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Dispersive power

What is dispersive power?

• When a white is incident on a prism the
emergent ray deviates from it’s original path and
splits into seven colours. This phenomenon is
known as Dispresion of light.
• The difference in the angle of deviation of
extreme colours i.e red and voilet is known as
angular dispersion.
• The ratio of the angular dispersion to the mean
angle of dispersion is known as dispersive power.
Expression for dispersive power
• By finding the angular dispersion we have the
expression for dispersive power, which is,
ω = δ/δm
where δ= angular disperssion.
δm=mean angle of deviation.
Set up for experiment
Experiment for finding dispersive power of a

Material required:

Spectrometer, mercury lamp, prism, reading lens spirit level.

Theory :
Dispersive power of prism ω=(δv – δr)/δ
δv=angle of minimum deviation for voilet light
δr=angle of minimum deviation for red light
δ=angle of minimum deviation for yellow light
• The axis of collimator and telescope must cut
the axis of center of prism table for a clear
• With the help of rack and pinion method move
the telescope such that the rays from the
source fall parallel to the crosswire.
• The distance between slit and collimator is
maintained such that the slit appears to be

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