Computer Scince Perspectives

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Computer Science

Theory of Computation
• Numbers
• Symbols
• Operation
• Number System

• Efficiency
• Computability
Theory of Computation

• Program -- Express
• Algorithms-- computes
• Functions– define

Goal: to identify functions which admits

algorithms to compute them
Non Computable functions
• Prime no testing
Is_prime (x)= { is x is prime Yes
X is not prime No }

If function is computable than it has an algo to

compute it which can be expressed by a
Graph of function
• Algorithms
• Takes Input  Output (how)

• F:DR (what)

Graph (F)={ (a,b)| F(a)=b}

To determine F(x) require algo

If given (a1,b1) can we determine whether it belongs Graph

• Set Membership Problem
• Graph of function

Goal: there is no algorithm to solve set

membership problem of a Graph of Function

Function in non computable

Computability is Set Membership Problem ?
Set membership problem
• Let A is set
• To test whether and element ‘x’ belongs the
set A or not.
Program and language
• P1 written in L1
• P2, p2 , p4…..
• Each such program will be a string in the
• Language is set of string.
If u can write a program for a function in any
formal language which a computer can
understand. Than that function is computable.
Set Membership Problem
Computability Vs Communication
• Symbols
• Alphabet
• Strings
• Set of finite strings
• Language
• Formal languages
• Program= strings= expression
Testing Membership

• Grammars

• Computation Models
Automata Theory: perspectives
• A study of (depending on your approach)
– The theory of formal languages, or
– The mathematical modeling of systems, or
– The computability of a problem/function, or
– Study of What is a computer
– Science of learning

Things that you touch, see, taste are not more real
than these theories. Actually the theory is real.
 Vending machines are simply DFA.
 the heart of the TCP/IP protocol is a finite state machine
 Compilers and interpreters
 Text editors and processors
 Text searching
 System verification
 Natural language processing
 Automatic Theorem Proving
 Neural networks
 AI
 Formal verification of critical software systems
 Proving decidability of certain logics
Computer Communication
• Computer Networks
• Types?
Computer Network

Wired Network PC Firewall The Internet

Fiber Optic Network Cable


Server Other LANS

Wireless Network
Client Server
Network Types
• WiFi
Mobile Ah-Hoc Networks
Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks
SDN: Software Defined Networks
Internet of Things
Cyber Physical Systems
Industry 4.0
Society 5.0
Society 5.0 Technologies
• IoT
• Blockchains
• Cloud Computing
Thank You
• Rate of Change always Accelerate
• Be Future ready
• See Policy Makers
• Watch Regulators

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