Religion Christianity

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By: Ivy, Zou Tien Le
Part 1: About the religion
Mary: Mother’s Jesus
Heaven: you live good, you will go to there
Angles: Messengers of Jesus
Devils: Always provoke Jesus and the angles
The Second Coming: Jesus will come back again.
Open Theism: God knows everything about you
Imago dei: The way of God of the Bible create
Trinity: The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit
constitute to the one God.
Christians believe that Jesus was born to help the
human from miserable life. He taught us how’s
to live better, to escape from the sad life. Then
time, people start to believe him. First, It’s just
in Jerusalem. But Then, it’s spread through the
Roman empire and then the whole world. Now,
It’s the biggest religion in the world.
Christmas: 24th or 25th December
Thanks giving:4th Thursday of November
Easter: in April or May
St. Patrick’s day: 17th March
Sunday : The Lord’s Day
Ritual and practices
Christian rituals and religious practices vary between
denomination, individual church, individual Christianity but they
have common to virtually all forms of Christianity:

Go to church on Sunday
At home, they pray regularly and read the
Every Christianity have been baptized
Christians not tell people that you don’t
believe in Jesus
Christians can not tell lies
When they do something wrong, they need to
meet the head of the church and confess one’s
Prayer and Worship
Christians pray for the Trinity
They pray before they eat, before they sleep.
There are many Christianity, that’s why they
have a different pray.
Some pictures

L a st S u ppe r
The o D a Vinci
by Leona
Ecce home by
Guido Reni

Madonna and Child by

Giovanni Battista

Virgin And Child, Wall st. john the baptistby Leonardo

painting in Rome
Part 2: Interview a member of
this religion.
Why is about your religion that you believe?
Their parents, ancestor have
involved and believed in
Christianity’s God so they
have to believe in it, too.

God is the most scared role in

How old are you when you started to practicing this religion?
The day that they were born.
How did you get
involve to this

Their ancestor was in Christianity so they

have to follow their family. When they
were born, their parents brought them to
the church to wash away their sins.
What are of some tradition?

Parents cannot divorce.

Must go to the church at least one per week
(usually is on Sunday)
Must not tell anyone that you are not believe
in God.
Must not tell lies.
How did you pray?
Beg God to bless everyone.
Beg God to bring happiness for their
Beg God to bring luck for themselves.
What is the
important book
of your religion?

The most important book of

Christianity is Does God Believe
In Atheists? By John Blanchard.
When they were a
Do parents
child, their parents want
force you?
them to follow their
parents‘ religion so they
have to follow their
parents decision.
What are the main guiding principals?

Criteria for Determining Orthodoxy

The Vincentian Canon
The Circle of Sensibility
Heresy as Boundary
The Hermeneutical Community
What is the symbol, significance of the building?
The symbol and significance of the
Christianity’s building is: the holy cross and
the church bell.
What types of punishment?

There is no type of punishment

in Christianity. When someone
did something wrong, they will
go to the church to tell Father
what they have done. Father
will admonish to not doing that
thing again and he will wash
away their sins.
What is it about your religion that makes you believe and feel that
this god really exists?

When they pray for their

family and themselves, the
wishes usually come true.
They feel that God is really
exist because when they
follow to Christianity, they
need to believe in God.
What can I do to involve to this religion?

Usually go to the church to

Buy a book to read in order
know more about their
Go to the church to wash
away sins.
Ask other people in this
religion to understand more.

Part 3: Visit the Church

– Tan Phuoc Church
Giao xu Tan
Nguyen Thi Nho
St. Tan Binh dist.

I’m here
What did it look like outside?
It has four parts:
One is the high tower
The second part is the big house -
the place that people usually go in
and pray or listen to the father to
teach the lessons of God.
The third part is the garden. Inside
the garden, there are many statue of
god which trees are the background.
The last is another house with 4
floors, this house is used for
teaching people about moral minds
and meeting.
Some pictures
Some pictures
The big house where people study
Some pictures
Some pictures
Some pictures

The stage for the Father and the priest to

teach people about Jesus Christ and
What symbols
did you see?
What do those
symbols mean?

What does it look like inside?
There is not many people.
There are many windows, on
each window has one picture
draws about God and his story.
There are many chairs, for
people to sit and pray with God
Lecture hall
What do the people wear at this site?

The father: He wears a big

long black shirt; the shirt’s
collar is white.

People were inside the

church wear politely.

The children who go to

church to study about
doctrine wear white T-shirt
which has a small yellow and
red cross on the left side of
What do they
look like?

They all look every happy, everyone talks with each other nicely and
politely. Most of them are our age, they went for catechism lesson so
they look like students in the local school.
What does it sound
like inside the

It’s very quiet.

The bell rings to announce to people that it’s time
for a sermon.
What does it
smell like
inside the

Christianity doesn’t use any kind of incenses, they use candle so

I didn’t really smell anything in the church. The inside is very
cool, it’s not too hot, even they close the doors.
a phy
l i o g r
Bi b
Clemmons, Nancy. Exploring the Religions of Our World. Notre Dame, IN:
Ave Maria, 2008. Print.
Facts, Religion. "Overview of Christian History - ReligionFacts." Religion,
World Religions, Comparative Religion - Just the Facts on the World's
Religions. Religion Facts, 11 June 2004. Web. 04 May 2011.
Hedrick, Charles. "What Is Christianity?" The S.R.C.
Charter. Web. 04 May 2011.

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