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There are many genetic testing such as:

• Newborn screening - just after birth to check for genetic diseases.

• Carrier testing - to check for faulty gene which could be passed on.
• Prenatal testing - before birth to check genetic diseases.
• Forensic testing - check for legal purposes
• Research testing – find unknown genes, know more about them, and cure diseases

There are more genetic testing, but these are the main ones. All these genetic
testing should be allowed because it would help with the future as it could inform you
about your diseases or about the genetic diseases your child will get. However if genetic
testing is allowed then insurance companies such as mine would have the right to know
about any diseases you will get. As it is just not a fair opportunity if people that die in
their twenties to have insurance premiums.
Abortions should only be allowed in certain circumstances for instance:

• if the child has had a genetic screening and it showed that he/she had a
disease such as muscular dystrophy. Then the mother should decide
whether to abort the child or not
•This is because the child could have a bad future.
• That child will die in their twenties this would mean that insurance
companies that want to see DNA tests would not give out loans as the
he/she would die quickly.
• I think that abortions should only be allowed if the unborn child has a
The fear is that gene screening for insurance will mean that some individuals with
gene problems will become uninsurable for life or health cover, unable to get a
house mortgage.
However insurance companies should be allowed to see test results because:
• That is like scamming someone if u take out a mortgage and then you have a
early death because of some disease. Then you cant pay it back.
• By hiding the truth you are deceiving insurance companies, as you might take out
many loans and not pay them back.

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