Job Analysis and Ufone

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Group Members
 Asif Riaz
 Arsalan Munir
 Mohsin
 Saad
Asif Riaz
 Pak Telecom Mobile Limited (PTML) is a
wholly owned subsidiary of Pakistan
Telecommunication Company Limited (
PTCL) that started its operations in
January 2001 under the brand name
‘Ufone’. As a result of PTCL’s
privatization, Ufone became a part of the
Emirates Telecommunication
Corporation Group (Etisalat) in 2006.
Job Analysis
 Job Analysis is a process to identify and
determine in detail the particular job
duties and requirements and the relative
importance of these duties for a given
 Job Analysis is a process where
judgments are made about data
collected on a job.
Purpose of Job Analysis
 The purpose of Job Analysis is to
establish and document the 'job
relatedness' of employment procedures
such as
 Training
 Selection
 Compensation
 Performance Appraisal
When do you perform job analysis?

 New job is created

 Vacancy in existing job
 None of the above
Do you think job analysis create a coordinating team to achieve
organization specific Goals?

 Yes
 No
 May be
Do you think Job analysis Provide
improvement and quality of workforce
in the Organization?

 Yes
 No
Methods of Job Analysis

 Incumbent interviews
 Supervisor interviews
 Expert panels
 Structured questionnaires
 Task inventories
 Check lists
 Open-ended questionnaires
 Observation
 Incumbent work logs
What method Ufone used for job analysis?

 Supervisor interview
 Observation
 Expert panel
 Questionnaire
 All of the above
When the last time was this effective technique was
perform in Ufone? What you think Organization
get positive outcome?

 Well here in Ufone its ongoing process

 Yes proper job analysis will always give
u positive outcome but it also depend on
the job and also organization.
Arsalan Munir
Job Description

 Job description includes basic job-related

data that is useful to advertise a specific
job and attract a pool of talent. It includes
information such as job title, job location,
reporting to and of employees, job
summary, nature and objectives of a job,
tasks and duties to be performed, working
conditions, machines, tools and
equipments to be used by a prospective
worker and hazards involved in it.
Purpose of Job Description

 The main purpose of job description is to collect job-

related data in order to advertise for a particular job. It
helps in attracting, targeting, recruiting and selecting
the right candidate for the right job.
 It is done to determine what needs to be delivered in
a particular job. It clarifies what employees are
supposed to do if selected for that particular job
 It gives recruiting staff a clear view what kind of
candidate is required by a particular department or
division to perform a specific task or job.
 It also clarifies who will report to whom.
Are you agreed that lack of proper job description
is the root cause in Quality of work?

 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
What Aspects of a Job are analyzed in
your organization?

 Duties and task

 Environment
 Relationship
 Requirement
 All of the above
Job Specification

 Also known as employee specifications, a job

specification is a written statement of educational
qualifications, specific qualities, level of
experience, physical, emotional, technical and
communication skills required to perform a job,
responsibilities involved in a job and other
unusual sensory demands. It also includes
general health, mental health, intelligence,
aptitude, memory, judgment, leadership skills,
emotional ability, adaptability, flexibility, values
and ethics, manners and creativity, etc
Purpose of Job Specification
 Described on the basis of job description, job
specification helps candidates analyze whether are
eligible to apply for a particular job vacancy or not.
 It helps recruiting team of an organization understand
what level of qualifications, qualities and set of
characteristics should be present in a candidate to
make him or her eligible for the job opening.
 Job Specification gives detailed information about any
job including job responsibilities, desired technical and
physical skills, conversational ability and much more.
 It helps in selecting the most appropriate candidate for
a particular job.
Finding job analysis constraint is?

 Easy
 Hard
 Depend on job
From scale 1 to 10 how important is job analysis for your

 The answer is 8
Any Question

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