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Failure of Peace Efforts

The Rise of Fascism in Worldwide Economic

and Appeasement
Europe Depression

The economic crisis caused the people The collapse of the American
The Treaty of Versailles, along economy sent shock waves around the
with its newly created League to lost their faith in democratic
governments and turned to the world. Because of war debts and
of Nations failed to impose dependence on
necessary actions to punish extreme system of fascism with
promises of economic revival and American loans and investments,
nations who broke the good Germany and Austria were
faith of the treaty, heavily restoration of social order and
national pride. particularly hard hit.
pointed to the league’s lack of
military force. The value of exports crashed and it
Mussolini takes control of Italy and was heavily felt in Latin America.
Japan invaded Manchuria; Italy invaded Hitler rose into power in Germany. As European and U.S. demand for
Ethiopia; Germany broke the Munich such Latin
Agreement and proceeded to invade American products as sugar, beef,
Word War II
and copper dropped, prices


Hitler’s apparent defiance of the Versailles
Treaty was only responded with a mild The League’s failure to stop the
condemnation from the League, convincing Japanese encouraged European
Hitler to take even greater risks. The German Fascists to plan aggression of their
reoccupation of the Rhineland not only own.
solidified Hitler’s power within Germany, it
also turned the balance of power towards Mussolini ordered a massive
Germany’s favor. invasion of Ethiopia and
Hitler’s growing strength convinced conquered Albania; Germany
Mussolini that he should seek an occupied the Rhineland; annexed
alliance with Austria, Czechoslovakia, and
Germany, and thus created the Rome- Sudetenland; Japan invaded the
Berlin Axis. Japan joined and formed rest of China
the Axis Powers.

Formation of the Axis Aggressors invade

Coalition Territories
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

The deliberate and The dark side of
Article I
The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time
of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish.
Article II
systematic destruction of a In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to
civilization; The destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
group of people because of
their ethnicity, annihilation of the inferior (a) Killing members of the group;
to purify the superior. (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
nationality, religion, or race.
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical
destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Genocides in History Effects of Genocide to Humanity
Genocide of Indigenous Peoples Genocide in Postcolonial Africa Economic Cost
Human Cost
Dzungar Genocide, 1750s Ikiza (1972) Genocide has economic costs as direct
Loss of life is perhaps the most obvious cost of
Black War, 1825-1831 Gukurahundi (1983–1987) violent intractable conflict and often more consequence of violence. It is accompanied by a
Moriori Genocide, 1835–c.1860 Isaaq Genocide (1987–1989) subtle and widespread than merely the direct drop in GNP as a great number of the human
California Genocide, 1846–1873 Rwandan Genocide (1994) victim of violence. In the 20 th century alone, resource is lost. Mass killing impose a cost on
Circassian Genocide, 1860s Massacres of Hutus during the First Congo around 8 million Jews lost were murdered in perpetrators as well as they naturally need
Selk'nam Genocide, 1890s–1900s War (1996–1997) monetary and nonmonetary resources. Physical
the Holocaust and nearly a million Rwandans
Herero and Namaqua Genocide, 1904–1907 Effacer le tableau (2002–2003) and financial resources are needed to be
in the Rwandan genocide. Survivors bear the
Darfur genocide (2003–) withdrawn to be employed in the pursuit of
physical and emotional scars of terror, torture
Cold War Ethno-religious Genocides in and rape. ethnic purification or cleansing.
Bangladesh Genocide (1971) Contemporary Era
Bosnian Genocide (1995) Social Cost Psychological Cost
East Timor Genocide (1974–1999)
Yazidi Genocide (2014–2019) Genocide damages friendly and open Unsolved trauma of genocide affects future
Cambodian Genocide (1975–1979)
Uyghur Genocide (2014–) relationships. Individuals build their walls generations of youth. Those who experience
Guatemalan Genocide (1981–1983)
Rohingya Genocide (2017–) thicker as people move farther and farther extreme trauma at an early age are often
Anfal Campaign (1986–1989
apart. The norm becomes distrust, fear, anger incapable of fully understanding the event that
and hostility. People on the opposite sides of took place. As they transition into adulthood,
Late Ottoman Genocide World War II the conflict tend to be watchful and distrustful they sort out the event and recognize the
Greeks, 1914–1922 The Holocaust of one another and when hatred is buried so psychological effects of the genocide and
Assyrians, 1914–1924 Romani genocide deep, repairing failing relationships becomes a develop symptoms of PTSD as well as other
Armenians, 1915–1923 Genocide of Serbs by the Ustashe very difficult struggle. psychological disorders
Genocide of Bosniaks and Croats
What is done cannot be undone, but one can prevent it happening again.
- Anne Frank
February Revolution October Revolution The Great Famine The Great Purge
– ended the House - established the (1921-1922) (1936-1938)
of Romanov Bolsheviks in power
Sided with the Allies
during World War II
Russian Revolution Formation of the Joseph Stalin’s
(1917-1923) Union Soviet Totalitarian rule NATO was formed to
counter the Soviet’s
Socialist Republic rising communist
Russian Civil War in 1922 led by power.
(1918-1922)) Vladimir Lenin
Threats of Nuclear War
After Germany’s defeat, the USSR Potsdam Conference between the
started installing communist- Big 3 (US, Great Britain, USSR) Space of Race
Bolshevik Red Army leaning governments in Eastern concluded with much tension.
defeated the White European Countries (1945)
Guard An Iron Curtain
divides the The Soviet responded
communist East and by creating the Warsaw
Foreign aid capitalist West Pact.
Cold War – the political Truman Doctrine
and the Marshall Plan (1955)
and economic struggle
Multinational alliances Containment Policy
that developed between Berlin Blockade
the US and the USSR after Berlin Wall
World War II carried over
Brinkmanship Berlin Airlift
by means short of military
Surrogate wars action or war WAR Fall of the Berlin

After Stalin’s death, Russia

started the De-Stalinization
Policy Glasnost Perestroika

Nationalist Groups
demanded self-rule
Missile Crisis
Mikhail Yeltsin Denounces
Collapse of the
Yuri Andropov
Leonid Brezhnev
Gorbachev Gorbachev USSR
Khrushchev Konstantin August Coup
Berlin The Construction of the Wall (1961)

From 1949-1961, around 2.5 million people crossed the

border. The Soviet Leaders of East Germany were
Rise and
alarmed by the large number od people going from East

to West Berlin. The solution was to build a wall with the
approval of Khrushchev and the Soviet Union.

Vacation to Escape (1989)

The Brain Drain (1949-1961)
Poland and Hungary were moving towards democratic
The most skilled and educated young
reform. Then, in 1989, Hungary allowed vacationing East
Germans went from East to West Germany, German tourists to cross the border into Austria. From there
where they had automatic citizenship. This they could travel to West Germany. Thousands of East
angered the East German leaders. Germans took this new escape route to the west.

The Berlin Blockade (1948) The Fall (1989)

Citizens were allowed to cross the borders People
The Russian started driving US, Britain and France out of
flocked to the wall drinking beer and champagne.
Berlin by putting up a blockade in West Berlin to starve the
They used hammers and picks to knock away
Allies to which the Allies responded with the operation of
chunks of the wall while cranes and bulldozers
the Berlin Airlift. This effort was a massive airlift of food,
water and medicine to the citizens of the besieged city. The pulled down section after section. soon, the ball
operation lasted for more than a year and delivered more was gone and once again united for the first time
than 2.3 million tons of goods to West Berlin. since 1945.

Official reunification 1990

The Iron Curtain Divides Berlin (1945)
The West German chancellor, Helmut Kohl, assured world
After the defeat of the Nazi Germany, the Allied forces split
leaders that Germans had learned from the past. They were now
the nation into four zones. The Soviet occupied the Eastern
committed to democracy and human rights. Kohl’s assurances
Bloc where communism dominated; US, Great Britain and
helped persuade other European nations to accept German
France occupied the Western part where capitalism fostered.
reunification. Germany was officially reunited on October 3, 1990.
Implementation of
foreign policies Growth of
Implementation of
tax policies Reduction and
Removal of Trade
Security actions to Barriers
combat terrorism
Growth of Service
Spread of political
trends and
Political Economic

Development of
Trading Blocs

Growth of the
Colonial History

Pop culture spreads Harmonious Rising global

globally through
mass media Global temperatures

Movement of People
change culture
Governance Loss of biodiversity
Cultural Environmental
Convergence of Ecosystem
Traditions degradation

Global exchange of
CO2 emissions
cultural values

Social Movement of

Social movements
Trends on rising
living standards
Low cost of Human rights
communication movement improve
transmissions worldwide
Motivations for the attack
(according to Bin Laden’s
Letter to America):
Western support for attacking
Muslims in Somalia,
supporting Russian atrocities
against Muslims in Chechnya,
the Indian oppression against Islamic Extremism is a politically-
Muslims in Kashmir, support driven form of Islam that opposes
for Israel in Lebanon, the
presence of US troops in Saudi democracy, individual liberty and Global Interdependence and the
Arabia, US support of Israel, religious tolerance. It calls for Jihad or call for Religious Tolerance and
and sanctions against Iraq. the holy war waged on behalf of Islam Cultural Diversity
as a religious duty.
Through Global Interdependence,
various aspects of the world –
The 9/11 Attack is a series of airline economic, social, cultural and
hijackings and suicide attacks committed
political – are being shared by
by the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda,
under the leadership of Osama Bin individuals coming from different
Laden. It killed 2, 996 individuals upon backgrounds. The continued
the crash in the World Trade Center, interactions among cultures open
Pentagon, Pennsylvania. a possibility of liberalism, in way
that does not trample on the
A foreign policy that calls for unilateralism cultural origins of a person, but
and the use of preemptive war adopted by rather, promote a sense of
President Bush as a form of retaliation for the tolerance and mutual respect.
9/11 attacks. Under this Doctrine,  United
States would implement a policy
of preemptive military strikes against nations
known to be harboring or aiding a terrorist
organization hostile to the United States.

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