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Analysis of Bolivian Energy sector at present

(2000 - 2020)

Viljar Palenque Oroz


The energy sector is one of the most important in every country, thanks to it:
- The operation of different industries is generated
- The movement of production and workers is generated
- Electricity is generated to daily live
- The telecommunications and all services run with electricity,
In the worl, energy and particularly fuel and gas, are crucial issues for the
development and functioning of countries.
For this reason is necesary “the measure”, and to analyze continuously to
conserve the independence and sovereignty.

These factors are important for any country, to achieve production goals and
economic objectives such as growth and development, therefore is necessary
to have clear policies regarding the generation of energy and its structure,
considering mainly the demand for energy in order to ensure energy access.

In Latinamerica oil and gas are exploited as the main source of energy
generation, with low level of industrialization.

Currently Bolivia has a significant growth in different industries which also
increases the demand for energy. This growing demand for energy, invokes
the need to generate new energy alternatives, also with better established
processes to achieve better levels of industrialization, so it will also incur lower
costs for the country, and that affect less the environment.
Types of energy

Primary energy are those

resources, that are found in
nature, without conversion
as crude oil, deplete over
time as they are extracted, or
naturals like wind or sunlight.
Secondary energy are those
that must be produced by
conversion from primary
National Priorities

Every country needs to establish priorities. To balance

three energy priorities:
1. Permits to make decisions with no pressure from
another countries, political,economics,commercial,etc.
2. Energy is a vital source of economic growth, many
production and consumption activities involve energy as a
basic input for economic development. The use of energy
drives economic productivity and industrial growth and is
central to the operation of any modern economy
3. Many studies show that exist a strong relationship
between climate change and carbon dioxide emissions.
Developing countries are dependent on fossil fuel
consumption account for much of this growth, need to
meet their continuously rising energy demand. Reducing
CO2 emission is a major challenge.

According to the structure of Bolivian Energy Sector, we will consider in

three main aspects to analize:

1. Suply and offer

2. Diferent types of energy
3. Forecast
Figure 6: Energy Production - Primary 2000-2020

Table 1: Bolivia's Energy Matrix

Thousands of barrels of oil equivalent (kbep)
Suply of energy 2013 – 2014 (reference sample)
Suply of energy 2019

It is important to emphasize the increase of production of energy, specially, this aspect goes
hand in hand with economic growth, is important for every country to have this increase,
because also can improve the capabilities of all industries.
Also to emphasize that is necesary to have a diversification in energy production by source,
because Bolivia, like in many other countries, has a high dependence on fossil fuels.
Because exist a government subsidies to gasolines, which increase the cost of production.
It is affects significantly considering that the vehicle fleet is growing every year.
More countries are expected to implement public policies for deploying renewable energy
technologies in the power sector. Among other objectives these policies need to achieve is
an increase in power generation through renewable energy sources so that the unit cost
decreases to the level of other energy sources.

- The structure of the Bolivian energy sector has significant increases in

production levels, from 2000 to 2020 there have been increases especially
in gas exploitation, which increases export revenues, and improves energy
supply. Also there is is a increases from another sources from fossil fuels.

- The structure of the Bolivian energy sector presents investments for the
production of non-renewable energy, which do not depend on fossil fuel-
based, however there are no significant increases in the production of this
type of energy.

- The type of energy has no efficient diversification, had invested in

wind power plants and solar power plants, but this supply is not
significant yet.

- Is necesary to continue the investments in this sector, to improve

the production of these and new types of energy, to reduce the
production cost of energy and be an efficient producer.

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