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Capstone Project

What is capstone project?
A capstone project is a culminating assignment, on which
students usually work on during their final year in school or at
the end of the academic program. It requires different
intellectual activities. This project helps young people learn how
to find and analyze information and how to work with it
efficiently. It has a wide variety of forms. This means that a
capstone program can be submitted in various forms including
a multimedia presentation, film, performance, or paper. A
capstone research project is very similar to a college thesis.

Importance of
A capstone project can help
increase preparation for college
and work, reduce the loss of
learning during the senior year
and encourage efficient work and
new interesting experiences in
science or other disciplines.
Importance of
Capstone projects are a great way
of demonstrating the proficiency of
learning. This type of work can
help young people determine their
competence and readiness to
demonstrate what they have
learned through the course of their
project. 4
Importance of
Involving students in long-term
projects which combine their
ambitions and goals, motivate people
to more deliberate future planning,
understanding their main objectives,
career exploration, and obtaining
useful experience, which will help
them in their future careers. 5
Importance of
Capstone projects can give students
more confidence in their strengths
and make their self-perception
clearer which is always a good thing.

You will select a gap in knowledge in your discipline created by an area
that may not have been previously addressed in course content or may
have served as inspiration for greater knowledge on the subject matter,
idea, or concept.
Through systematic inquiry, you will research, collect, organize, and
produce an analysis of the information from both primary and secondary
Your research project will conclude with a 45-page (minimum) scholarly
report in Standard Academic English and with appropriate APA
documentation, which successfully fills your gap in knowledge on the
selected topic.
⊹ It can be studio and project-based work across a wide range of
music industry activities. It may take the form of developing a
film, a recital, choreographing a dance, acting in a production,
exhibiting paintings, writing a collection of poetry or short
stories, writing a play, writing a literary analysis, presenting a
photographic essay, or any similar type of creative endeavor.
⊹ This type of project will require a demonstration using either a
PowerPoint presentation or a video presentation. Your applied
project will conclude with a 45-page (minimum) scholarly
report, appropriately documented in APA format and written in
Standard Academic English, that provides answers to the
project question
You have the option of selecting a problem within
the context of your respective field of study and
relating it to an organization, community, or
institution. Your attempts to answer a real problem
will represent your ability to synthesize and apply
concepts learned through course content.
Your applied project will conclude with a 45-page
(minimum) scholarly report, appropriately
documented in APA format and written in Standard
Academic English, that provides answers to the
project question.
Externally-oriented Projects
⊹ This is one of the most common types of capstone. Students
engage in a professionally oriented project that is intended to
develop a solution for a client. Student design and execute a
project or significant program of activities.
⊹ In many cases, this includes the implementation of the
outcome – such as an event or product. Assessment evidence
generally utilizes a combination of behaviors, process and
products but where students have individual clients there is less
emphasis on the products because requirements, impeding
factors and products can vary significantly
⊹ Your externally-oriented project will conclude with a 45- page
(minimum) scholarly report, appropriately documented in APA
format and written in Standard Academic English, that provides
answers to the project question 11
A case study can be explanatory (focus on an explanation for a question
or a phenomenon. The results are not up for interpretation), Exploratory
(goal is to prove that further investigation is necessary), Multiple-Case
Studies or Collective Studies (information used from different studies to
formulate the case for a new study), Intrinsic (study wherein the subject
itself is the primary interest), Instrumental (uses a case to gain insights
into a phenomenon). Case studies can focus on a person, group, location,
or organization/company, or event. Your case study project will conclude
with a 45-page (minimum) scholarly report, appropriately documented in
APA format and written in Standard Academic English, that provides
answers to the project question
⊹ Program evaluation capstones require the investigator to plan details of your
Program Evaluation Capstone, allow for scientific merit and review and
facilitate your progress through the capstone. A student pursuing this format
must obtain approval of your Capstone Research before seeking IRB approval,
collecting data, and writing your capstone manuscript. This type of project must
contribute to society by improving a practice, document need for change by
utilizing evidence-based needs assessment, meet criteria of a good program
evaluation which includes an evaluation of process and/or outcomes (formative
or summative).
⊹ Your program evaluation project will conclude with a 45-page (minimum)
scholarly report, appropriately documented in APA format and written in
Standard Academic English, that provides answers to the project question
⊹ Program evaluation capstones require the investigator to plan details of your
Program Evaluation Capstone, allow for scientific merit and review and
facilitate your progress through the capstone. A student pursuing this format
must obtain approval of your Capstone Research before seeking IRB approval,
collecting data, and writing your capstone manuscript. This type of project must
contribute to society by improving a practice, document need for change by
utilizing evidence-based needs assessment, meet criteria of a good program
evaluation which includes an evaluation of process and/or outcomes (formative
or summative).
⊹ Your program evaluation project will conclude with a 45-page (minimum)
scholarly report, appropriately documented in APA format and written in
Standard Academic English, that provides answers to the project question




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