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• China has the largest education system in the world. In June 2021, there were
10.78 million students taking the National Higher Education Entrance
Examination (Gao Kao) in China.
• International students have enrolled in over 1000 higher education institutions
throughout the country. Investment in education accounts for about 4% of total
GDP in China.
• In 1986, the Chinese government passed a compulsory education law, making
nine years of education mandatory for all Chinese children.
• 1980s government allowed the establishment of the first private school.
• Peking and Tsinghua University falls amongst the TOP 50 Universities of the
World(Times Education)
• China- a top destination for international students. In 2013, China was the most
popular country in Asia for international students, and ranks third overall among
• The Chinese school year is broken into two semesters, the first beginning in the fall and lasting
until the beginning of January. Everyone generally has three weeks to a month to travel during the
Chinese New Year holiday, then the school year ends in May or June.
• On average, under the current system the length of the secondary school year is 245 days.
•  The summer vacation typically begins around mid-July, though some schools will break up as
early as late June. The vacation period lasts for about 2 months
• It starts at 7:30 in the morning and mostly finishes at about 4:00 in the afternoon.
• In case the students still attend classes of optional subjects, they might stay even longer.
• After the fifth lesson there is a long lunch break of two hours. Lunch packets are distributed to
those who have paid for it and they will eat it in their classrooms.
• On Saturdays, many schools hold required morning classes in Science and Math. Many students
also attend Buxiban , or cram school in the evening and on weekends.
• Monday is cleaning day. Monday morning starts with the National Flag-raising ceremony.

SPECIAL EDUCATION- For blind deaf or mentally retarded children and teens.
MILITARY TRAINING- for both boys and girls. Boys have mandatory military training.
ALL KNOW STANDING IN THE CLASS- Grades are announced. Shame if performance is not perfect.
STUDY ABROAD IS ENCOURAGED- Man with PhD’s do not return.
BRAIN DRAIN- China suffers the worst brain drain in the world, according to a new study that found 7 out of 10
students who enrolls in an overseas university never return to live in their homeland.
REASON NOT TO RETURN- Higher living standards, brighter career opportunities and the freedom to have as
many children as they wish.
GUANXI-BASED- structure in the workplace in China, The success of one’s career depends more on social
connections than on merit.

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