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Cloze Test
What’s cloze
A cloze test/ cloze deletion test)

A cloze test is nothing but a passage with Fill in the

blanks. You have to study the passage, understand the
context and then fill the blanks with appropriate word
from the given options, that best fits into the context.

Cloze tests require the ability to understand

context and vocabulary in order to identify the
correct language or part of speech that belongs in
the deleted passages.
Step 1: Read the Passage Carefully

Each reading comprehension or passage has

its consistency and objective.
Hence, the first cloze test solving strategy
should always be to read the entire passage
carefully, at least once.
Read each sentence carefully, do not rush
and try to build a general idea about the
cloze test passage. Once you have a basic
idea, you will identify the best option
suitable for each fill in the blank.
Step 2: Identify Tone and Sentence Pattern

A Cloze Test Passage comprises sentences

logically connected with a combination of
articles, nouns, pronouns, adjectives etc.
Following the strategy of treating each
option as a separate independent sentence
might result in a fatal mistake.
So, read the cloze test passage properly
and identify both tone and sentence pattern
prevalent in the comprehension.
Step 3: Select the Word Type

Once you understand the tone of the cloze test passage, you need
to look for the right word type. It could be a noun, article, pronoun,
verb, preposition or conjunction that rightly fits the blank. Check for
the words that match the consistency and tone of the passage.
Let us try and understand this better with an example.

Essentially I am interested in _____ (1) world, in this _____ (2), not

in some other _____ (3) or a future life

(a) this (b) that (c) real (d) imaginary (e) our
(a) life (b) reality (c) existence (d) truth (e) faith
(a) reality (b) world (c) life (d) plan (e) universe
**The correct answers will be (a), (a) and (b)
Essentially I am interested in this(1) world, in
this life(2), not in some other world(3) or a
future life.
Note: If there are a set of common or related
words in a particular cloze test question, select
the most commonly used.
Step 4: Eliminate the Obvious Options
The usual inspection method works well in a Cloze Test Passage.
But it should always be implemented after Step 1-2-3. Check out
the options listed under the cloze test question and remove the
ones which are most definitely wrong or out of context. Most of
the times, there is at least one such option in every question.
Let us take an example.
1. There are quite a few people in the world who
are fat and are _____.

(a) underweight
(b) overweight
(c) physically fit
(d) thin
(e) Emaciated

Options (a) and (d) can be struck off as they don’t

match the context of the question.
Step 5: Read after Filling Options [Crucial]

Once you are done with the above steps, it is

time to re-check the answers. Read the entire
passage slowly and check if it sounds logically
and grammatically correct and in tune with the
passage tone and context. It so happens that
sometimes a set of options can be relatively
nearby. A final thorough read will help you ace
the cloze test passage entirely.
In a cloze test passage, you have to enter the
suitable word for the corresponding blank in
each sentence. It can be a noun, adjective,
pronoun, gerund or anything else. The
examiner provides 4-5 options for every blank
in the cloze test, and candidates have to
choose the correct answer based on their
Here is the solution to the above question.
Example : 
My mother waved me goodbye and the bus _____(1). The man
sitting _____(2) to me was a doctor ______(3) to Kanpur, _____(4)
participate in a conference.

1. (a) going (b) started (c) arrived (d) stopped (e) travelling
2. (a) next (b) besides (c) near (d) side (e) neighbour
3. (a) coming (b) arriving (c) going (d) visiting (e) flying
4. (a) to (b) for (c) so (d) and (e) then

➡This paragraph clearly gives the idea that the writer is going out
and his/her mother has come to the bus-stand to say goodbye.
The passenger sitting next is a doctor who is going to Kanpur to
participate in a conference.
My mother waved me goodbye and the
bus started(1). The man sitting next(2) to
me was a doctor going(3) to Kannur, to(4)
participate in a conference.

➡So, the correct answer for (1) is option (b); and for (2) is option (a); and for (3)
the option is (c) and for the Question (4) the option is (a).

(1) (a) going (b) started (c) arrived (d) stopped (e) travelling
(2) (a) next (b) besides (c) near (d) side (e) neighbour
(3) (a) coming (b) arriving (c) going (d) visiting (e) flying
(4) (a) to (b) for (c) so (d) and (e) then
The joint family gave way to the ____(1) family. Despite the ___(2) that it offers, children
feel ___(3), lonely and frustrated, leading to psychiatrist problems, pressures and ___(4).
A cross-section of children was interviewed, and they matter-of-factly ___(5) problems,
at the same time ___(6) showing the way to ___(7) solutions. Tell your children about
your work. Young as they are, they ___(8) where you have been all day. Explain to them,
“Mummy has a teaching job.” She teaches little children to read and write, or Daddy
works in a factory. The factory makes scooters. At least now the child ___(9) a mental
picture of how you spend the day. There develops a certain ___(10) in that knowledge.

(a) lonely (b) individual (c) nuclear (d) self-centred (e) separate

(a) seclusion (b) privacy (c) isolation (d) separation (e) loneliness
(a) neglected (b) avoided (c) disregarded (d) segregated (e) isolated
(a) burdens (b) complexities (c) complications (d) controversies (e) disadvantages
(a) marked (b) declared (c) pin-pointed (d) designated (e) stressed
(a) inadvertently (b) unknowingly (c) obviously (d) pains takingly (e) clearly
(a) reasonable (b) plausible (c) remarkable (d) referred (e) preferred
(a) wonder (b) amaze (c) feel (d) estimate (e) calculate
(a) constructs (b) inculcates (c) develops (d) establishes (e) makes
1. (c)
2. (b)
3. (a)
4. (b)
5. (c)
6. (a)
7. (b)
8. (a)
9. (c)
10. (a)
Read the paragraphs given below and try to fill the blank with an answer
which fits in the context.
In the following passage, at certain points you are given a choice of three words one of
which fits the meaning of the passage. Click on the option which you think is most
suitable at the point. You can change the option to know correct answer. Press the
reset button to try again.
According to a report in yesterday’s newspaper 1._______ police dog was taken to Raj
Bhavan 2._______ Monday. This was to trace the 3._______ of the "very important
horse" which 4._______ reported missing on Sunday. The dog picked 5._______ the
scent on some traces of 6._______ and ran a few yards before losing the 7._______. The
police have launched a vigorous 8._______ into the whole affair. They have
9._______ the services of a forensic expert, 10._______ fingerprint expert and a
photographer. 11._______ are now fourteen horses at Raj Bhavan 12._______ are kept in
a large shed near the gate.
1. 2. 3. 4.
1.once 1.killers 1.has
2.a 2.dogs 2.were 3.on 3.police 3.was

5. 6. 7. 8.
1.on 1.those 2.blood 2.track 2.investigation
3.up 3.campaign

9. 10. 11. 12.

1.given up 1.a 1.There 1.who
2.requisitioned 2.We 2.were
Childhood is a time when there are 1._______ responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child
2._______ good parents, he is fed, looked 3._______ and loved, whatever he may do, it is
improbable that he will ever again in his life 4._______ given so much without having to do
anything 5._______ return. In addition, life is always 6._______ new things to the child. A
child finds 7._______ in playing in the rain or in the snow. His first visit 8._______ the seaside
is marvellous adventure. But a child has his pains; he is not free to do as he wishes; he is
continually being 9._______ not to do things or is being 10._______. His life is therefore not
perfectly happy.
1. 2. 3. 4.
1.many 1.had 1.up
2.little 2.have 2.has
3.few 3.has 3.after 3.are
4.more 4.will have 4.around

5. 6. 7. 8.
1.for 1.donating 1.pain 1.on 2.displaying 2.progress 3.granting 3.pressure
4.of 4.presenting 4.pleasure 4.for

9. 10.
1.ordered 1.beaten
2.told 2.penalised
3.forbidden 3.disturbed
4.restricted 4.punished
We all like listening to 1._____ and the person who is good 2.______ telling stories will
always be a 3._______ member of any company. The art 4._______ good story-telling
covers much more than 5._______ up fabulous adventures; it includes telling
6._______ the doings of living people or 7._______ men and women of the past,
8.________ your own travels and adventures and 9._______, about the books you
have read 10._______ the films you have seen.

1. 2. 3. 4.
1.lectures 1.on 1.popular 1.on
2.theories 2.good 2.of
3.stories 3.necessary

5. 6. 7. 8.
1.describing 1.about 1.insignificant
2.making 2.dead 2.about
3.showing 3.for 3.famous 3.through

9. 10.
1.experiences 1.either
2.desires 2.all
3.worries 3.and
Practicing 11._____ art of story-telling can be very 12.______ too. It will help you
to 13._______ clearly and logically, to sort out 14._______ ideas to express yourself
clearly and 15._______, to gain and hold the attention 16._______ others. It will
help you to 17._______ off shyness and self-consciousness, and give
18.________ that feeling of freedom 19._______ is so important to 20._______ in

11. 12. 13. 14. 1.useful 1.listen 1.her
2.a 2.dangerous 2.remember 2.their
3.the 3.contagious 3.think 3.your

15. 16. 17. 18.

1.timidly 1.shake 1.she
2.effectively 2.on 2.lay
3.bluntly 3.of 3.hit 3.I

19. 20.
1.then 1.success
2.what 2.victory
3.which 3.gain

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