World War I & Ii: By: Kris Wenzel A. Santos

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World War I
(July 28, 1914-November 11, 1918)
Causes of First World War
 Militant Nationalism
 Armament Race
 Division of Europe into two hostile groups
 Sarajevo Crisis
Militant Nationalism
Militant nationalism was caused by:
✣ Aggressive nationalism
✣ Economic competitionInternational tension
✣ Every country was trying to keep huge armies and navies.
✣ Many military and naval officers were dominating the civilian
✣ European countries were having outright wars to achieve their
Race for Armaments
 The mad race for armaments was a major reasons which led to the first world
✣ Every country was stockpiling armaments in the name of self defence and
protecting peace. One country was forced to increase its armaments if other
countries did that.
✣ Germany built a powerful navy to protect her colonies and to come at par with
Britain. But by 1914, left behind Britain and France in mfg. iron and steel.
Imperator was largest ship in the world.
✣ Germans also dug Kiel canal deeper so that battleships could enter its waters.
✣ England and France were concerned with Germany’s growing military strength.
This led to fierce race of armaments.
Division of Europe into two hostile groups
• There were two kind of States in Europe in 20th century:
1.SINGLE NATION STATES: France, Holland and Germany
2.IMPERIAL STATES: Austria-Hungarian Empire & Russian Empire.
• Germany entered into alliance with Austria & Hungary and Italy formed Triple
• A+ B+C = Triple Alliance
• Similarly, France, England and Russia formed Triple Entente. Japan also later joined
triple entente.
• W + X+ Y + (Z) = Triple Entente
• Thus Europe was divided into two hostile (unfriendly/opposing) groups: Triple
Alliance and Triple Entente.
Sarajevo Crisis
• Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of Austria-
Hungary was assassinated at Sarajevo capital of Bosnia on June 28
• It was done by secret society called as Black Hand/ Union of
Death who wanted to unite all Serbians into a single Serbian State.
• Austria served an ultimatum on Serbia on July 23 making 11
demands. Serbia accepted all expect that of losing her sovereignty.
• Austria declared war on Serbia on July 28 1914.
During War
During War
• Britain, France, Russia and Allies were called as Allied
• Germany, Austria and allies were called as Central
• War was fought in areas called as Fronts.
• Western front: Germany v/s Northern France
• Eastern Front: Germany v/s Russian forces.
Entry of USA
Entry of USA
• In 1915, the German U- Boats had sunk a British ship Lusitania.
• 1153 passengers were killed including the 123 American passengers.
• Americans were sympathetic to Britain.
• Allied Powers had taken big loan from USA to pay for the arms and the
good bought by them.
• Therefore, USA thought that if Germany would win it would be a loss of
USA and Germany would become serious rival to the USA.
• So, USA entered the war on the side on Allied Powers.
Results of the war
A) The Treaty of Versailles: The victorious allies met at a conference at
Versailles (Jan 1919) and Paris (1919). 27 countries were present.
However President of US, PM of England and France mainly decided the
terms of peace treaties. (Wilson-George-George)
• Defeated countries and Russia weren’t a part of the conference.
• As a result of Paris Conference on June 28 1919, ‘The Treaty of
Versailles’ was signed & the war ended.
• US President Wilson’s 14 points negotiations were the basis of the treaty.
It was done in order to prevent Germany from going to war again.
B)Territorial Rearrangements:
of the war
After the war European Supremacy was seen in the world. USA surpassed Europe
eco and militarily. Treaties signed after war changed the map of the world
especially Europe.
a)Three Dynasties were destroyed
i) Romanov in Russia
ii) Hohenzollern in Germany and
iii) Hapsburg in Austria-Hungary.
b)Austria & Hungary became separate Independent States.
c)Czechoslovakia & Yugoslavia emerged as Independent States.
d)Finland, Estonia, Latvia etc. emerged with different cultures.
• Democracy replaced Monarchy in Europe.
Results of the war
C)Formation of League of Nations:
• Destruction caused by War had convinced the leaders of the world that
they must prevent War and promote international cooperation. This
thought inspired them to set-up league of Nations.
• It was made a part of all important peace treaties.
• In 1920, league of nations was created as a world organisation of all
Independent States.
World War II
(1st September 1939-2nd September 1945 )
Causes of World War II
 Dissatisfaction with Treaty of Versailles
 Rise of Fascism and Nazism
 Policy of Appease-ment
 Japanese invasion of China
 Failure of LN
 Hitler's Invasion of Poland
1. Dissatisfaction with Treaty of Versailles:
• After WWI, instead of solving the problem, Treaty of Versailles
created more problems.
• On the basis of revenge, Germany was asked to give away her
territories & colonies, pay heavy compensations, reduce military &
naval power and was humiliated and forced to sign it.
• Germany was looking for an opportunity to get rid of this Treaty
and this was not possible without aggressive foreign policy.
• So, the war was inevitable (unavoidable). 
2. Rise of Fascism and Nazism:
• Rise of Dictatorship in Italy and Germany was another important cause
which led to WWII.
• Mussolini opposed Treaty of Versailles and followed aggressive foreign
policy. LN couldn’t stop Italy and its Dictator- Mussolini.
• Similarly in Germany, Hitler opposed Treaty of Versailles and even he
followed rearmament and aggressive foreign policy and had started
acquiring new territories.
• Hitler and Mussolini took the countries of the world towards another
World War. 
3.Policy of Appeasement:
• Policy of Appeasement means accepting the hostile demands of an
aggressive nation to gain peace.
• England & France believed that Germany & Italy had reason to fight
and so followed appeasement policy towards both the nation with the
hope that would stop them from going to war again. They also didn’t
want Germany & Italy to join Russian Communists. So they allowed
Germany to get its territories back.
• If England and France would not have followed this policy, Fascism and
Nazism would not have taken other countries of the world towards War. 
4. Japanese invasion of China:
• Japan’s ambitions rose after WWI.
• LN opposed Japan not to enter Manchuria. Still Japan attacked Manchuria.
• In 1931, Japan invaded China.
• China asked LN to help. But France & England did not pay any attention to it.
• Japan joined Berlin & Rome and formed Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis.
• Japan left LN and started acquiring British and American properties in China.
• England & France followed Policy of Appeasement and allowed Japan to
weaken China. Thus, the war was inevitable. 
5. Failure of League of Nations:
• LN was formed to avoid Wars.
• USA didn’t join LN.
• Even the members who had joined LN weren't following the principles
of LN.
• LN could stop small nations. But bigger nations didn’t pay attention to
• Countries like Italy & Germany weren't even considering LN’s
• LN failed to maintain world peace. LN members themselves entered
into military alliances and took the countries of the world towards the
6. Hitler’s invasion of Poland:
•• Hitler invaded Poland on 1st September 1939 for the following
a)Treaty of Versailles had divided Germany into two parts in order to give
Poland land route to Poland upto the sea. Port of Danzing was also given
to Poland.
b)Through Danzing, Germany could get connected with East Prussia.
c)Germany had accused Poland for being unjust with the Germans
staying there. Germany had signed non-aggression with Russia in August
1939. And attacked Poland in September. 
USA was strictly neutral during the war.
• However, later USA decided to help Britain and China in order to
keep itself safe.
• Japan knew that USA, had a US Pacific Fleet based at Pearl
Harbour in Hawaii.
• On December 7, 1941 Japan launched a secret aerial attack on
Pearl Harbour. Battleships were sunk and airfields were destroyed.
3700 were killed.
• Japanese didn’t destroy the ship repair workshops and didn’t
destroy US carriers. As a results the damaged ships were repaired
and back in action.
• Americans attacked SW Pacific islands controlled by Japan.
• US destroyed fleet of Japan. Still Japan had strong control in China.
• Japanese in Philippines, young pilots formed KAMIKAZE (suicide air
corps)landing planes loaded with explosive weapons. Even civilians
where trained to use variety of weapons. This made it more challenging.
• Long before attacking Japan, US had worked and successfully tested it
first atomic bomb. After debate, the decision of using the bomb was
• Before dropping the atomic bomb on Japan, they dropped leaflets warning
about the deadly weapon advising Japanese people and government to end
the fighting.
• On August 6, 1945 the first atomic bomb was dropped at Hiroshima. It
destroyed half of the city Hiroshima killing thousands.
• Inspite of that Japanese didn’t surrender, so another bomb was dropped at
Nagasaki on August 9,1945.
• On September 2, 1945, Japan finally surrendered.
• After 6 long years, WWII ended. BOMBING HIROSHIMA & NAGASAKI
• Before dropping the atomic bomb on Japan, they dropped leaflets warning
about the deadly weapon advising Japanese people and government to end
the fighting.
• On August 6, 1945 the first atomic bomb was dropped at Hiroshima. It
destroyed half of the city Hiroshima killing thousands.
• Inspite of that Japanese didn’t surrender, so another bomb was dropped at
Nagasaki on August 9,1945.
• On September 2, 1945, Japan finally surrendered.
• After 6 long years, WWII ended. BOMBING HIROSHIMA & NAGASAKI

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