Lesson 2 Cont. in Euthenics 1

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D A R L E N E M . D E PA Z , L P T
Setting Goals.

1. Set both long-term and short -term goals. Long term goals are aims relating to major accomplishments
that take sometime to achieve. Short-term goals are limited steps you would take on the road to
accomplish your long-term goals.

2. Recognize that who you are determines your goals. Goals setting starts with knowing yourself. As you’ll
see we focus on understanding yourself. It is self-knowledge that tells you want is and is not
important to you, and this knowledge will help you keep your goals in focus and your motivation up when
things get tough.

3. Make goals realistic and attainable. Someone once said, “ A goal without a plan is but a dream.” Be
honest with yourself. There is nothing wrong with having big dreams. But it is important to
realistically aware that all that it takes to achieve them, and big danger is that, we may wrongly
reason that we are inept and lack of ability and use this as an excuse for giving up.
4. Goals should involve behavior over which you have control.

We all want World peace and end to poverty. Few of us have the resources or
capabilities to bring either about. On the other hand, it is realistic to
want to work in small ways to help others, such as by becoming a Big Brother
or Big Sister.

5. Take ownership of your goals. Make sure that the goals you choose are your
goals, and not the goals of your parents, teachers, brothers and sisters, or
friends. Trying to accomplish goals that “belong” to others is a recipe for
disaster. If you’re attending college only because others have told you to, and you
have no commitment of your own, you’ll find it hard to maintain the enthusiasm-not
to mention the hard work-required to succeed.
• The next stage involves gathering the necessary
tools, buying the wood and other building materials,
sorting the construction supplies, and preparing the
room for the shelving project-all aspects of
organizing for the tasks.
There Are Several Kinds of Organization.
◦ Organization involves physical aspects
of task completion.
◦ Intellectual organization - provides a
context for when you actually begin to
 the easy part.
 Finding the Motivation to Work - inner power and
psychological energy that directs and fuels our
 consists of determining how well the work we have
produced matches our goals for it.
 STEPS in evaluating:
1. Take a moment to congratulate yourself and feel some
2. Compare what you’ve accomplished with the goals you’re seeking
to achieve.
3. Have an out-of-body-experience. Evaluate your accomplishments
as if you were a respected teacher from your past.
4. Asked on your evaluation, revise your work.
 means bringing a fresh eye to reanalyzing, questioning,
and challenging our underlying assumptions.
 steps provide a general framework for using critical
thinking to rethink what you’ve accomplished:
1. Reanalyze, reviewing you’ve accomplished the task.
2. Question the outcome.
3. Identify your underlying assumptions; then challenge
Title Lorem Ipsum
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