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Need and Importance of


Understanding of Self Maximization of

and Others Human resources

Improvement of
quality and Effective Communication


Good Human Relation

Introduction of change in
the organization
1) Understanding of self and others:
The behavioural science help an individual to understand him and
others in better way. This will improve interpersonal relations
considerably. There are topics like attitude, perception,leadership,
communication, transactional analysis and conflict are of particular
significance in an interpersonal relations . An understanding of
these will be very helpful to the individual in shaping his
personality and dealing with others effectively
OB is a useful tool of understanding human behaviour in all the
directions in which human behaviour interact. Human behaviour
can be studied at the various level they are
1) a)Individual Behaviour:
It tries to analyze why and how an individual behaves in a
particular way. Human behaviour is affected by a number of
psychological, social and cultural factors. OB integrates these
factors to understand individual behaviour
b) Inter personal Behaviour;
Interpersonal interaction takes place because of individual’s
natural desire of socialisation. Behavioural science provides means
for understanding the interpersonal relations in the organisation.
By studying the behavioural sciences,a individual can understand himself
and others better. This will help him to improve interpersonal relations
considerably. Understanding of inter- personal behaviour is facilitated
by the study of attitude,role analysis,transational analysis etc
c) Group Behaviour:
An individual behaves differently as an individual and as a member of
the group as revealed by Hawthrone studies. Therefore, study of group
dynamics has assumed greater importance in OB. It helps in knowing
how groups are formed, why people join groups and how groups exert
pressures on the individuals,groups and management. Management can
use group dynamics for better communication, effective leadership and
building high morale.
2) Motivation of H of tuman Resources:
The job of the manager in an organization is to get things done
through others. He will be successful in his job when he can motivate his
subordinates to work for organizational goals. OB will help the man
ager to understand the needs and desires of the subordinates and other
forces, which affect tbeir motivation. He can us incentives to
to motivate the subordinates.
3) Improvement of Quality and Productivity:
OB teaches a number of direct and indirect lessons to practising
managers about how to improve qualify of operations and employees
productivity. It suggests that quality management, process
reengineering etc must be based on extensive involvement of
4) Effective Communication:
Behavioural sciences helps in improving communication in the
organization. It is the communication through which people come in
contact with each other. To achieve organizational effectiveness the
communication must be effective. The communication process and
how it works in interpersonal dynamics is evaluated by behavioural
sciences. The analysis of factors that influence communication will
suggest measures to make communication effective.
5) Effective Organizational Climate:
Behavioral sciences suggest the creation of organizational climate
in totality rather than merely improving the physiological conditions or
increasing employee satisfaction by changing isolated work process
ensures efficient organizational functioning. Satisfactory working
conditions, adequate compensation and better equipment for the job
are viewed as only a small effort in creating sound organizational
6) Good Human Relations:
OB can be useful to achieve and maintain cordial relations in the
organization. If an employee is slow in work, it is not always b’cos of
denial of promotion or poor work environment.
Similarly, if the union gives a strike call, the basic issue may not be a
demand for more wages, higher bonus, a better canteen or
entertainment facilities
Reluctance of the management to talk to union leaders about
workers problems might provoke them to give a strike call. In other
words, relations between management and employees are quite often
strained for reasons, which are psychological and not rational. OB
helps to understand the causes of poor industrial relations in the
organization and suggest suitable measures for their improvement.

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