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Welcome to SOCI19754

History of Science and

About me…
Matthew Sheridan
I am a Professor in School of Social and Life
In addition to History of Science and
Technology, also teach Issues in Social Media,
Computer Communications, course related to
Identity Theft, as well as Cyber Security.
Email: Please Use Slate Email to contact me…
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Today’s Agenda
Introduction: Welcome, Classroom
Policies, Format, Outline, Evaluations,
FAQs, Avoiding Plagiarism
Homework: Buy Required Textbook,
Practice Quiz, Discussion Post 1
Before We Start…
Prerequisites and Prior Learning Recognition
There are no prerequisites for this course
My Expectations
Classroom Environment:
• This class is online. Discussion Forums require
professional etiquette. You need to be mindful,
polite, address other peers by name when replying
to their posts
• When emailing me, your emails should not look
like text messages. You need to start by addressing
me by name, providing more information than 1
sentence, and ending the email with your name.
My Expectations:
• Stay on track, complete the weekly readings, and
do your own work
• Complete activities and submit them on time to
• Warning: do not leave assignments to the last
Course Design
This Gen Ed Course is fully online which means you are
responsible for textbook readings and course online
• All assignments are submitted and completed online
Mandatory Textbook

Science, Technology and Society: An

Introduction. Bridgstock, Cambridge University Press. ISBN:
All assignments and quizzes require the textbook.
Get Mandatory Textbook
Do Practice Quiz after going through Module 1 content
in Content section
Go to the Discussions forum, look over Discussion Post
1 which is due in Week 3
Slate Overview
Our Course Homepage Contains:
• Announcements, Important Dates Calendar
• Content Section: Start by going through Module 1.
• Look over the Assessments, Discussions, Rubrics,
and Grades Sections
• Become familiar with Slate email. You need to use
Slate email to contact me.
Things to Make Life Easier
All Activities are submitted to Slate.
• Make sure to read what is due and submit the correct files
• Due dates posted in the Calendar on our Homepage as well as
Assignments, Discussions and Quizzes sections
Everything completed or submitted via Assignments or Discussion Forum
• Click Assessments > Quizzes> Select Start Quiz to begin Quiz
• Discussions > Discussion Forum > Create Thread
• Assessments > Assignments > Assignment 2 and 3 dropboxes
Frequently Asked Questions
Extensions for Assignments
• All Extensions require an Accommodation Letter. Speak or email me before.
Can I work ahead?
• Absolutely.
What if I hand in my Assignment late?
There are no extensions for quizzes. For Discussions and Assignments,
the late penalty is 10% per day up to 5 days. 
Do I need to provide a Reference List and citations?
• Yes. All assignments require APA Standard citations and Reference List.
Avoiding Plagiarism
Plagiarism is using another person‘s words or ideas without clearly
acknowledging the source of the information that you have used. 
Taken seriously at the college level
• Level 1 Breach: Automatic 0% on the assignment and it will go on
academic record.
• Level 2 Breach: Meeting with your Dean, can lead to expulsion.
Help each help each other, but work must be yours. APA References and
Academic Integrity
APA Citations and References
All assignments require APA Standard Citations and References
Module 1: Sheridan’s Library Resources, Strategies for researching,
How to use Turnitin, APA citations and References
Formatting: Double spaced, Size 12 font, Times New Roman, Ident
first line of each paragraph.
In text citation examples:
1. First Example of what an in text citation looks like (Sheridan, 2020).
2. Sheridan (2020), claims that all essays need in text citations.
3, Sheridan states, “all essays require in text citations” (Sheridan,
APA Reference List Example
What is History of Science and
In the History of Science and Technology, we explore social and economic
aspects of science including the different types and responsibilities of
scientists, as well as controversies and resolutions in the scientific
We examine case studies to assess the relationship of science and
technology to wider society, industries and global economies.
Course Structure
The course has 7 Modules: Today - Orientation (Week 1)
Next Week: Intro to History of Science and Technology (Weeks 2-3)

In Weeks 2-3 we look at the Scientific

Community and the Responsibilities of
the Scientist. What is the difference
between academic Science, industrial
Science, and government science?
Ethics of Science and Technology (Weeks 4-5)

In Weeks 4-5 the ethics

of science and
technology. What are the
responsibilities of
scientists? We look at
the case studies like the
Manhattan Project and
the ‘science’ of the Nazis.
Controversy and Science and Technology (Week

In weeks 6-7 we look at how

science works and how
controversies in science are
The Industrial Revolution in Great Britain
(Week 8)

In Week 8 we
look at the IR in
regards to
Technical change
and economic
growth. What is
the nature of
Science, Technology and the Economy (Weeks 9-10)

In Weeks 9-10 we
look at specific
economies in relation
to Science and
Technology. We look
at the role of science
and technology in the
Japanese and
Swedish economies.
The Future of Science and Technology (Weeks 11-13)

In the final
weeks of the
course, we look
at pace of
change and
forecasting the
future. We also
looks at the
issues of
resources and
Evaluation Plan
Discussion Post 1: 15% (Week 3)
Assignment 2: 20% (Week 2-10)
Midterm Quiz: 20% (Week 7)
Assignment 3: 20% (Week 11)
Final Quiz: 25% (Week 13)
How the Course is Marked
• All assignments are marked via Rubric
• What is a Rubric? Assessment tool which clearly states the criteria by
which an assignment is evaluated and graded.
• Why use a Rubric? Helps you know what the prof is looking for. Know
how to get the best grade. Can improve for the next assignment via
Being Successful
• Manage your time
• This course will require more time because it is not your background. Don’t leave things to
the last minute. Self-discipline is essential for success at college level.
• Keep up with Course Reading
• All courses at Sheridan require you to spend 3+ hours a week with the Course Content. This
means you are expected to spend 3 hours a week with the online Course Content and
Required Textbook Readings in the course. Your activity in the course is tracked and I am able
to see if you have been spending time with the course.
• Keep up with Course Schedule
• Log in to the homepage, read the announcements, keep track of posted due dates
• Be a good netizen
• Be polite, respectful and thoughtful in the online environment. Create a positive online
• Find a space to study
• Find a quiet space to do the readings, assignments and discussions. Family and friends should
respect your online study time.
That’s it! Homework for Week 1
• Complete the Practice Quiz.
• Get the Mandatory Textbook
• Take a look at Discussion Post 1.
• Replies should be polite and respectful. Address by name. Include APA References.

Week 2 focus: Importance of S&T, Defining S&T, Brief history of S&T

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