Conversation Topics For Adults

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What is for you the most enjoyable type of
(camping, hotel, club, rented accommodation,
touring, sports activities, etc.)
List 5 things not to forget when you go on holiday.
Describe your favourite
- Why is it so enjoyable?
- When did you take it up?
- How often do you do it? etc...
Annoying habits
- Can you think of some things that
annoy you?
- What annoys you on public transport?
- Do some drivers have annoying habits?
- Does snoring annoy you?
- Do children or young people do things
that annoy adults?
What are the 5 most important
decisions in a person's life?
After making suggestions, the group
decides on the order of importance.
Who is the greatest? 
- Who is/was the greatest leader in the world?
- Who is/was the greatest athlete of all time?
- What is/was the greatest movie you ever saw?
- Who is/was the greatest inventor of all time?
Your experiences in life
- What is the best idea you have ever had?
- What is your biggest stroke of luck?
- What if the best / the worst piece of advice you
ever received?
- What achievement are you most proud of?
- What initiative would you never take again?
Fake news
- Have you ever heard of fake news (fabricated
- Where do we most often find fake news?
(newspapers, social media, show business ...)
- What examples of fake news can you think of?
Are people becoming telephone
- Could you live without a telephone?
- What would happen if our telephones no
longer worked?
Under what circumstances would you :
- walk out of a restaurant?
- refuse a taxi?
- call the manager of a hotel?
- sleep in a train/bus station?
- wear casual clothes to work?
What is a good job? 
- an interesting job?
- a well-paid job?
- a secure job?
- good working conditions?
If you had to move to another country
because of your job (or your partner's job),
- what country would you prefer if you had a
- what would you miss most?
- what would be the most important thing for
If .......... , what would you do?
- If your house caught on fire, what three things would you save
before running outside?
- If you could be another person for one day, who would you
choose to be?
- If you could be invisible for one day, what would you like to do?
- If you could live without sleeping, how would you spend your
- If you could change ONE thing in the world, what would it be?
Do you agree or disagree with the following

It doesn't matter whether you enjoy your job

or not as long as it's a well-paid job.
Do you agree or disagree with the
following statements?

Self-employment is more stimulating than

working for a large organisation.
Do you agree or disagree with the following

Social networks have rapidly become

communication tools for many companies.
They will be further developed for business
in the future.
Do you agree or disagree with the
following statements?

Small companies can adapt more

quickly to changes in the market
place than large corporations.
Do you agree or disagree with the
following statements?

It is impossible to have a successful

career and a happy family life.
You have to choose one or the other.
Do you agree or disagree with the
following statements?

Qualifications are more important today

than ever before.
Do you agree or disagree with the
following statements?

A successful salesperson knows the

strengths and weaknesses of competing
Do you agree or disagree with the
following statements?

Small companies cannot offer

employees opportunities for promotion.
Do you agree or disagree with the
following statements?

Whenever possible, employees should be

allowed to choose their own working
Do you agree or disagree with the
following statements?

Technology has changed business

methods that harm human relations.
Finish the sentences.
What I would like to change in my office is  ....

The most important quality for a manager is  ...

If I were transferred abroad, the country I would prefer to be sent

to is  ...
If I could change the way my company was run, I
would  ...

I would like to have an opportunity to  .....

Every employee should know  ...

Every manager should be able to  ...

The best way to relax after a tiring day is ....

Appearance is important at work but  ....

The thing that irritates me most in my company is ....

It would be a good idea if all companies ...

Money isn't everything but ...

A lot of people waste time by ......

It takes a lot of courage to ...

We can often tell people's characters by ..

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