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There are mostly two types of fuel

systems used in an IC Engine.
Theses are:
Gasoline/Petrol fuel system
Diesel fuel system

 Class of internal-combustion engines that generate power by

burning a volatile liquid fuel (gasoline or a gasoline mixture
such as ethanol) with ignition initiated by an electric spark.
 One of the key requirements for an efficiently running
engine is the correct amount of fuel.
 Carburetor or fuel injection system is responsible for the
fuel delivery in to the cylinders, many other components are
responsible for proper delivery of fuel.
 The fuel must be stored, pumped out of storage, piped to the
engine, and filtered. All of this must be accomplished in an
efficient and safe manner.
Gasoline Combustion
 For gasoline to burn properly,
 It must be mixed with the right amount of air
Mixture is compressed and ignited
Combustion produces heat
Heat causes gases to expand
Expansion causes pressure
Pressure pushes the piston down to rotate the

 Fig. Gasoline Combustion

Normal Gasoline Combustion

 Occurs when the spark plug ignites the fuel and

burning progresses smoothly through the fuel
 Maximum cylinder pressure should be produced a
few degrees after TDC on the power stroke.
Abnormal Gasoline Combustion

 Occurs when the flame does not spread

evenly and smoothly through the combustion
 Common types of abnormal combustion:
spark knock
 Results when part of the unburned air-fuel
mixture explodes violently
 Severe and damaging type of abnormal
 Causes engine knock as the combustion
chamber pressure rises so quickly that parts of
the engine vibrate

Detonation can
shatter the
insulator on a spark

 Fig. Denotation

Detonation can blow

a hole in piston head

 Fig. Denotation blow a hole in piston head

 Results when an overheated surface in the
combustion chamber ignites the air-fuel mixture
 “Hot spot” causes the mixture to burn
 carbon particle,
 sharp metal edge, or
 hot exhaust valve
Spark Knock
 Occurs when the spark plug fires too soon in relation to
the position of the piston
 Caused by spark timing that is too advanced.
 Maximum cylinder pressure occurs too early, when the
piston is still moving upward in the cylinder
Difference b/n diesel& gasoline engine &their similarity

 Their Similarity
 They are both internal combustion
 Both Engines designed to convert the chemical
energy available in fuel into mechanical energy.
 Both of them covert fuel into energy through a series
of small explosions or combustions
Their difference
 The way the explosions happen.
 In a gasoline engine, fuel is mixed with air, compressed by pistons
and ignited by sparks from spark plugs
 In a diesel engine, however, the air is compressed first, and then the
fuel is injected b/s air heats up when it's compressed, the fuel
 diesel engine has no spark plug, that it intakes air and compresses it,
and that it then injects the fuel directly into the combustion chamber
(direct injection)
 Diesel fuel is used to power a wide variety of vehicles and
 Gasoline Used in light duty vehicle
 Diesel Used in light as well as heavy duty vehicle
S.No Parameter Gasoline Engine Diesel Engine
1 Compression ratio 6:1 to 8:1 16:1 to 22:1

2  Ignition Spark Ignition Compression Ignition

3  Vibration Less More due to more compression

4  Feature Carburetor and Injector fuel injection pump

Spark plug
5  Thermal efficiency 25% 40%

6  Initial cost Less More

7  Starting of engine Easy due to less compression Difficult due to higher compression ratio
8  Pre ignition Possible Not possible

 9 Running cost More due to cost of petrol Less due to cost of diesel

10  Repair Less more

11  Performance Superior Inferior

12  Temp & pressure Low High

13  Uses Used in light duty vehicle Used in light as well as heavy duty vehicle

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