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Maladjusted Person Analysis

Submitted to Mr. Muhammad Azeem

 ‘Maladjustment’ is a process whereby an individual is
unable to satisfy his biological, psychological or social
needs successfully and establishes an imbalance between
his personal needs and expectation of the society resulting
in the disturbance of psycho-equilibrium

The person I happen to analyze is shopkeeper and I observe

following characteristics of maladjustment
 Tension
 Fearful
 Extremely aggressive
 Emotionally disturbed
 Tension:
I observe that he is in tension regarding his shop and his future
and he is not feeling good because of tension.
 Fearful:
He is often desire to hide from meeting with the people of
higher classes.
 Extremely aggressive:
He is also extremely aggressive in many situations • When
there is many people come at a time and then he is in hurry
and then he throw objects and in tension as well.
 Emotionally disturb:
He is emotionally disturb as well • When he is alone he do
nail biting and thumb sucking which is a sign that he is
emotionally disturb as well.
Causes of Maladjusted behaviour:
 Physically, mentally and visually handicapped react
abnormally to the situation.

 Problems of unemployment, poverty and low-economic

status breed maladjustment.

  Lack of guidance and counseling: No guidance is provided

for various areas at different levels. Person became
confused, frustrated and become maladjusted.
 Firstly, believe in yourself.
 Proper encouragement.
  Proper appreciation.
 Pattern of relaxation.
 Guidance and counseling.

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