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Assistive Technology

By: Danielle Dumoulin, Kaitlyn Ray, and

Raegan Stambaugh
Relationship between Assistive
Technology and Accommodations:

● The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) defines such
devices as “any item, piece of equipment, or product system, that is used to increase,
maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a child and specifically excludes a
medical device that is surgically implanted or the replacement of such device”
● Can be large or small (including large technology computers, or even a pencil grip)
● Accommodations are adaptations or changes to educational environments and
practices designed to help students overcome the challenges presented by their
● In order to satisfy accommodation requirements, assistive technology is often used.
Interdependent Aspects That Make Up AT:

●Assistive Technology is made up of two interdependent

components: devices and services.
●Devices are pieces of equipment or technology that make
work, communication, mobility, or other aspects of daily life
easier, and services are the supports or services required to
use those devices properly (IRIS Module).
Case Study: Jade (Part 1)
a) Based on the information given in the scenario, Jade needs compensation over remediation. She has a
learning disability and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The purpose of compensation is to help the
student work around the challenge related to the disability. The issue is not that Jade is unmotivated and
doesn't do the work. Jade is very creative, loves to share information, and puts in lots of hours studying.
Jade has difficulty getting her thoughts on paper in a cohesive manner. Therefore, compensation would
be more beneficial for Jade rather than remediation.

b) -The student, parents, and relevant school personnel should receive training on the proper use of the
device(s) in question. Some AT will be simple to implement in the classroom, whereas other types may
be more difficult or might require more time to learn how to use effectively.

-Teachers should familiarize the entire class with the AT and explain why certain students need to use it.
Case Study: Jade (Part 2)
c) Students using AT may require more time to complete some instructional tasks than is
typical for other students.This is why they are provided with assistive technology. It is not
giving Jada an unfair advantage, it is helping her to better access the curriculum.

Case Study: Jade (Part 3)
e) Jade’s performance with AT seems to flatten out or plateau for the last two weeks:

● The AT was initially beneficial for the student, but over time it seems to have lost its
● The implementation team might want to meet to reconsider the AT options for this

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