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Different Learning

Strategies in a Case-Based
Reasoning System for Image
we introduced the basic structure of a case based
reasoning system for image interpretation, a
structural similarity measure, and some
fundamental learning techniques. In this paper,
we describe more so phisticated learning
techniques that are different in abstraction level.
We evaluate our method on a set of images from
the non-destructive testing domain and show the
feasibility of the approach. As result, we can show
that conventional image processing methods
combined with machine learning techniques form
a powerful tool for image interpretation
Learning to Verify Design
Solutions from Failure
Knowledge Learning to Verify
Design Solutions from Failure
Learning is an intrinsic product of Case-Based Reasoning.
Acquiring new cases is one possible way of learning in a
case-based system. These cases comprise mainly success
knowledge. The successful cases are essentially used to
generate new design solutions. But a case-based system can
also make use of failure knowledge. In this paper we present
how a case-based system can acquire failure cases for
verification of the solution created by success cases. We
describe IM-RECIDE, a system that uses case-based
reasoning for solving design problems, which are
imperfectly described and explained. The learning aspect is
focused and some of the machine learning dimensions in
design are criticized. Experimental results in the domain of
room configuration are also presented.
Learning to Set Up
Numerical Optimizations of
Engineering Designs
Gradient-based numerical optimization of complex engineering designs the
promise of rapidly producing better designs. However, such methods
generally assume that the objective function and constraint functions are
continuous, smooth, and everywhere. Unfortunately, realistic simulators
tend to violate these assumptions, making optimization unreliable. Several
decisions that need to be made in setting up an optimization, such as the
choice of a starting prototype, and the choice of a formulation of the search
space, can make a difference in the reliability of the optimization. Machine
learning can improve gradient- based methods by making these choices
based on the results of previous optimizations. This article demonstrates this
idea by using ma- chine learning for four parts of the optimization setup
problem: selecting a starting proto- type from a database of prototypes,
synthesizing a new starting prototype, predicting which design goals are
achievable, and selecting a formulation of the search space. We use standard
tree-induction algorithms (C4.5 and CART). We present results in two
realistic engineering domains: racing yachts, and supersonic air- craft. Our
experimental results show that using inductive learning to make setup
decisions improves both the speed and the reliability of design optimization.
The Nature of Design Practice
and Implications for
Interaction Design Research
The focus of this paper is interaction design research aimed at
supporting interaction design practice. The main argument is
that this kind of interaction design research has not (always)
been successful, and that the reason for this is that it has not
been guided by a sufficient understanding of the nature of
design practice. Based on a comparison between the notion of
complexity in science and in design, it is argued that science is
not the best place to look for approaches and methods on how
to approach design complexity. Instead, the case is made that
any attempt by interaction design research to produce
outcomes aimed at supporting design practice must be
grounded in a fundamental understanding of the nature of
design practice. Such an understanding can be developed into
a well-grounded and rich set of rigorous and disciplined design
methods and techniques, appropriate to the needs and desires
of practicing designers.
On the Relation between the
Context of a Feature and the
Domain Theory in Case-Based
. Determining the context of a feature (i.e., the factors
affecting the ranking of a feature within a case) has
been subject of several studies in analysis tasks,
particularly for classification but not in synthesis
tasks like planning. In this paper we will address this
problem and explain how the domain theory plays a
key role in determining the context of a feature. We
provide a characterization of the domain theory and
show that in domains meeting this characterization,
the context can be simplified. We also use explanation-
based learning techniques to determine the context in
domains not meeting the characterization. Our work
relates for the first time CBR, machine learning and
planning theory to determine the context of a feature.
Integrating CBR and Heuristic
Search for Learning and
Reusing Solutions in Real-
time Task Scheduling
This paper presents the Case-Based Reasoning Real-
Time Scheduling System (CBR-RTS) that integrates
into a case-based reasoning framework a heuristic
search component. The problem addressed involves
scheduling sets of tasks with precedence, ready time
and deadline constraints. CBR-RTS reuses the
solution of known cases to simplify and solve new
problems. When the system does not have applicable
cases, it tries to find a solution using heuristic search.
A particularly interesting feature of CBR-RTS is its
learning ability. New problems solved by the heuristic
scheduler can be added to the case base for future
reuse. Performed tests have shown that small bases of
cases carefully chosen allow to substantially reduce the
time needed to solve new complex problems
An apparatus, computer-readable medium and
method for use in association with case-based
reasoning and the like utilize a novel decision tree
data structure that incorporates a search criterion
in association with each test answer to a test
criterion defined within a decision node, for use in
selecting cases from a search space that match the
associated test answer to the test criterion. As such,
rather than storing identifiers to the actual cases in
a case library, or search space, within a decision
tree data structure, search criteria are used to
provide the mechanism by which those cases that
represent most likely best matches can be
dynamically selected.
Applying Case-Based
Reasoning to the storing and
assessment of software error-
effect analysis in railway
This paper presents a mock-up of a tool for storing
and assessing Software Error Effect Analysis (SEEA)
for the automatic devices safety of terrestrial guided
transport systems. SEEA is an inductive process which
attempts to determine the impacts and severity of
software failures. The purpose of our work is to exploit
historical SEEA, which have already been carried out
on approved safety-critical software, in order to assess
SEEA of a new software. The production of this mock-
up, in the process of validation, involves the use of
Case-Based Reasoning (CBR). This is one of the
reasoning types used in artificial intelligence for
machine learning. The basic principle of CBR is to
deal with a new problem by remembering similar
experiences which have occurred in the past.
A Self-improving helpdesk
service system using case-
based reasoning techniques.
Case based reasoning (CPR) is the process of solving a given problem
based on the knowledge gained from solving precedents. It is an effective
technique in the area of customer services or help desk. That is, CBR
system is used to solve most of the commonly occuring customer
problems. While the implementation techniques may vary, most CBR
Systems include the following five steps: Case representation and storage,
precedent matching and retrieval, adaptation of the retrieved solution,
validation of the solution, and finally, Case base update to include the
information gained from the new problem.This paper details the various
implementation techniques for these five steps, while focusing on a
particular helpdesk system, namely, Smart USA, developed for the Union
Camp Corporation. This system solves a customer’s problem by
filtration. The. Problem description through an alias table to generate a
brief description and then matching the brief description with the cases in
the database. It has proved to be an effective and user-friendly system
that has successfully handled different descriptions on the same problem
and allowed for the case based to be built in free format text. This system
has significantly reduced the workload and the response time in the
customer services department of the Union Camp Corporation.

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