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Seminar Report on Cryptography

Adem Yousuf...................................25872/11

 Secret Key Cryptography (SKC)

 Public Key Cryptography (PKC)

 Java cryptographic libraries(JCL)

 Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)


 Introduction
 Purpose of Cryptography
 Types of Cryptography
 Challenge of Cryptography
 Types of Cryptographic Algorithms
 Cryptography Tools
 Cryptography in Everyday Life
 Conclusion

The word "cryptography" is derived from the Greek kryptos, meaning

hidden.The prefix "crypt-" means "hidden" or "vault," and the suffix "-
graphy" stands for "writing."
Cryptography is the practice and the study of concealing the information
and it furnishes confidentiality, integrity, and exactness. Cryptography is
used to defend the data and to defend the data and to define it in the simple
and easy words, it is an art of writing and solving the codes. Cryptography
is a science that uses the mathematics to encrypt and decrypt the
Purpose of Cryptography

 Authentication: The process to verify the identification of an entity will

be based on the passwords or cards or biometric measurements which
include the recognition of the voice and retinal scan.
 Data confidentiality: The data confidentiality is a property in which the
data is made unavailable to the unauthorized users.
 Data integrity: The property of data integrity refers to the information
which is unchanged or secured in an accidental way
 Non-repudiation: The non-repudiation mechanism is used to verify that
the sender genuinely sent the message or not.
Types of Cryptography
Symmetric Key Encryption
The encryption process where same keys are used for
encrypting and decrypting the information is known as
Symmetric Key Encryption.
Challenge of Symmetric Key Cryptosystems

 Key establishment − Before any communication, both

the sender and the receiver need to agree on a secret
symmetric key. It requires a secure key establishment
mechanism in place.
 Trust Issue − Since the sender and the receiver use the
same symmetric key, there is an implicit requirement
that the sender and the receiver ‘trust’ each other
Asymmetric Key Encryption

 The encryption process where different keys are used for

encrypting and decrypting the information is known as
Asymmetric Key Encryption
Challenge of Public Key Cryptosystems

 Public-key cryptosystems have one significant challenge

− the user needs to trust that the public key that he is
using in communications with a person really is the
public key of that person and has not been spoofed by a
malicious third party.
Types of Cryptographic Algorithms

The three types of algorithms that will be discussed are :-

 Secret Key Cryptography (SKC): Uses a single key for both encryption
and decryption
 Public Key Cryptography (PKC): Uses one key for encryption and
another for
 Hash Functions: Uses a mathematical transformation to irreversibly
Cryptographic Algorithm conts….
Types of Cryptographic Algorithms
Cryptography Tools (contnue.....)
 Security Token
This token is utilized to verify the user. A security token is supposed to be
encrypted to perform a protected exchange of information. Also, it provides
complete tastefulness for the HTTP(hypert text transfer protocol).
This is the tool used to authorize the encryption process. This tool might be
termed as Java cryptographic libraries. These Java libraries are included
with predefined activities where those need to be imported before
Cryptography Tools

 Sign Tool.exes
This is the popular tool mostly used by Microsoft to sign
the files. Adding a signature and time stamp to any kind
of file is the prominent feature supported by this tool.
With the timestamp in the file, it holds the ability to
authenticate the file.
 Docker
Using docker one can build huge applications. The
information maintained in the docker is completely in an
encrypted format. In this, cryptography has to be strictly
followed to move with encryption of data.
Cryptography in Everyday Life

 Authentication/Digital Signatures
Authentication and digital signatures are a very important application of
public-key cryptography. Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is a software package
originally developed by Phil Zimmerman that provides encryption and
authentication for e-mail and file storage applications..
 Time Stamping
Time stamping is a technique that can certify that a certain electronic
document or communication existed or was delivered at a certain time. Time
stamping uses an encryption model called a blind signature scheme.
 Electronic Money
Encryption is used in electronic money schemes to protect conventional
transaction data like account numbers and transaction amounts, digital
signatures can replace handwritten signatures or a credit-card authorizations,
and public-key encryption can provide confidentiality.

 Cryptography plays vital role and critical role in

achieving the primary aims of security goals, such as
authentication, integrity, confidentiality, and non-
 Cryptographic algorithms are developed in order to
achieve these goals .Cryptography has the important
purpose of providing reliable ,strong ,and robust
network and data security.

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