First Aid - Level 1: 30 March 2012

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FIRST AID – Level 1

30 March 2012
1) Introduction
2) Basic of FA
3) CAB Techniques
4) Choking
5) Fainting
6) Discussion - Closing
1 – Introduction

Aims of First Aid

Immediate care given to an injured or suddenly ill
person before it’s handled by Medical personnel.

Upaya pertolongan dan perawatan sementara

terhadap orang yang tiba-tiba cedera atau sakit,
sebelum ditangani oleh tenaga medis
2 - Basic of FA
 Golden Rule of FA
“Do not harm the victim”

 “Jangan membahayakan

 Consent of the victim’s


 Persetujuan
rekan/keluarga korban
First Aid Steps
 Danger  Conditions around the victim

 Victim Responds
 Able to respond ?
 Breathing? Not breathing ?

 CAB (Compression-Airway-Breathing)

 Call for assistance

3 - CAB Techniques
 Compression – Kompresi dada
 Airway – Membuka jalan napas
 Breathing – Bantuan napas

Combines external cardiac compression and expired

air resuscitation, for a person whose breathing and
heart have stopped.
Kombinasi dari pengurutan jantung di luar tubuh dan
bantuan pernafasan buatan yang jantungnya
berhenti bergerak dan berhenti bernafas.
3 - CAB Techniques

 When to do?
When the heart stops beating or fails to beat
regularly enough to circulate blood effectively.

 Kapan perlu dilakukan?

Ketika jantung berhenti berdetak , maka darah
tidak lagi dapat dipompakan ke seluruh tubuh.
Akibatnya, organ-organ vital seperti otak dapat
mengalami kematian karena kekurangan oksigen.
3 - CAB Techniques
Compression – Kompresi dada

Push at least 2 inches (5 cm) on adult breastbone, 100 times

per minute, to move oxygenated blood to vital organs.

Berikan tekanan terhadap tulang dada dengan kedalaman

+/- 5 cm, dengan kecepatan 100x/menit, untuk mengalirkan
darah oksigen ke organ vital.
3 - CAB Techniques
Airway – Membuka jalan napas

Open the airway and check for breathing or blockage. Watch

for rise of chest and listen for air movement.
Buka jalan nafas dan periksa pernafasan atau penyumbatan.
Perhatikan gerak dada dan dengarkan gerakan nafas.
“head tilt-chin lift” (tekan dahi-angkat dagu)
3 - CAB Techniques
Breathing – Bantuan napas

“Head tilt-chin lift” for the unobstructed passing of air.

Give two breaths (1 second/breath) and resume chest
“Tekan dahi-angkat dagu” untuk jalannya jalur udara.
Beri 2 kali bantuan nafas (1 detik/nafas) dan lanjutkan
penekanan dada.
Video CAB
 CAB Guideline AHA 2010
4 – Choking - Tersedak
 Choking cuts off oxygen to the brain.
 Choking occurs when a piece of food or a foreign
object becomes lodged in the throat or windpipe,
blocking the flow of air. Young children often
swallow small objects.

 Tersedak - penyumbatan jalan nafas.

 Dapat terjadi jika ada makanan atau benda asing
masuk dan menghalangi jalan nafas.
 Anak-anak suka masukan benda kecil ke mulut 
4 – Choking - Tersedak
4 – Choking - Tersedak
Partial Choking
The person can still make a sound from mouth - speak, cry, cough
or breathe

Total Chocking
 The person will not be able to speak, cry, cough or breathe

 Usually holding the neck with both hands.

Tersedak Ringan
Korban masih bersuara dan dapat batuk dengan keras.

Tersedak Berat
 Korban tidak dapat bernafas, hampir tidak mengeluarkan suara.

 Biasanya, reflek memegang leher dengan kedua tangan.

4 – Choking – Tersedak
Ask : Are you choking?  First Aid to do.....
1. Stand behind the person and wrap your
arms around the person’s stomach.

2. Make a fist. Place the thumb side of your

fist against the abdomen, just above the
3. Give repeated quick inward and upward
thrusts until the object is expelled and
person can breathe normally.
4 – Choking – Tersedak
 If you're ever alone and choking …….

Kepalkan tangan di
atas pusar sambil
menggenggam tangan

Membungkuk di atas
kursi, dorong ke atas
dengan kepalan
tangan Anda
Video Choking
 Choking - First Aid

 Practice  with your colleague

5 – Fainting
Fainting occurs when the blood supply to your brain is
momentarily inadequate, causing you to lose

Causes of fainting :
 Hot and humid environments

Lingkungan yang lembab dan panas

 Excessive stress

Stres yang berlebihan

 Physical factors eg. long standing, too tights clothes.

Faktor2 fisik : berdiri lama, baju terlalu ketat.

 Exhaustion, low blood sugar level, dehydration.

 Kelelahan, kadar gula darah yang rendah, dehidrasi.

5 – Fainting
First aid to do……
 If possible, try to break the victim's fall
Tahan tubuh korban supaya tidak jatuh ke lantai.
 Loosen tight clothing that might restrict blood flow
Longgarkan pakaian yang ketat ; membatasi aliran darah
5 – Fainting
First aid to do……
 Lie the patient on their back and raise their legs to
encourage blood flow to the brain, about 8-12 inches
Baringkan korban terlentang dan angkat kedua kaki lebih
tinggi dari kepala +/- 20-30cm
 Closing Video

Thank You

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