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Data Mining

Presented by: M Ayzaz Aslam

Mubeen Ali
M Shahzaib Saeed
Presented To: Miss Asma Abu-Bakar
Introduction Application of data
Definition mining
Need of Data mining Steps of data mining
Discipline of data Advantages of data
mining mining
What is Data Mining?
 Data mean is the raw fact ,figures and object.
 Mining mean is the extraction of something.

The process of extracting previously unknown data from large
data base and using it to make organizational descions.
Is connected with the discovery of hidden.
Usually Works on large volumes of data.
Is useful in making critical organisational descion, paticularly those of strategic
Why do we need data mining?
 Data mining helps to develop
 Smart market decision
 Run accurate campaigns
 Make predictions
 With the help of Data mining,
we can analyze customer
behaviors and their insights.
This leads to great success and
data-driven business.
Uses of Data mining
Data Mining Data Mining

Computer science Machine learning

Marketing Pattern recognition

Robotics Artificial intelligence

Biotech Business intelligence

Sports Analytics Predictive analytics

Data warehousing Statics

Discipline of data mining

Artificial Data Machine

intelligence mining learning

Discipline of Data Mining
Statistics are the foundation of most technologies on which data mining is
built, e.g.  regression analysis, standard distribution
Artificial intelligence:
Artificial intelligence, or AI, which is built upon
heuristics as opposed to statistics, attempts to apply human-thought-like processing to
statistical problems.  
Machine learning:
Machine learning is the union of statistics and AI.  It could be
considered an evolution of AI. Machine learning attempts to let computer programs
learn about the data they study.
Application of data mining
Industry Application
 Finance  Credit Card Analysis
 Insurance  Claims ,Fraud Analysis
 Telecommunication  Call record analysis
 Transport  Logistic management
 Utilities  Power usage analysis
 Scientific Research  Image ,Video ,speech
Steps of data mining
 Data integration
 Data selection
 Data cleaning
 Data transformation
 Data mining
 Pattern evaluation
 Knowledge presentation
Working of data mining
Exploring and avalyzing large quantities of information to
derive relevant pattern and trends is involved in data
mining .There are some steps on which data mining
perform. The steps are following
Advantages of data mining
Enhancing the business
make precise predictions
Increase revenue
Improve cross sales
Increase loyalty
Retain customers

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