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Operant Conditioning Classical Conditioning Two-way Process

Social Learning Theory Approaches to Qualitative Data

• Mowrer (1960)
• Phobias are acquired through • A natural response that causes fear • Strength of a behaviour is
learning which becomes associated with a modified by reinforcement or
• Phobias acquired initially by CC. neutral stimulus punishment
• If an unpleasant emotion is paired • Conditioned emotional response • This type of learning creates an
with a stimulus, then the two can be acquired through direct association between behaviours
become associated. environmental experiences. and consequences for it
• Avoiding feared stimulation is • ‘Little Albert’ – white rabbit • It’s how phobias are maintained
negative reinforcement • A neutral stimulus that represents through negative reinforcement
• Example: bitten by dog or see it the condition causes fear response • By not stepping outside your
happen, avoiding dogs reduces i.e. looking at white rabbit ‘comfort zone’, you’re reinforcing
anxiety. the behaviour
How to Acquire a • Albert Bandura
Phobia Through • Social behaviour is learned by
Various observing and imitating the
behaviour of others
Approach • Considers how both environmental
It’s difficult to analyse as it can be • and cognitive factors interact to
Great external validity • influence human learning and
thoughts and feelings behaviour.
Rich in detail and helps to develop on •
interview or a diary
Words/written description such as an •
Operant Conditioning Classical Conditioning Two-way Process

Behavioural Approach Evolutionary Approach Qualitative Data

• Phobias commonplace through
natural selection
• Would not have persisted through
the gene pool if they did not have
beneficials affects.
• Nowadays may be psychologically
maladaptive (something that goes
against our survival)
• Distinct cultural differences – Many
areas of Africa, the spider is seen as
a wise creature
Operant Conditioning Classical Conditioning Two-way Process

Social Learning Theory Behavioural Approach Qualitative Data

to Conditioning
• Mowrer (1960)
• Phobias are acquired through • A natural response that causes fear • Strength of a behaviour is
learning which becomes associated with a modified by reinforcement or
• Phobias acquired initially by CC. neutral stimulus punishment
• If an unpleasant emotion is paired • Conditioned emotional response • This type of learning creates an
with a stimulus, then the two can be acquired through direct association between behaviours
become associated. environmental experiences. and consequences for it
• Avoiding feared stimulation is • ‘Little Albert’ – white rabbit • It’s how phobias are maintained
negative reinforcement • A neutral stimulus that represents through negative reinforcement
• Example: bitten by dog or see it the condition causes fear response • By not stepping outside your
happen, avoiding dogs reduces i.e. looking at white rabbit ‘comfort zone’, you’re reinforcing
anxiety. the behaviour
How to Acquire a • Albert Bandura
Phobia Through • Social behaviour is learned by
Behavioural observing and imitating the
behaviour of others
Approach • Considers how both environmental
It’s difficult to analyse as it can be • and cognitive factors interact to
Great external validity • influence human learning and
thoughts and feelings behaviour.
Rich in detail and helps to develop on •
interview or a diary
Words/written description such as an •
Operant Conditioning Classical Conditioning Two-way Process

Social Learning Theory Behavioural Approach Qualitative Data

to Conditioning
• Mowrer (1960)
• Phobias are acquired through • A natural response that causes fear • Strength of a behaviour is
learning which becomes associated with a modified by reinforcement or
• Phobias acquired initially by CC. neutral stimulus punishment
• If an unpleasant emotion is paired • Conditioned emotional response • This type of learning creates an
with a stimulus, then the two can be acquired through direct association between behaviours
become associated. environmental experiences. and consequences for it
• Avoiding feared stimulation is • ‘Little Albert’ – white rabbit • It’s how phobias are maintained
negative reinforcement • A neutral stimulus that represents through negative reinforcement
• Example: bitten by dog or see it the condition causes fear response • By not stepping outside your
happen, avoiding dogs reduces i.e. looking at white rabbit ‘comfort zone’, you’re reinforcing
anxiety. the behaviour
How to Acquire a • Albert Bandura
Phobia Through • Social behaviour is learned by
Behavioural observing and imitating the
behaviour of others
Approach • Considers how both environmental
It’s difficult to analyse as it can be • and cognitive factors interact to
Great external validity • influence human learning and
thoughts and feelings behaviour.
Rich in detail and helps to develop on •
interview or a diary
Words/written description such as an •

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