Polio Vaccine: Name-Kavita Mudawat Roll No-42 4 Year Bhms (2 Term)

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4th YEAR BHMS (2nd TERM)

• Polio: is an infectious disease cause by polio virus ,which effects spinal cord and
brain stem ,it leads to paralysis and even leads to death
• Polio virus: is the causative agent of poliomyelitis ,children under 5 year of age are
more successeptible to this disease

Two different kinds of vaccine are available:

• An inactivated (killed) polio vaccine (IPV) developed by Dr. Jonas Salk and first used in 1955, and.
• An oral polio vaccine (OPV) developed by Dr. Albert Sabin and first used in 1961.
• Purpose:
Polio vaccine is used to prevent the poliomyelitis.

• What is poliomyelitis:
Polio means crippling disease where as myelitis means inflammation of muscles.

Characteristics Live vaccine Killed vaccine

1.No of doses required 3 or more Multiple
2.Booster dose - Required
3.Duration of immunity Longer Shorter
4.Effectiveness of protection Greater Lower

• IPV also known as “Salk vaccine”

• Preparation:
1. Killed form of virus use
2. Three types of polio virus grown in monkey kidney tissue culture
3. Inactivated with formalin at 37°C for 12 to 15 days

• Induces humoral immunity

• Composition
• Poliovirus type-1
• Poliovirus type-2
• Poliovirus type-3
• Schedule
• f-IPV 1 -6th week
• f-IPV 2 -14th week

• Route of administration of f-IPV-intradermal (I/D)

• Dose of f-IPV- 0.1 ml (AD syringe)

• Site –right upper arm

• Stored at +2 to +8°C in ILR

• Advantages:
• Safe immunodeficiency disorder, patient on radiation or corticosteroid therapy & pregnancy
• No risk of VAPP & VDPV
• Disadvantages:
• Unsuitable for epidemics
• As immunity not rapidly achieved (>1 required)
• Injection can precipitated paralysis during epidemics
• No contact immunity
• Required trained health workers for administration
• 5 time more expensive than OPV
• Booster dose is required.

• Difference between IPV & f-IPV

Dose 0.5ml 0.1 ml
Schedule 1 dose-14th week 2 doses -6th week & 14th week
Route of administration (I/M) (I/D)
Site Anterolateral aspect of mid thigh Right upper arm

• Two fraction doses of f-IPV given I/D produce higher seroconversion rate and better
immunogenicity than single standard dose of IPV given I/M.

• OPV is also known as “Sabin vaccine”

• Live attenuated

• Bivalent(Poliovirus type 1 & type 3)

• Big switch-23 April 2016
• Switch from trivalent OPV(tOPV)to bivalent OPV(bOPV) i.e. removing type 2 component from tOPV
• 20 September 2015- Polio virus 2 was declared eradicated
 October 2019-Type 3 has also declared to be eradicated worldwide

• Induces both humoral and cell mediated immunity

• Schedule
• OPV0- -at birth
• OPV1- - 6 week
• OPV2- -10week
• OPV3- -14 week
• OPV booster- -16-24 months
 OPV is live vaccine where single dose is not sufficient for immunization(minimum 5 doses
Are required for development of immunity)

• Route of administration orally

• Dose 2 drops (equivalent to 0.1 ml)

• Thermolabile vaccine
• Stored at +2 to +8°C in ILR
• But for long term storage can be kept at -15 to -25°C
• During Transport kept in dry ice(solidified carbon dioxide)
• Advantages:
• Easy to administer
• Induce both humeral and cell mediated immunity
• Vaccine spread immunity to other by excretion so helps in herd immunity
• Useful in controlling epidemics
• Develop IgG and IgA antibody

• Disadvantages:
• Vaccine associated paralytic polio(VAPP)
• Most commonly caused by polio virus type 3
• Develop after 7-14 days of OPV administration
• Associated with single dose OPV administer in a child or can occur in a close un vaccinated or
non immune contact of the vaccine recipient who is excretion mutated virus

• Vaccine Derived polio virus (VDPV)

• Most commonly caused by polio virus type 2
• Very rare strain of polio virus genetically change from strain in OPV vaccine
• Under very rare occasion and under certain condition may caused paralysis
1. Preventive and social medicine by K. Park
2. Slide share
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