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Exercise for Fitness
Everyone wants to be fit and healthy. There are over a
hundred researches that show how to achieve fitness and
wellness – the clear solution is to move more and eat well. The
solution might be simple but choosing which fitness program to
follow or what food to eat is overwhelming. The fitness industry
is flooded with various tools and programs that promise to help
you get fit fast with less work.
What programs are being implemented by
the national and international institutions
to encourage Filipinos to reduce physical
There is a significant increase in awareness of the health benefits
of physical activity and fitness on Filipinos. Health agencies such as the
Department of Health (DOH) and the World Health Organization
(WHO) have implemented strategies that promote an active lifestyle in
the past decade. Physical activity programs (e.g., HATAW, E-di
Exercise, Mag HL Tayo, and Go4Health) aim to decrease the
prevalence of sedentary lifestyle because studies show that physical
inactivity is a significant risk factor for several non-communicable
In spite of these strategies, there is still a rise in death due
to non-communicable diseases caused by physical inactivity. Non-
communicable diseases such as heart diseases, vascular disease,
and cancer have replaced tuberculosis and pneumonia among
the primary cause of death among Filipinos. According to the
estimates of WHO (Western Pacific Region), 65% of the total
deaths among Filipinos in the year 2000 were caused by non-
communicable diseases. In 2012, the number of deaths
significantly rose to 72%. Many of these deaths could have been
prevented if people were able to perform moderate physical
activities for 30 minutes for most days of the week.
Physical Activity and Exercise
Physical activity involves any bodily movements caused by
muscular contractions that result in the expenditure of energy.
Exercise is a planned program of physical activities usually
designed to improve physical fitness to increase physical fitness
Physical Activity and Exercise
The Physical Activity Pyramid shows that performing more
day-to-day activities such as walking and using the stairs is the
foundation of becoming physically active. The National Guidelines
for Physical Activity for Filipinos provide more detailed instruction
on the type and duration of activities for each age group. The
Physical Activity Pyramid provides a graphic representation of
how physical fitness can be achieved. Daily activities at the base
of the pyramid are low in intensity and should be performed as
often as possible for at least 30 minutes.
Physical Activity and Exercise
The activities on the second and third levels are activities
that are moderate to high in intensity, at least 30 minutes as
well. The difference between the activities is that those on the
second level should be performed 3 to 5 times a week while
those in the third level should be performed 2 to 3 times a week.
The tip of the pyramid consists of activities that should be
performed occasionally. An individual can achieve physical fitness
by following the recommendations of the Physical Activity
What are the benefits of becoming
active and being physically fit?
Physical fitness is a condition that allows the body to effectively
cope with the demands of daily activities and still has the energy to
enjoy other active leisure activities. The health-related components of
fitness include aerobic capacity, muscular strength, muscular
endurance, flexibility, and body composition. These components are
important in preventing injuries and noncommunicable diseases such
as heart disease and cancer.
• Aerobic Capacity – it is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood
vessels to supply oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles
efficiently to sustain prolonged rhythmical exercises.
• Muscular Strength – It is the ability of the muscle to generate
the greatest force. One repetition maximum is the heaviest load
that can be lifted in one repetition.
• Muscular Endurance – it is the ability of the muscle to resist
fatigue when performing multiple repetitions of a submaximal
load. It can also refer to the time in which a muscle can hold a
• Flexibility – it is the ability to move a joint without pain over its
entire range of motion.
• Body Composition – it refers to the total make-up of the body
using the concept of two components mode: the lean body mass
and body fat.
Importance of an Active Lifestyle
• Improves bone, joint, and • Reduces the risk of
muscle strength; cardiovascular diseases such as
• Develops motor control and coronary artery diseases and
coordination; stroke;
• Helps maintain a healthy body • Promotes healthy cholesterol
composition; level;
• Improves the psychological • Helps regulate blood pressure;
functioning of an individual; • Decreases the risk of type 2
• Increases the efficiency of the diabetes;
lungs and the heart; • Reduces the risk of breast and
• Increases muscle strength and colon cancer;
endurance; • Improves control over anxiety
• Protects from musculoskeletal and depression; and
What type of exercises can be performed to derive these
health benefits?
1. Aerobic Exercise - is a physical exercise of low to high intensity that
depends primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process. (e.g.
swimming, biking, running, jogging, and dancing, etc.)
2. Resistance Exercise - Resistance training is any exercise that causes
the muscles to contract against an external resistance with the
expectation of increases in strength, power, hypertrophy, and/or
endurance. The external resistance can be dumbbells, exercise
tubing, your body weight, bricks, bottles of water, or any other
object that causes the muscles to contract. (e.g. barbell, TRX, Thera-
Band, and resistance machine.)
3. Stretching Exercise - is a form of physical exercise in which a specific
muscle or tendon is deliberately flexed or stretched to improve the
muscle's felt elasticity and achieve comfortable muscle tone. (e.g.
statistic stretching, ballistic stretching, and dynamic stretching)
What changes or adaptations will occur as a
result of aerobic exercise?
A regular aerobic exercise will stimulate changes in the various organs
and tissues of the body but it is more emphasized in the cardiovascular
system. These changes help the body adapt to the increased demands by
allowing more oxygen and nutrients to the exercising muscles. Moreover,
the muscles can extract more oxygen from the blood, which translates to
an increased maximum amount of oxygen that the body can utilize
(VO2max). The adaptations that lead to an increase in VO 2max are due to
the changes that happen in the heart, blood vessels, blood, and muscles.
One of the biggest changes happens in the heart wherein it can eject
more blood at every beat as a result of an increase in the size of the left
ventricle chamber. Moreover, The muscle that covers the left ventricle of
the heart becomes thicker due to aerobic training. Thicker muscle wall
can generate more force at each contraction, enabling it to expel more
blood out of the chamber.
It is normal for the muscles to increase in
size as a result of resistance training?
The adaptation of the body to regular resistance exercise is
commonly found in the nervous and musculoskeletal system.
These adaptations happen at the cellular level after several
months of regular training.
How important is stretching exercise in
improving performance?
Stretching exercise is important in improving the range of motion
around the joints. It helps an individual in performing a daily task
with efficiency. A regular stretching routine will also help correct
muscle imbalance and improve posture.
Are there psychological benefits from
The effects of training go beyond biological changes. As much as
these biological changes lead to better health, an individual who
regularly trains can experience psychological, emotional, and
even intellectual benefits. People also use exercise to cope with
stress and control their depressions.

How do we solve the common barriers to adopting an active lifestyle?

-The common barriers to change usually occur when a person is
between the Preparation and Action stages. Individuals in the Pre-
contemplation and Contemplation stage can be motivated to adopt
new behavior by showing the benefits and providing encouragement
that change is possible. There are no hard and fast rules for each
barrier and they should be dealt on a case-to-case basis. However,
some guidelines can be used to deal with these barriers.
Barrier Solution
I do not have the Prioritize activities and cut back some time from the
time non-essential activities to be able to exercise.
I am always tired Make a physical activity diary and analyze which part
of the day you have more energy and schedule your
work-out around that period.
I do not know how Read journals and articles on the best practices as
well as ask people who have been successful at
adopting health behavior.
I do not have There are numerous exercise regimens that are not
enough memory expensive such as running and swimming.
I do not feel the Inform the family and friends about the new
support behavior or join an activity club that has the same
Barrier Solution

I am not motivated Create a list of pros and cons of the positive behavior that will
serve as a reminder; focus on changing the behavior instead of the
outcome and write a Smart Goal.

I lack willpower Identify what triggers the backslide and be conscious when it
happens; Implement a reward system.

I easily get Avoid negative self-talk and replace them with encouraging words.

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