Physical Examination: Toledo, Dina Jane Capuyan, Jan Riemar

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Toledo, Dina Jane
Capuyan, Jan Riemar
General Survey: The patient was alert, cooperative, and in no acute distress with the
following Vital Signs:

Axillary temperature: 38.3 degrees celsius

Pulse: 111 bpm

Respiratory rate: 20/min

Blood pressure 108/65 mm Hg

Weight 44.8 kg

Height 150 cm

Peripheral oxygen saturation/room air 98%

HEENT: There was significant swelling of the lips, with erythema and ulceration of buccal

Hyperpigmented skin under both eyes was also noted.

Oral mucosa was pink and moist, with gingival hypertrophy and minor active gingival
bleeding noted. Cervical lymphadenopathy (1.5-2.0 cm) was observed in the posterior
cervical chain bilaterally.
Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm, 2/6 systolic murmur without rubs or gallops.
Chest was clear to auscultation

Abdomen: Bowel sounds present; liver palpable 2.5 cm below right costal border; spleen
palpable approximately 2 cm below left costal border

Extremities: No edema; multiple small areas of subcutaneous hemorrhage on tips of

fingers and toes were seen

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