Welcome National Service Training Program

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Module 1
Training Objectives
1. Discuss the good citizenship values.
2. Identify some basic Filipino values.
3. Cite situations which Filipino values are
Some example of service of the Filipinos
1. What do you observe in the photos above?
2. How do you feel as you look at the photos? Why do you say
3. 3. How are the volunteers in the photos show citizenship?
4. If you were in the position of the volunteers in the photos,
would you do the same?
5. why do you think good citizenship values must be taught to
The Preamble of the Philippine Constitution

We, the sovereign Filipino people,

imploring the aid of Almighty God,
in order to build a just and humane society
and establish a government
that shall embody our ideals and aspirations,
promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony,
and secure to ourselves our posterity the blessing of independence
and democracy under the rule of law and a regime of truth,
justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace
do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.
• Our values as Filipinos define our identity as a
people so we must strictly impose these values on
ourselves – regardless of age, status or religion.
• we as Filipino people must observe these values
in all our actions, at all times, in all circumstances.
• Embodying these values will bring great
rewards for us and our country in the near
Good Citizenship
• engenders love of country
• Through good citizenship, even the poor, the young and the
old can contribute to nation-building
• strengthens unity
• Our nation is in crisis; we are in the pandemic and at these
times, people are suffering. By being good citizens we will
not be part of the problem; we will be part of the solution.
NSTP as Citizenship Training
• focuses on translating the good citizenship values
as reflected in the Preamble of the 1987
Philippine Constitution into concrete actions in
building a better Philippines.
• Program that develops our character to become
more mindful of our responsibilities, rights, and
roles in the society.
• Voluntary Work
• Community service
• Knowing and loving your country!
(16) basic Filipino Values as embodied in the
The Maka-Diyos Cluster
1. Faith in the Almighty God – A good Filipino
obeys God and lives according to His teachings.
2. Respect for Life - A good Filipino recognizes
the absolute value of human life and the
human dignity of every person including himself.
3. Order – A good Filipino values orderliness.
4. Work – A good Filipino values diligence and
excellence in everything he/she does.
5. Concern for the Family and Future
Generations – A good Filipino looks after the
welfare of his/her family and the future generation.
The Maka-Tao Cluster
1. Love – A good Filipino looks after the good and welfare
of his/her fellow human beings.
2. Freedom – A good Filipino asserts his/her right
especially if it means being able to do
the right thing.
3. Peace – A good Filipino lives and works in harmony with
his/her fellow human beings.
4. Truth – A good Filipino stands up for the truth and avoids
intrigue and mudslinging and
values integrity in his/her life, family, work and country.
5. Justice – A good Filipino gives everyone their due even if it
is difficult. He does not oppress or take advantage of anyone.
He/she is fair in all his/her dealings especially
with the poor and powerless, not getting more than what is
rightfully his/hers.
The Maka-Bayan Cluster
1. Unity – A good Filipino works with and
cooperates with others.
2. Equality – A good Filipino treats others as
brothers and sisters being children of one
God and one nation.
3. Respect for the Law and Government – A
good Filipino obeys the laws of the land and
supports government programs.
4. Patriotism – A good Filipino places high regard
for his/her country.
5. Promotion of the Common Good – A good
Filipino puts the welfare of the greater
number of people over his/her own.
The Maka-Kalikasan Cluster
Concern for the Environment – A good Filipino
conserves natural resources such as water, land and
air. He/she gets involved in efforts contributory to
the welfare of the environment such as planting
trees and implementing proper waste segregation.
• Enumerate the four clusters of the basic
Filipino values.
• How do you show your faith in the Almighty
• How can you show your respect for life?
Works Cited
• Labuguen, Florida C. et al. Understanding the National
Service Training Program: A Modular Worktext for
NSTP 1. Malabon City: Mutya Publishing House, 2012
• Rosales, Ma. Junithesmer D. and Milagrina A. Gomez.
Field Study 1 Manual: The Learner’s Development and
Environment. Philippines: Allen Adrian Books, 2011.

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