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Amr attallah

Cap. Amr attallah


Centroid the centroid of an area is situated in its geometrical center.
If any area is suspended from its centroid the shape would balance.

Cap. Amr attallah

Center of gravity:
The center of gravity of a body is the point
through which the force of gravity is
considered to act on the mass vertically
downwards, with a force equal to the weight
of the body

The center of gravity of a homogeneous

body lies on its geometrical center.
Cap. Amr attallah

Let us now consider the effect on the

center of gravity of a body when the
distribution of mass within the body is
Cap. Amr attallah

Consider a homogeneous block of wood, its center

of gravity will be its geometrical center,
• half way of its length,
• half way of its breadth, and
• half way of its height
Place a wedge under its C.G, the block will balance

Cap. Amr attallah

G G1

G1 G
w - Moment = (W- w) x GG1

W- w w
d And also
Moment = w x d
G . w -
w x d = (W – w) x GG1

GG1 = w x d
Cap. Amr attallah


When a mass is removed from a body, the center

of gravity of the body will move directly away
from the center of gravity of the mass removed
Cap. Amr attallah

Moment = w x d
And also, Moment = (W- w) x GG1

w x d = (W- w) x GG1
Therefore GG1 = wxd
W- w

Where GG1 is the shift of the C.G of the body

w is the mass removed
d is the distance between the C.G
of the mass removed & the C.G
of the body
)W –w( is the final mass
Cap. Amr attallah

Application to a ship

.G1 w-

G .
w- G1 .
GG1 = w x d

G . . G1 G . w-
. G1
Cap. Amr attallah


G G1
.G . G 1 + w
Moment = ( W+ w) x GG1

And also
Moment = w x d
G . d .+ w
w x d = (W + w) x GG1
w GG1 = w x d
W+ w
Cap. Amr attallah


When a mass is added to a body, the center of

gravity of the body will move directly toward the
center of gravity of the mass added
Cap. Amr attallah

Moment = w x d
And also, Moment = (W+ w) x GG1

w x d = (W+ w) x GG1
Therefore GG1 = wxd
W+ w

Where,GG1 is the shift of the C.G of the body

w is the mass added
d is the distance between the C.G
of the mass added & the C.G of
the body
)W + w( is the final mass
Cap. Amr attallah

Application to a ship
. G d
dG .

w+ GG1= wxd
.G. G 1
. G dG. w+
Cap. Amr attallah

Application to a ship
shifting weights


G . G .
d . d
G . G .
1 1


W W GG1 = w x d
Cap. Amr attallah

When a mass is shifted inside a body, the center of gravity
of the body will move parallel in the same direction of the
shifted mass with a distance of GG1 while:

GG1 = w x d
Cap. Amr attallah

1- The center of gravity of the body will move directly
toward the center of gravity of the mass added (loaded)
from G to G1 while: GG1= w x d
2- The center of gravity of the body will move directly
away from the center of gravity of the mass removed
(discharged) from G to G1 while: GG1= w x d
3- The center of gravity of the body will move parallel in the
same direction of the shifted mass with a distance of GG1
while: GG1= w x d
Cap. Amr attallah

Effect of Suspended weights

g1 g1

g g

The centre of gravity of a suspended

weight is considered to be at the point
of suspension
Cap. Amr attallah

The movement of centre of gravity while

discharging a weight from the ship

-g 2


W G1 . .G L
. 2

g G . G3

Cap. Amr attallah
A ship has displacement of 2400 tons and KG= 10.8 m. -1
Find the new KG if a weight of 50 tons mass already on
board is raised 12m vertically

=GG1 wxd W 2400 T

W . G1
. GGG1
T 50
=GG1 x 50 12 m 0.25 =
2400 10.8m KG New 12m

= KG new + KG initial GG1 T 50

= KG new + 10.8 = 0.25 m 11.05

Cap. Amr attallah
A ship has displacement of 2000 tons and KG= 10.5 m. -2
Find the new KG if a weight of 40 tons mass already on
board is shifted from the tween deck to the lower hold
through a distance of 4.5 m vertically

=GG1 wxd W 2000 T

.G T 40
=GG1 x 4.5 40m 0.09 = .G GG1
2000 10.5m KG New 4.5m

= KG new - KG initial GG1 T 40

= KG new - 10.5 = 0.09 m 10.41

Cap. Amr attallah
A ship has displacement of 2000 tons and KG= 4.5 m. -3
A heavy lift of 20 tons mass in the lower hold and has
KG= 2m. This weight is then raised 0.5 m. clear of the
tank top by a derrick whose head is 14 m. above the keel.
Find the new KG of the ship

= GG1 w x d
d 12m 14m
=GG1 x 12 20 m 0.12 =
2000 . G W 2000 T

= KG new + KG initial GG1 .G GG1

4.5m T 20
= KG new + 4.5 = 0.12 m 4.62
KG New 0.5m
Cap. Amr attallah
4- A ship has displacement of 7000 tons and KG= 6 m.
A heavy lift of 40 tons mass in the lower hold and has
KG= 3 m. Find the new KG when this weight is raised
through 1.5 m. vertically and is suspended by a
derrick whose head is 17 m. above the keel

=GG1 wxd
d 14m 17m
=GG1 x 14 40 m 0.08 =
7000 . G W 7000 T

= KG new + KG initial GG1 .G GG1

= KG new + 6 = 0.08 m 6.08 6m T 40

KG New 1.5m
Cap. Amr attallah

5- Find the shift of centre of gravity of a ship of 1500 tons

displacement when a weight of 25 tons mass shifted
from the starboard side of the lower hold to the port
side on deck through a distance of 15 m.

=GG1 wxd
W W 1500 T

= GG1 x 15 25 m 0.25 =

1500 G

Cap. Amr attallah

6- A ship of displacement 5500 tons with KG 4.3

m, loaded 150 tons in a position 3 m above the
center of gravity of the ship. Find the final KG of
this ship.

=GG1 w x d
150+ 5500

d= 3m
x 3 150 m 0.07 =
150 + 5500
m 4.3 KG final m
= KG final KG initial GG1 +

= KG final + 4.3 0.07 m 4.37 =

Cap. Amr attallah
7- A ship of displacement 8000 tons with KG 5.2 m,
loaded 320 tons in a position 5 m below the center
of gravity of the ship. Find the final KG of this

=GG1 wxd
W +w
=GG1 x 5 320 m 0.19 = d= 5m
320 + 8000 KG final
m 5.2 320+
= KG final KG initial GG1 -

= KG final - 5.2 0.19 m 5.01 =

Cap. Amr attallah

8- A ship of displacement 7200 tons with KG 6.3 m,

discharged 350 tons in a position 4 m above the
center of gravity of the ship. Find the final KG of
this ship.
=GG1 w x d
350- 7200

x 4 350
d= 4m G .
G .
=GG1 m 0.20 =
350 - 7200 m 6.3

KG final m
= KG final KG initial GG1 -

= KG final - 6.3 0.20 m 6.10 =

Cap. Amr attallah

9- A ship of displacement 6700 tons with KG 7.6 m,

discharged 270 tons in a position 4.6 m below
the center of gravity of the ship. Find the final KG
of this ship.

=GG1 w x d
W-w G1. 6700

=GG1 x 4.6 270 m 0.19 = d= 4.6

KG final
270 - 6700
m 7.6 270 -
= KG final KG initial GG1 +

= KG final + 7.6 0.19 m 7.79 =

Now if the ship loaded and discharged several loads we

can calculate the final KG in a different way.
The builders of the ship provides the ship with a stability
booklet containing all the stability information of the ship
(light ship, light ship KG and LCG, the position of center
of gravity of cargo holds and tanks).
This gives an initial condition from which the displacement
and KG for any condition of loading ma be calculated.
The initial moment about the keel is
= Moment initial Light ship x KG initial
Light ship
that means that w-
G initial
= KG initial Moment initaial KG-w w+
KG initial
Light displacement KG+w

If the ship loaded and discharged cargo the KG final is

calculated by dividing the final moment by the final
= KG Final Final Moment .
Final displacement
Example 1: A ship of 6000 tons displacement has KG 6 m and KM
7.33 m. The following cargo is loaded:1000 tons KG 2.5 m
500 tons KG 3.5 m
750 tons KG 9.0 m
and the following is then discharged: 800 tons of cargo KG 3.0 m

450 tons of cargo KG 0.6 m

Find the final GM
750 +
Weight KG Moment about
the keel
6000 + 6.0 + 36 000
6000+ 450 -
1000 + 2.5 + 2500
500 + 3.5 + 1750 500+ 9.0
6750 800 -
750 + 9.0 + 1000+
6.0 0.6
800 - 3.0 - 2400
450 - 0.6 - 270 2.5 3.5 3.0
=.Final Disp 7000 Final moment= 44 330

KG Final = Final Moment . GM Final = KM – KG Final

Final displacement = GM Final – 7.33 6.33 = 1 m
= KG Final 44300 = 6.33 m
Example 2: A ship of 5000 tonnes displacement has KG 4.5 m and KM 5.3
m. The following cargo is loaded:
2000 tons KG 3.7 m and 1000 tones KG 7.5 m
Find how much deck cargo (KG 9 m) may now be loaded if the ship is to
sail with a minimum GM of 0.3 m. x+
Assume that weight of deck cargo is
x Weight KG Moment about
the keel 1000+ 9.0
5000 + 4.5 + 22500 5000+
2000 + 3.7 + 7400
+2000 4.5
1000 + 7.5 + 7500
x + 9.0 + 9x 3.7

=.Final Disp x + 8000 Final moment= 37400 + 9x

= KG Final – KM GM Final = 5 9x + 37400
8000 + x
= KG Final – 5.3 0.3 = 5.0 m
+ 40000 = 5x + 37400 9x
KG Final = Final Moment .
= 4x 2600
Final displacement
= x 650 ton
Cap. Amr attallah
Exercise 6
1 A ship has a displacement of 1800 tons and KG 3 m. She
loads 3400 tons of cargo (KG 2.5 m) and 400 tons of
bunkers (KG 5.0 m). Find the final KG.

Weight KG Moment about

the keel
1800 + 3.0 + 5400 400 +
3400 + 2.5 + 8500 + 3400 1800+
400 + 5.0 + 2000
2.5 3.0 5.0
=.Final Disp 5600 Final moment = 15900

KG Final = Final Moment .

Final displacement

= KG Final 15900 = 2.84 m

Cap. Amr attallah

2 A ship has a light displacement of 2000 tons and light KG

3.7 m. She then loads 2500 tons of cargo (KG 2.5 m) and
300 tons of bunkers (KG 3 m). Find the new KG.

Weight KG Moment about

the keel
2000 + 3.7 + 7400 300 +
2500 + 2.5 + 6250 + 2500 2000+
300 + 3.0 + 900
2.5 3.7 3.0
=.Final Disp 4800 Final moment = 14550

KG Final = Final Moment .

Final displacement

= KG Final 14550 = 3.03 m

Cap. Amr attallah
3 A ship sails with displacement 3400 tons and KG 3.75 m. During
the voyage bunkers were consumed as follows: 66 tons (KG 0.45
m) and 64 tons (KG 2 m). Find the KG at the end of the voyage.

Weight KG Moment about

the keel
3400 + 3.75 + 12750 64 -
66 - 0.45 - 29.7 3400+
64 - 2.0 - 128
- 66 3.75 2.0

=.Final Disp 3270 Final moment = 12592.3 0.45

KG Final = Final Moment .

Final displacement

= KG Final 12592.3 = 3.85 m

Cap. Amr attallah
4- A ship has displacement 2000 tons and KG 4 m. She loads
1500 tons of cargo (KG 6 m), 3500 tons of cargo (KG 5 m)
and 1520 tons of bunkers (KG 1 m). She then discharges
2000 tons of cargo (KG 2.5m) and consumes 900 tons of
oil fuel (KG 0.5 m) during the voyage. Find the final KG on
arrival at the port of destination.

Weight KG Moment about

the keel
8000 1500+
2000 + 4.0 +
1500 + 6.0 + 9000 2000+
17500 3500+
3500 + 5.0 +
1520 6.0 4.0 2000 -
1520 + 1.0 +
2000 - 2.5 - 5000 5.0 900 -
1520 +
900 - 0.5 - 450
1.0 2.5 0.5
=.Final Disp 5620 Final moment = 30570

KG Final = Final Moment .

Final displacement = KG Final 30570 = 5.44 m
Cap. Amr attallah
5- A ship has a light displacement of 2000 tons (KG 3.6 m). She
loads 2500 tons of cargo (KG 5 m) and 300 tons of bunkers
(KG 3 m). The GM is then found to be 0.15 m. Find the GM
with the bunkers empty.
Weight KG Moment about + 2500 300 +
2000 +
the keel
2000 + 3.6 + 7200 5.0 3.6
2500 + 5.0 + 12500
300 + 3.0 + 900
=.Final Disp 4800 Final moment = 20600

KG Final = Final Moment .

300 -
Final displacement 4800 +

= KG Final 20600 = 4.29 m

Weight KG Moment about 3.0
the keel
4800 + 4.29 + 20592
KM = KG Final + GM
300 - 3.0 - 900
=.Final Disp 4500 Final moment = 19692 = KM + 4.29 = 0.15 4.44 m

= KG Final 19692 = 4.376 m = GM = KM - KG – 4.44 = 4.376 0.064 m

Cap. Amr attallah
6- A ship has a displacement of 3200 tons (KG 3 m and KM 5.5 m). She
then loads 5200 tons of cargo (KG 5.2 m). Find how much deck cargo
having a KG 10 m may now be loaded if the ship is to complete loading
with a positive GM of 0.3 m.
Assume that weight of deck cargo is x
Weight KG Moment about
the keel 10.0
3200 + 3.0 + 9600 3200+
5200 + 5.2 + 27040
10x 5.2
x + 10.0 + 3.0

=.Final Dis )x+ 8400( Final moment= (36640 + 10x)

KG Final = KM – GM Final
= 5.2 10x +36640
= KG Final – 5.5 = 0.3 5.2 m 8400 + x
43680 5.2x + 36640 = + 10x
KG Final = Final Moment .
= 4.8x 7040
Final displacement
= x 1466.67 ton
Cap. Amr attallah
7- A ship of 5500 tons displacement has KG 5 m, and she proceeds to load the
following cargo: 1000 tons KG 6 m - 700 tons KG 4 m - 300 tons KG 5 m
She then discharges 200 tons of ballast KG 0.5 m. Find how much deck cargo
(KG 10 m) can be loaded so that the ship may sail with a positive GM of 0.3
meters. The load KM is 6.3 m. x+
Weight KG Moment about
the keel
5500 + 5.0 + 27500
1000 + 6.0 + 6000 1000+
700 + 4.0 + 2800 300 + 5500+
1500 10.0
300 + 5.0 + 6.0 700+
200 - 0.5 - 100
x + 10.0 + 10x 5.0 5.0 200 -

=.Final Dis )x+ 7300( Final moment= (37700+ 10x) 4.0 0.5

KG Final = KM – GM Final = 6 10x + 37700

= KG Final – 6.3 0.3 = 6 m 7300 + x
43800 6x + 37700 = + 10x
KG Final = Final Moment .
Final displacement = 4x 6100
= x 1525 ton
8- A ship of 3500 tons light displacement and light KG 6.4 m has to load
9600 tons of cargo. The KG of the lower hold is 4.5 m, and that of the
tween deck is 9 m. The load KM is 6.2 m and, when loading is completed,
the righting moment at 6 degrees of heel is required to be 425 tons m.
Calculate the amount of cargo to be loaded into the lower hold and tween
deck, respectively. (Righting moment W GM sin heel.)
= Righting moment W Final x GM Final x sin θ
= 425 x 13100 GM Final x sin 6
= GM final 425 = 0.31 m
13100 x 0.104528463 x - 9600
KG Final = KM – GM Final 3500+
= KG Final – 6.2 = 0.31 5.89 m
Assume that weight of cargo in lower hold is x +x 6.4 9.0
Weight KG Moment about
the keel

3500 + 6.4 + 22400 = 5.89 4.5x - 108800

x + 4.5 + 4.5x 13100
x - 9600 + 9.0 + 86400 – 9 x 108800 x 4.5 - = 77159
=.Final Disp 13100 Final moment= 108800 - 4.5x = x 4.5 31641
KG Final = Final Moment . = Lower hold x 7031.3 ton
Final displacement = Teen deck – 9600 = 7031.33 2568.7 ton
9-A ship arrives in port with displacement 6000 tons and KG 6 m. She
then discharges and loads the following quantities:
Discharge: 1250 tons of cargo KG 4.5 meters - 675 tons of cargo KG 3.5
meters - 420 tons of cargo KG 9.0 meters
Load : 980 tons of cargo KG 4.25 meters - 550 tons of cargo KG 6.0
meters - 700 tons of bunkers KG 1.0 meter - 70 tons of FW KG 12.0
meters. During the stay in port 30 tons of oil (KG 1 m) are consumed. If
the final KM is 6.8 m, find the GM on departure.
Weight KG Moment about
70 +
the keel 420 -
6000 + 6.0 + 36 000 6000+ 550 +
1250 - 4.5 - 5625 675- 9.0
675 - 3.5 - 2362.5 12.0
420 - 9.0 - 3780 1250-
- 30 - 6.0 6.0 700 +
30 - 1.0 30
980 + 4.25 + 4165 4.5 3.5 1.0 4.25
6.0 + 3300 1.0
550 +
700 + 1.0 + 700
70 + 12.0 + 840 = .KG Final 33207.5 = 5.6 m
=.Final Disp 5925 Final moment= 33207.5 5925
KG = Final Moment . GM Final = KM – KG Final
Final displacement = GM Final – 6.8 = 5.6 1.2 m
10- A ship has light displacement 2800 tons and light KM 6.7 m.
She loads 400 tons of cargo (KG 6 m) and 700 tons (KG 4.5
m). The KG is then found to be 5.3 m. Find the light GM.

Weight KG Moment about + 400

the keel
2800 + KG initial + 2800 KG initial 2800+
700 +
400 + 6.0 + 2400
6.0 KG initial
700 + 4.5 + 3150 4.5

=.Final Disp 3900 Final moment = 5550 + 2800 KG initial

KG Final = Final Moment .
= KG initial 5.4 m
Final displacement
GM initial = KM - KG initial
= KG Final = 5.3 KG initial 2800 + 5550
3900 = GM initial – 6.7 = 5.4 1.3 m
= 20670 5550 + 2800 KG initial
KG initial 2800 = 15120
11- A ship’s displacement is 4500 tons and KG 5 m. The
following cargo is loaded: 450 tons KG 7.5 m - 120 tons KG
6.0 m - 650 tons KG 3.0 m. Find the amount of cargo to load
in a tween deck (KG 6 m) so that the ship sails with a GM of
0.6 m. (The load KM is 5.6 m.) Assume that weight of tween cargo is x
Weight KG Moment about
the keel
4500 + 5.0 + 22500
450 + 7.5 + 3375 450+ x+
120 + 6.0 + 720 4500+
650 + 3.0 + 1950 7.5 120+ 650 +
x + 6.0 + 6x
=.Final Dis )x+ 5720( Final moment= (28545+ 6x) 5.0 3.0
KG Final = Final Moment .
Final displacement
KG Final = KM – GM Final 28600 5x + = 28545 + 6x
= KG Final 5.6 0.6 – = 5 m
= x 55 ton
= 5 6x + 28545
5720 + x
12- A ship of 7350 tons displacement has KG 5.8 m and
GM 0.5 m. Find how much deck cargo must be loaded
(KG 9 m) if there is to be a metacentric height of not less
than 0.38 m when loading is completed.
Assume that weight of deck cargo
is x Weight KG Moment about
the keel 9.0

7350 + 5.8 + 42630 7350+

x + 9.0 + 9.0x
=.Final Dis )x+ 7350( Final moment = (42630 + 9x)

KG Final = Final Moment .

Final displacement = 5.92 9x +42630
KM = KG initial + GM initial 7350 + x

= KM 5.8 0.5 + = 6.3 m 43512 5.92x + = 42630 + 9x

KG Final = KM – GM Final = 3.08x 882
= KG Final 6.3 0.38 – = 5.92 m
= x 286.4 ton
13- A ship is partly loaded and has a displacement of 9000
tons, KG 6 m, and KM 7.3 m. She is to make a 19-day passage
consuming 26 tons of oil per day (KG 0.5 m). Find how much
deck cargo she may load (KG 10 m) if the GM on arrival at the
destination is to be not less than 0.3 m. x+

Consumed oil = 19 x 26 = 494 ton

Assume that weight of deck cargo is x 10.0
Weight KG Moment about 9000+
the keel
9000 + 6.0 + 54000 - 494 6.0
494 - 0.5 - 247
x + 10.0 + 10x 0.5

=.Final Dis )x+ 8506( Final moment= (53753 + 10x) = 7.0 10x +53753
8506 + x
KG Final = Final Moment .
59542 = 7x + 53753 + 10x
Final displacement
KG Final = KM – GM Final = 3x 5789

= KG Final 7.3 0.3 – = 7.0 m = x 1929.67 ton


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