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Project / Thesis presentation guidelines

For 7TH Semester

 Dress up: Formal

 Maximum number of slides :5 and/ or 7 (if necessary)
 Time : Presentation time – 4 and / or 5 minutes and 2 minutes Question-Answer
(Follow the time duration very strictly)
 Please use same front type and consistent in front size throughout the presentation
 Color selection should be carefully that don't look awkward
Title slide (number of slide 1)
• Includes: Clear and meaningful title (consultant with respective
supervisor), your name and ID, Supervisor name with Affiliation
Contents: (number of slide 1)
• Includes title of each slide
• Such as
1. Objectives
2. Introduction / Importance
3. Methodology
4. Expected results / outcomes
Objectives: Number of slide 1
• Objectives not more than 2 and 3 or 4: Objectives should be very
clear/discern and well understood
Introduction /Importance (number of slide 1)
• Brief definition of your project or thesis
• Also add importance of your project or thesis

 Please don't put much wording/sentence

Should write the some bullet point
Methodology: (maximum number of slide 2)
• Includes: Methodology / working principle / project drawing / flow
diagram / experiment procedure / software / simulation /Equipment's
Expected Results / Outcomes: (Number of
slide 1)
• Includes: expected results, limitations etc.

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