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Muhammad Shahzaib

An Environmental Assessment (EIA)
EIA is an assessment of possible positive or
negative impacts that a proposed project may have
on the environment, together consisting of the
natural, social and economic aspects.
An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report

“Ononya Housing Project”
of Chittagong Development Authority (CDA)
Onanya Housing Project
Planned by Chittagong Development Authority (CDA)
Total Cost around 2.85 Billion
Established In 2005
Location: Oxygen-Kuwaish Link Road Noyabazar.
Area 180 Acres
Main & important details of the project
• All major and minor faults found within the project and the
implication that these will haveEnvironmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) Report on Ononya Housing Project
• Technical information about the construction and all
materials which is used in this project
• General information about the project area and its
environmental status
• Assessing the possible impacts on the environment due to
the implementation of the project
• Positive and Negative impacts are also highlighted
with mitigate measures
• Recommendations for any further survey, construction,
decision making and investigation that may need to be
performed on the project area
Objectives of this EIA report
From this EIA report we are try to evaluate this are as
• To identify and evaluate potential positive and
negative impacts of the project
• To explore alternatives to prevent pollution and
efficiently manage environmental resources
• To determine possible effects on community
Layout of the Onanya Housing Project:
Impacts of the Project
 Positive Impacts:
 Development of drainage system
 Road Construction
 Socio-Economic impact

 Negative Impacts:
 Water resources
 Reduction of cultivated land
 Effects on community
 Environmental Components
 Air Pollution (Sox, NOx etc.)
 Water Pollution
a) Point sources
b) Non-Point sources
 Noise Pollution
 Solid Waste management
Mitigation Measures
Air Quality improvement
Water quality improvement
Noise pollution reduction
Solid waste Management
Topographic survey
Construction survey
Environmental Monitoring
a. Engineering surveys
b. Foundation surveys
Focuses on the implementation of project
• Construction design and building works
• Project management and monitoring
• Property Legislation advice
• Insurance assessment and claims assistance
• Defect investigation and maintenance advice
• Building surveys and measured surveys
• Handling planning applications
• Building inspection to ensure compliance with
building regulations
• Pre-acquisition surveys
Advises of the Building surveyors
Building surveyors are also advices on many aspects of
construction including
• Cost
• Design
• Maintenance
• Refurbishment
• Repair
• Encourage implementation of the early phases of the
long term development strategy
• Encourage the maintenance and further upgrading of
regional and national road links
• Encourage the provision of improved access
arrangements in certain parts of the urban area
• Ensure that development is compatible with the broad
land use zoning shown in the structure plan map
• Impose restrictions on the location of new polluting
sources and identify suitable locations for their
• Protect and enhance significant areas of open space
within the area
• Reduce noise levels from the worst noise nuisance
• This report provides comprehensive and accurate
information about the site and condition of the
Chittagong Development Authorities (CDA) ongoing
‘Ononya Housing project’
• This report has been checked the project detailed
thoroughly, looking at major faults
• Through this report, the project site can be improved
through the mitigation measures and recommendations

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