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 Audio 8 to slide 9

 Audio 11 to slide 5
 Design
 Insert much information
Working in the IT Schedules &
industry acronyms
• • talk about scheduled tasks
• • use the alphabet and spell out words
IT acronyms:

 HTML: (Hyper Text Markup Language)

 FTP: (File Transfer Protocol)

 WLAN: (Wireless Local Area Network)

 SQL (Structured Query Language).


 List the IT acronyms you know and

try to get its definition and function
 Bob, can you (1) me, please?Sure.I don't understand this acronym. What does it (2) for?
Let me see. 'W3'. I'm not sure. Maybe WWW, the World Wide Web. OK. What does P2P
stand for?(3) stands for person-to-person.OK. What does IP (4) ?It means Internet
Protocol.How do you (5)p-r-o-t-o-c-o-1.Thanks.You're welcome
Work in pairs. Make a list of acronyms. Ask
and answer questions.
 Example:A: What does HTML stand for/mean?
 B: It stands for/means ....
Schedules & Saying Clock times.
 To ask about the time of something
What time does it start/begin/finish/end?
When do you have a break?
 To answer or say the time of something,
It starts at 9.15. (nine fifteen! / quarter past nine)
It begins at 8.30. (eight thirty / half past eight)
It finishes at 4.00. (four o'clock)
It ends at 5.07. (five oh seven / seven minutes past five)
The types of saying the time
 It's one, two , three, or etc. O'clock
At Quarter Hours ( 15 minutes after the hour or 15 minutes before the hour)
 It’s quarter past five (5:15) It’s quarter to six (5:45)
Half an hour
 It is half past……. . , it's half past two (2:30). It is half past six. ( 06:30 ) It is half past one.
( 01:30 )
 It is seven minutes past eleven. ( 11: 07 ) ( less formal: It is eleven O-seven) (0 is pronounced like the
letter ”O” not “zero.”)

It is 4 minutes to eight. ( 07:56 ) ( less formal: It is seven fifty-six )

Practice, Saying these times. Listen and repeat

1. 7.05
2. 6.45
3. 8 o'clock
4. 10.45
5. 4.35
6. 2.15
7. 12 o'clock
8. 9.50
Listen to two people at an IT conference.
Complete this dialogue.
 Penelope: Hi, Don. (1)………….. are you?  Penelope: And (6)……. Does it finishes
 'Don: I'm (2)………. thanks, Penelope. And  Don: It(7)……. At 4.00 in the afternoon.
you?  Penelope: Well, I (8)……. to attend the
 Penelope: I'm OK. Bit tired from the flight.
Microsoft Windows Applications workshop. It
 Don: Right. (9)……. at 8.30 am and (10)……… at 6.00 pm.
But they have two breaks, at 10.30 and 12.45.
 Penelope: (3)………….. workshop (4)…………
 Don: That's good.
you want to attend today, Don?
 Don: I want to go to the CISCO network  Penelope: Hope you enjoy your session.
security workshop.  Don: You too. See you around.
 Penelope: Sounds interesting. What time does it
 Don: It (5)……... at 9.15.
Write five sentences about yourself and your
daily schedule.

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