CH 11

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Chapter 11

Capital Budgeting: Evaluating

Long-Term Investment Projects
Lecture outline
• Elements of project cash flow
• Methods to evaluate profitability of investment projects
 net present value (NPV)
 payback period
 accounting rate of return (ARR)
Capital Budgeting
• Capital budgeting = tools used to evaluate long-term
investment projects
 Should we invest in new equipment that will generate
cost savings over the next 5 years?
 Should we develop a new oil field that will generate
revenue over the next 20 years?

• Need to account for the time value of money:

$1 today is worth more than $1 a year from now
 if you borrow $1 today, you must pay interest
 if you have $1 today, you can earn interest

Why Do We Care?
• Firms make large long-term investments in
equipment, R&D, etc.
Boeing 747 Oil refinery Apple’s HQ
cost = $350 million cost = ~$10 billion cost = ~$5 billion
useful life = ~25 years useful life = ~20 years useful life = 40+ years

• Are these investments profitable or unprofitable?

Example: Long-Term Investment Project
A hospital is thinking of buying a new MRI machine. The
machine costs $50,000 and will last for 5 years. The cost of
capital is 10% a year (i.e., you can borrow at 10% and you can
invest your own money at 10%). The expected operating net
cash flows from the machine are:
• $20,000 a year in years 1–2
• $15,000 a year in years 3–5
The machine will be worthless at the end of year 5.
Should they invest in the MRI machine?

Summary of Cash Flows for the MRI Machine

operating cash flows during the asset’s

useful life: the machine can either
initial outlay: increase revenue (cash inflows) or reduce
invest $50,000 costs (cash outflows)
zero salvage value
after 5 years

year 0 year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5

($50,000) $20,000 $20,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000

Cost of capital = 10%

Is this a profitable investment?

Method 1: Net Present Value (NPV)
• NPV is total present value of all cash flows from the project
i.e., how much they are worth in today’s dollars

• Computing present value of future cash flows:

 The cost of capital is 10% a year
 $100 one year from now: How much is it worth today?
$100 $100
PV    $90.9
1  10% 1.1
 $100 two years from now: How much is it worth today?
$100 $100
PV    $82.64
(1  10%) 2
 $100 t years from now: How much is it worth today?
$100 $100
PV  t 
(1  10%) 1.1t
Computing NPV

NPV for the MRI Machine

t=0 t=1 t=2 t=3 t=4 t=5 zero salvage value

($50,000) $20,000 $20,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 after 5 years

Exercise: Computing NPV

Method 2: Payback Period
Payback period = how long it takes to recoup the investment
This method has two major drawbacks:
• it ignores the time value of money
• it ignores cash flows that occur after the payback period
=> do NOT use it to make major investment decisions in real life.

• In the case of equal operating cash flows in all future years,

Payback period = initial outlay / annual cash flow
e.g., Initial outlay is $60,000. Operating net cash flows are $24,000 a
Payback period = $60,000/$24,000 = 2.5 years

• In the case of unequal operating cash flows, see next slide.

Payback Period for the MRI Machine
t=0 t=1 t=2 t=3 t=4 t=5 zero salvage value
($50,000) $20,000 $20,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 after 5 years

Different operating cash flows in different future years

=> compute payback period using cumulative cash flow.

net cash flow cumulative cash flow

omit the year 1 $20,000 year 1 = $20,000
outlay in year 2 $20,000 years 1,2 = $40,000
year 0
year 3 $15,000 years 1,2,3 = $55,000 vs initial outlay
year 4 $15,000 years 1,2,3,4 = $70,000
year 5 $15,000 years 1,2,3,4,5 = $85,000

The initial outlay is fully recouped sometime between year 2 and year 3
payback period = between 2 and 3 years

Method 3: Accounting Rate of Return (ARR)
Average annual income from the project
Average investment

annual income = annual cash flow – depreciation
average investment = average book value of the asset =
= (beginning book value + ending book value)/2

• This method ignores the time value of money

=> do NOT use it to make major investment decisions in real life.

ARR for the MRI Machine
The original purchase price of the MRI machine is $50,000.
The useful life of the machine is 5 years. After 5 years, the
machine is worthless.
Annual net cash flow from the machine is $17,000 on average
(two years of $20,000 + three years of $15,000).
Compute ARR.
beginning book value in year 0 =
ending book value after 5 years =
average investment =
annual depreciation =
average annual income =

Can use the same methods in
Product Life Cycle Analysis

& profit

maximize NPV over the entire product life cycle

Additional Exercises

Exercise: Evaluating Investment Projects
You are thinking of buying a new machine for $900.
It will generate cost savings of $600 a year for the next 3
years, after that the salvage value is zero. The cost of capital
is 25% a year.

1. Compute net present value


Should you invest?  YES  NO Why?

2. Compute the payback period

payback period =
Should you use the payback method in real life? Why?
 YES  NO
(continued) Evaluating Investment Projects
You are thinking of buying a new machine for $900.
It will generate cost savings of $600 a year for the next 3
years, after that the salvage value is zero. The cost of capital
is 25% a year.

3. Compute the accounting rate of return (ARR)

annual depreciation =

annual income =

average investment =

Should you use ARR in real life? Why?
 YES  NO
Exercise: Investment in Customer Contracts
Verizon Wireless buys iPhones from Apple for $600 and sells them to
customers for $200 with a two-year contract (i.e., Verizon invests $400 at the
beginning of each iPhone contract).
On average, each contract will generate net cash flows of $300 in year 1 and
$200 in year 2 for Verizon. The salvage value of a contract after two years is
zero. Verizon’s cost of capital is 25% a year.
1. Compute the payback period
net cash flow cumulative cash flow

year 1 $300 year 1 =

vs initial outlay
year 2 $200 years 1,2 = $_______
Payback period is
 between 0 and 1 years
 between 1 and 2 years
 more than 2 years
Based on the payback period, is this an attractive investment?  YES 
(continued) Investment in Customer
Verizon Wireless buys iPhones from Apple for $600 and sells them to
customers for $200 with a two-year contract (i.e., Verizon invests $400 at the
beginning of each iPhone contract).
On average, each contract will generate net cash flows of $300 in year 1 and
$200 in year 2 for Verizon. The salvage value of a contract after two years is
zero. Verizon’s cost of capital is 25% a year.
2. Compute the net present value
Based on NPV, is this an attractive investment?  YES  NO

Should you make your decision based on

 payback period?
 NPV?


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