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Gerund or Infinitive?

Are the following verbs followed by the gerund or the infinitive? Put them in the right column
Enjoy try give up decide miss begin stop mind feel like arrange fail dislike would like

Forget start refuse avoid agree remember manage admit expect plan like regret suggest
Afford fancy finish hope learn practise promise


decide enjoy suggest try

arrange plan Give up fancy begin
fail afford miss finish stop
Would like hope mind practise forget
refuse learn Feel like start
agree promise dislike remember
manage avoid like
expect admit regret
The gerund or –ing form of a verb apart from being The infinitive is the verb form that is preceded by “to”.
used in continuous tenses can also be used in the It is used:
following cases:  After some adjectives and adverbs:
 After certain verbs: I like meeting people. He was willing to help me. She’s getting ready to go.
 After prepositions. She was thinking about going on She was walking too fast to see me.
holiday to the Caribbean.  After some verbs like:
 After certain expressions: I’m fed up with doing the  afford  agree  appear  ask  choose  decide
same every day.  expect  hope  intend  learn  manage  need
 As the subject of a sentence: Eating fruit is good for  offer  plan  pretend  promise  refuse  teach
your health.  want  wish
Some common verbs that are followed by a gerund are:  Certain verbs are followed by an object + infinitive:
 admit  avoid  consider  deny  dislike Ex. My parents want me to go to university.
enjoy  finish  hate  keep  like  love  Some of these verbs are:
mind recommend  suggest  advise  allow  ask  invite  order
 remind  tell  want  would like
Some expressions that are followed by a gerund are:
Some verbs of perception (hear, feel, see …) make and
 be fed up with  can’t help  can’t stand
let are followed by an infinitive without “to”.
 be used to / get used to  feel like  give up
I heard him cry.
 it’s no use look forward to  would mind/don’t mind
My parents didn’t let me go to the party.
 can’t help be keen on/ be fond of  be worth Mum made me clean my room before going out with my

REMEMBER + GERUND means that you remember that you

 begin  start  intend  continue  bother are have done something. Ex: I remember seeing you there.
verbs that can be followed by an infinitive or REMEMBER + INFINITIVE means that you remember to do
gerund with little or no difference in meaning: something. Ex: I remembered to lock the door before leaving.
It has started to rain/ raining. STOP + GERUND means not to continue to do an activity.
But after continuous tenses we use an infinitive Ex: I stopped working because I was too tired.
rather than a gerund: STOP + INFINITIVE means you pause in an activity, in
It’s starting to rain. order to do something before you continue. Ex: I stopped to
Some other verbs are followed by an infinitive or tie my shoe.
a gerund with a difference in meaning. Some of TRY + GERUND means to experiment with different
these verbs are: methods to see it something works. Ex: If you want to lose
FORGET + GERUND means to forget that you weight, try eating less sweets.
have done something. Ex: I forgot calling Ann. TRY + INFINITIVE means you want to so something but
you don’t succeed. Ex: I tried to understand the problem but
FORGET + INFINITIVE means that you forget
it was too difficult for me.
to do something. Ex: I forgot to call Ann.

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