter, the data we gathered will be presented through a graphic presentation or graphic
V. Presentation and
description. In this section, we will examine each component of the data in order to draw
Interpretation of
Data conclusions and explain what these findings mean in the given context. And lastly, we select,
organize, and group ideas and evidence in a logical way.

The result section is a part where we will state the findings of the study based upon the
methodology, we applied to gather information. It is the part where we will state the totality of the
outcomes. The gathered information should be presented in an organized and logical sequence
VI. Findings,
without bias or interpretation. The conclusion section is the part where we put the wrap-up ideas
Recommendations and leave the readers with a strong final impression. In this section, the readers will know the
benefits of the study after they finish reading it. The recommendation section is where we will
suggest specific interventions or strategies to address the issues and make formal recommendations
regarding the alternative that is best supported by the study.

This part includes bibliographies, appendices, and curriculum vitae: Bibliographies- In this
section, we hope to present a list of books and other references in outline form, in alphabetical

VII. Reflections order. We will also insert a few lines of information about each source, and they will be in APA
-Bibliography format. Appendices The Appendices section contains supplementary material that is not an
-Appendices essential part of the text itself. We aim to provide a more comprehensive understanding of our
-Curriculum Vitae
research problem. Curriculum vitae- We, as researchers, will make a curriculum vitae that
contains the author's educational and academic background, research experience, and other related
Integration of Educational Software in Improving the
Engagement and Academic Performance of Gr 9 Students in
Online Class
Plan Execution
Part 1: Introduction

Education, like many other aspects of our lives, has been transformed by technological advancements. Educational
institution is considering an educational software project, you must be aware of all the benefits and drawbacks. Educational
software is a powerful trend that has the potential to improve teachers and students experience and make learning more flexible
and individualized. Innovative technologies open up enormous options in every field, including education. The adoption of new
technology has transformed the educational sector, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, when everyone studied online,
and we experienced all of the advantages of adopting educational software. However, there still are some concerns about using
educational software: (1) Catching A Student's Attention Is Difficult, (2) Choosing the Most Appropriate Software, and (3) Not A
Universal Choice for All Students. While it is expected of teachers to integrate technology into the classroom, the reality might be
quite different. Without addressing these concerns, we risk creating a generation of students ill-prepared for a digital future.
Plan Execution

Computer learning skills experiences offer universities and faculty the opportunity to open the black box of student learning. Instead of
providing course materials and waiting for students to ask for assistance, instructors can use formative assessment tools to gain a better
understanding of where students are having difficulty and then provide focused assistance. Furthermore, students can get support from
instructors via just-in-time conferencing, or they can seek advice from peers via chat services. Learning moments can be built with
support for struggling learners in mind, such as courseware that includes suggestions for additional explanation. Educational Software is
designed for administrators and teachers to create content, share lessons, manage classrooms, and student-related data. Virtual teaching
toolkit will largely depend on the size of your student base and organization, your particular role and subject, and additional learning
needs. You should also consider software performance, user-friendliness and equity to try and reduce the anxiety surrounding learning
new technology.

In this 21st century, technology is a significant topic in a variety of disciplines, including education. This is due to the fact that technology
has become the primary means of knowledge transfer in the majority of countries.
Plan Execution

Integration of educational software applications in education refers to the use of computer-based information and
communication that incorporates into daily classroom instructional process. In conjunction with preparing students for the
current digital era, teachers are seen as the key players in using educational software in their daily classroom. This is due
to the capability of ICT in providing dynamic and proactive teaching-learning environment (Arnseth & Hatlevik, 2012).
While the aim of ICT integration is to improve and increase the quality, accessibility and cost-efficiency of the delivery of
instruction to students, it also refers to the benefits from the networking the learning communities to face the challenges of
current globalization. (Albirinig, 2006, p.6). Process of adoption of ICT is not a single step, but it is ongoing and
continuous steps that fully support teaching and learning and information resources (Young, 2003).
In the range of different possibilities, which are offered by new educational technologies in schools, the application of
electronic textbooks and educational software in teaching process are specially emphasized. Educational computer
software represents intellectual technology and encompasses computer program which can be used in the teaching
process, including program languages, software tools, specific organization of learning and teaching, as well as various
teaching program based on logic and pedagogy and intended for students of different ages (Nadrljanski & Nadrljanski,
2008). Bearing this in mind, the application of educational software becomes an inevitable dimension of modern school,
and of its teaching and learning practice.
Plan Execution
Part 1: Introduction


Every research study has significance to the people, the society, the country, and the world. The generalization of this
research would be a great contribution to the vast knowledge in relation to student’s achievements. This research is made
with the aim to discover the proper techniques using variety of educational applications to improve the teacher’s computer
literacy in such a way that it increases the student’s performance and engagement in an online class. Thus, the findings
and implications of this study will be particularly beneficial to the community of Pangasinan State University –
Laboratory Integrated School. Vital result of this study could be important and beneficial to the following:
Plan Execution
Part 1: Introduction

The students
The students are the primary beneficiaries of this study’s findings. The results may enable them to learn about
educational software applications and other features that will help them with their studies to make it more informative and
relevant. This will also contribute to their knowledge and improve their academic performances and learning experiences.
The Parents
This study involved the parents in the process to guarantee that the approach adopted in class carried out at home. It
allows the parents to keep track and include them of their children’s online activities and ensures that they are not left
alone amid the web’s complexity. Monitoring the activities is a fundamental part of parents’ role in education technology.
Plan Execution
Part 2: Problem Identification

Classroom Problem: Some of the grade 9 students are inattentive and not actively engaged in the class discussions and
are hence simply passive listeners. Some of them are not motivated to engage in class because of the simple delivery of
the discussion in an online class.

• Lack of teacher-student involvement that makes the learner losing attention to grasp and be interested in the topic also
plain discussion that affects the students’ performance and motivation to engage in classroom activities and discussion.
• Lack of teaching strategies and tools for online learning.
Plan Execution
Part 2: Problem Identification

Classroom Problem: Some of the grade 9 students are inattentive and not actively engaged in the class discussions and
are hence simply passive listeners. Some of them are not motivated to engage in class because of the simple delivery of
the discussion in an online class.

• Lack of teacher-student involvement that makes the learner losing attention to grasp and be interested in the topic also
plain discussion that affects the students’ performance and motivation to engage in classroom activities and discussion.
• Lack of teaching strategies and tools for online learning..
Plan Execution
Part 2: Problem Identification


Null Hypothesis: The Integration of Educational Software Application in teaching has no significant effect on boosting
grade 9 students’ academic performance and engagement in class.

Alternative Hypothesis: The Integration of Educational Software Application in teaching has a significant effect on
boosting grade 9 students’ academic performance and engagement in class.
Plan Execution
Part 3: Generation of Alternative Solution

1. Lack of teacher-student involvement that makes the learner losing attention to grasp and be interested in the
topic. Also, plain discussion that affects the students’ performance and motivation to engage in classroom activities
and discussion.
a. Conducting workshop for teachers about the effectiveness of educational software in teaching and learning
strategies. By participating in workshop relating to educational software and concepts utilizing computer applications,
can help the teachers enhance their skills and strategies in teaching online, which will give a result of increasing the
learner's motivation and engagement to their class. Moreover, computer literate teachers can effectively transmit the
knowledge and able to impart the significance and purpose of computers, including educational software that help them
enhance their performance and productivity in an online class.
Plan Execution
Part 3: Generation of Alternative Solution

1. Lack of teacher-student involvement that makes the learner losing attention to grasp and be interested in the
topic. Also, plain discussion that affects the students’ performance and motivation to engage in classroom activities
and discussion.
b. Provide students with an online webinar or tutorial on how to use various educational software they will use in
their online class, such as their learning management tools, Google Classroom or Microsoft Teams, as well as any
assessment software that the teacher may use in their class such as Google Forms or Microsoft Forms and educational
games like Kahoot. Also, to give students additional knowledge about those productivity and presentation software such
as Microsoft Office and Canva that they can use to complete their assignments and projects.
Plan Execution
Part 3: Generation of Alternative Solution

2. Lack of teaching strategies and tools for the online learning

a. Integration of Educational Software in Teaching and Learning. This will have a great impact to have
interactive teaching method that will enhance the interest of learning and engagement of the students wherein
teachers can provide lessons via interactive games using teaching techniques such as game-based learning
(GBL) and creative presentation. Also, teachers can set assignments, activities, or projects that allow students
to demonstrate their learning and skills through digital platforms, allowing them to explore with various
software and applications that can help them to showcase their acquired knowledge, creativity, and
Plan Execution
Part 4: The Plan of Action


• Improve teaching strategies and tools for online learning (educational software) that will enhance students'
performance as well as their level of engagement in classroom discussions.
•  Increase student-teacher interaction to keep students engaged and interested in the subject (topic).
Plan Execution
Part 4: The Plan of Action
Target Participants
The researcher will limit their study to one class, which is 9-Maganda, which consists of 46 students that
are studying at Pangasinan State University-Laboratory Integrated Schools.

1. Perform a workshop for teachers relating to educational software and concepts utilizing computer Teachers
applications that can help them to enhance their skills and strategies in teaching online class. Three days
2. Host/Present a webinar aimed specifically at students to inform and enlighten them about helpful Teachers and Grade 9
online tools/ educational software applications that they may apply to improve and enrich their students
academic performances. Three days

3. Reflective evaluation of the effectiveness of integrating educational software into teaching and Grade 9 students
learning in terms of boosting students' performance and engagement in their online class. Three Weeks
Do you consider your proposed action research plan beneficial in coming
up with an excellent CBAR? Justify.

Yes, we consider our action research plan beneficial. Our topic “Integration of Educational Software
Application Facilitated by The Teachers to Aid the Improvement of Academic Performance and Engagement of
the Students in an Online Class” is relevant, timely, and smart. This study tackles the ideas and ways to
produce innovative outputs and teaching. This study tackles the ideas and ways to produce innovative outputs
and teaching. This way, it makes the teaching-learning more meaningful and interesting.  As we progress
through modernization, we must embrace and recognize the changes that are taking place. This action research
plan is valuable because it focuses on both the teacher and students who’s the subject of the study.

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