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Frederick Pokoo-Aikins
Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Our Vision
To be the lead advocate, trainer
and practitioner in internal
auditing in Africa by providing
superior internal audit solutions
to the private, public and third

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Our Mission
To engage internal audit leaders
and their customers; government
officials, corporate executives and
senior management in a constant
dialogue on the position, role and
value of the internal audit

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Internal Audit 101:
Audit Principles and Techniques

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Course Overview
• Day One
– Modern Internal Auditing
– The Audit Process
– Risk Management and Risk Assessment
– Audit Planning

• Day Two
– Process Documentation
– Audit Programs
– Audit Fieldwork
– Audit Reports
– Soft Skills

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Module One

Modern Internal Auditing

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Modern Internal Auditing
• Internal Auditing Defined
• Code of Ethics
• The Value Proposition of IA
• The Role of Internal Auditor
• The IIA Competency Framework

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Internal Auditing Defined
• “independent, objective assurance
and consulting activity designed to
1add value and improve an

organization’s operations. It 2helps

an organization accomplish its
objectives by bringing a systematic,
disciplined approach to 3evaluate
and improve the effectiveness of risk
management, control, and
governance processes”
Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Internal Auditing Defined


The why The how

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
What are we doing?
• 1adding value and improving on
organisations operations –

• Making things better than when

we met it.

Systems | Processes | Procedures

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Why are we doing it?
• 2helping the organization
accomplish its objectives

• How do you determine

organisational objectives?

• Gain a seat at the table

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
How are you doing it?
• 3evaluating and improving the
effectiveness of risk
management, control, and
governance processes

• The triple magic wand

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
IIA Definition Logic

Helps the organization

accomplish its objectives

Adding value and improving on

organisations operations

Evaluating and improving on the

effectiveness of GRC processes

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Internal Auditing Defined
• “independent, objective assurance
and consulting activity designed to
1add value and improve an

organization’s operations. It 2helps

an organization accomplish its
objectives by bringing a systematic,
disciplined approach to 3evaluate
and improve the effectiveness of risk
management, control, and
governance processes”
Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Code of Ethics
• Principles and Rules
– Integrity
– Objectivity
– Confidentiality
– Competency

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Code of Ethics – Principles
• Integrity
– The integrity of internal auditors
establishes trust and thus provides
the basis for reliance on their

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Integrity Rules
• Shall perform their work with honesty,
diligence, and responsibility
• Shall observe the law and make
disclosures expected by the law and the
• Shall not knowingly be a party to any
illegal activity, or engage in acts that are
discreditable to the profession of internal
auditing or to the organization
• Shall respect and contribute to the
legitimate and ethical objectives of the
Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance organization
Code of Ethics – Principles
• Objectivity
– Internal auditors exhibit the
highest level of professional
objectivity in gathering,
evaluating, and communicating
information about the activity or
process being examined.

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Objectivity Rules
• Shall not participate in any activity or
relationship that may impair or be
presumed to impair their unbiased
• Shall not accept anything that may
impair or be presumed to impair their
professional judgment.
• Shall disclose all material facts known to
them that, if not disclosed, may distort
the reporting of activities under review.
Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Code of Ethics – Principles
• Confidentiality
– Internal auditors respect the value
and ownership of information they
receive and do not disclose
information without appropriate
authority unless there is a legal or
professional obligation to do so.

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Confidentiality Rules
• Shall be prudent in the use and
protection of information acquired
in the course of their duties.
• Shall not use information for any
personal gain or in any manner
that would be contrary to the law
or detrimental to the legitimate
and ethical objectives of the
Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Code of Ethics – Principles
• Competency
– Internal auditors apply the
knowledge, skills, and experience
needed in the performance of internal
audit services.

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Competency Rules
• Shall engage only in those services for
which they have the necessary
knowledge, skills, and experience.
• Shall perform internal audit services
in accordance with the International
Standards for the Professional
Practice of Internal Auditing.
• Shall continually improve their
proficiency and the effectiveness and
quality of their services
Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Internal Auditing is the
cornerstone for sustainable
organisational success
The IIA Value Proposition

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Role of Internal Auditors
• Re- Corporate Governance
• Re- Risk Management
• Re- Fraud
• Re- Corporate Ethics
• Re- Internal Controls
• Re- Information Technology
• Re- Financial Reporting
Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
The IIA Global Internal Audit
Competency Framework - 2013

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Module Two

The Audit Process (Overview)

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
The Audit Process

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
The Audit Process

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
The Internal Audit Process

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
How an audit is conducted

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Module Three

Risk Management/Assessment

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
A few things about Risk
• What is Risk?
– The effect of uncertainty on an
– Could be positive or negative

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
A few things about Risk
• What is Risk Management?
– Coordinated activities to direct and
control an organisation with regard to

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
The Risk Management Process

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
A few things about Risk
• What is Risk Management
– Systematic application of management
policies, procedures and practices to
the activities of communicating,
consulting, establishing the context,
and identifying, analyzing, evaluating,
treating, monitoring and reviewing

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Components of Risk Assessment
• Risk Identification

• Risk Analysis

• Risk Evaluation

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
2013 COSO Internal Control
• Definition
• Pillars | Components | Standards
• Principles

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Group Exercise

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Exercise 1- 15mins
• The ORC Relationship

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Module Four

Audit Planning

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Audit Planning
• Annual Audit Planning
• Components of the Audit Project

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Annual Audit Planning
• Risk Based Audit Planning
– Overview

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Components of the Audit Project Plan
• Audit Objectives
• Audit Scope
• Audit Methodology
• Audit Program
• Audit Time Budget
• Audit milestone dates

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Audit Objectives
• General audit objectives
• Specific audit objectives

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Group Exercise

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Exercise 2- 5mins
• Select one functional area in
your organisation and formulate
a general audit objective and the
appropriate specific objectives
for that function

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
• Distribute Audit Notification
• Conduct Pre-Audit Meeting
• Interview Department Personnel
• Review Policies and Procedures
• Understand and Document the Business
• Perform Risk Assessment
• Prepare Internal Control Questionnaire
• Prepare a Detailed Audit Program
• Prepare audit budget (in hours)
• Select items to be Audited (samples, not 100%)
Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Module Five

Process Documentation

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Process Documentation
• Process Flow charts
• Tools for Process Mapping
• System Narratives
• Interviewing Skills

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Process Flow charts
• A Flowchart is a diagram that
uses graphic symbols to depict
the nature and flow of the steps
in a process

• This is very helpful in identifying

the risks embedded within the
Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Drawing a flow chart
• Start with the big picture
• Observe the current process
• Record process steps
• Arrange the sequence of steps
• Draw the Flowchart

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Example – Washing of Hands

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Group Exercise

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Exercise 4 - 15mins
• Select a process at your work
place and develop a flow chart
for it.

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Module Six

Audit Programs

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Audit Programs
• Components of the Audit

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Components of the Audit Program
• the audit objective(s);
• the relevant line(s) of inquiry,
criteria, and audit questions;
• the information to be requested
from entities
• how the evidence will be

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Example of Audit Program
• Cash at Bank and on Hand
– Cash and bank.doc

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Group Exercise

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Exercise 3 – 15mins
• Select an audit area and develop
an initial audit work program for
performing the audit

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Module Seven

Audit Fieldwork

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Audit Fieldwork
• Testing Controls – design and
operating effectiveness
• Techniques for gathering audit
• Working paper preparation

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Testing Controls – design
• Look out for effectiveness in
dealing with pre-identified risks

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Testing Controls – operating
• The focus is on whether the
controls are effective in dealing
with the identified risks plus any
other risks that might emerge
during the performance of the

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Techniques for gathering audit evidence

• Analytical procedures
• Inspection
• Confirmation
• Recalculation
• Enquiry
• Observation
• Re-performing
Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Working Papers
• The documents containing the
evidence to support the auditor’s
findings, opinions, conclusions
and judgments.
• They include the collection of
evidence, prepared or obtained
by the auditor during the audit.

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Two forms of documentation
1. Documentation of the audit
activities (the what, why, how,
when and by whom)
performed in fulfilling the
assignment objectives.

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Two forms of documentation
2. Documentation of the
evidence collected and used to
support findings, conclusions
and recommendations
presented in audit reports

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Basic principles of working Paper
• Legible and neatly prepared
• Understandable without the need
for detailed supplementary oral
• Restricted to matters that are
materially important and relevant
to the objectives of the
Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
The Experienced Auditor Principle
• The experienced auditor should
understand what was done to
arrive at the conclusions
– Who is an experienced auditor

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Content of work papers
• Heading
• Title
• Date of Preparation and the
Identity of the Auditor
• Notes and Other Symbols
• Index and cross referencing

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Indexing and cross referencing
• This is the unique ID of the
working paper and helps to link
all of them together.

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
• Review Supporting Documentation
• Interview department personnel
• Perform analyses
• Identify Exceptions
• Identify Recommendations for
• Prepare Written Audit Comments (i.e.,
• Department Provides Written Response
and Corrective Action Plan for findings
Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Module Eight

Audit Reporting

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Why write internal audit reports?
• Required by Standards.
• Inform- (Tell what auditors found)
• Persuade – (Convince
management of worth and
validity of findings)
• Get Results – (Move management
towards change and
Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
The Truth about Audit Reporting
• Demonstrates:
– Effectiveness of the IA unit
– Competence of the IA unit
• Common ground where internal
auditor meets management
– Medium that establishes the auditor’s
authority or otherwise

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Unethical uses of the Audit Report
• Tool for achieving
management’s/auditor’s biased
– Settle scores/personal vendetta
– Weapon of mass destruction
• Win favour with management

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Developing Audit Reports
• From issues to findings
• The Five Cs
• Reporting Formats
• Other Reports

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
From issues to findings
• Findings are issues which are
fully developed to add value
– Improve the current condition

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
The 5 Cs


Criterion Corrective action


Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
In a nutshell
• What should be?
• What is?
• Why the deviation from the “what
should be” occurred?
• What happened or could happen
because the “what is” differed from
the “what should be”?
• What is needed to correct the
condition and improve operations?
Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Reporting Formats
• 5Cs

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
• Issue a draft report
• Discuss draft report with unit
• Issue final report
• Report is factual, clear, concise,
with an appropriate tone

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
Other Reports from the Audit Dept
1. Status of implementation of annual
internal audit plan
2. Report on adequacy of audit resources
3. Recommendation Implementation
Status Summary (follow up report)
4. Summary of high risk findings and
recommendations with action plans
5. Routine discussed audit reports
6. Ad-hoc Investigation reports

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance
The End

• Thank you for your time

Governance, Risk
Management & Compliance

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