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5S and Visual Control

Superfactory Excellence Program™

© 2004 Superfactory™. All Rights Reserved. 1

Disclaimer and Approved use

 Disclaimer
 The files in the Superfactory Excellence Program by Superfactory Ventures LLC (“Superfactory”) are intended for
use in training individuals within an organization. The handouts, tools, and presentations may be customized
for each application.

 Copyright
 All files in the Superfactory Excellence Program have been created by Superfactory and there are no known
copyright issues. Please contact Superfactory immediately if copyright issues become apparent.

 Approved Use
 Each copy of the Superfactory Excellence Program can be used throughout a single Customer location, such as a
manufacturing plant. Multiple copies may reside on computers within that location, or on the intranet for that
location. Contact Superfactory for authorization to use the Superfactory Excellence Program at multiple
 The presentations and files may be customized to satisfy the customer’s application.
 The presentations and files, or portions or modifications thereof, may not be re-sold or re-distributed without
express written permission from Superfactory.

 Current contact information can be found at:

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5S and Visual Control

 5 Elements of 5S
 Why 5S?
 Waste
 Workplace observation
 Sort
 Straighten
 Shine
 Standardize
 Sustain
 Visual Factory
 Summary

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5 Elements of 5S

 Sort
 Straighten
 Shine
 Standardize
 Sustain

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Why 5S?

• To eliminate the wastes that result from “uncontrolled” processes.

• To gain control on equipment, material & inventory placement and position.
• Apply Control Techniques to Eliminate Erosion of Improvements.
• Standardize Improvements for Maintenance of Critical Process Parameters.

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Types of Waste

 Overproduction
 Delays (waiting)
 Transportation
 Process
 Inventories
 Motions
 Defective Products
 Untapped Resources
 Misused Resources

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Elimination of Waste

5 S Element Waste/ Improvement Item Deliverable

Systematic Organization Elimination of finding. Reduced Costs
Reduction of part selection errors. Improved Quality
Increased Product Options

Sorting-Visual Elimination of finding. Reduced Costs

Placement Elimination of nonconformances. Increased Safety
Elimination of motion. Improved Quality
Reduction of part selection errors. Increased Product Options.

Scrubbing Clean Increased safety. Increased Safety

Preventive maintenance. Improved Quality
Increased equipment knowledge.

Standardization Control Increased equipment life. Improved Quality

Higher morale. Consistent Delivery
Clean environment. Improved Safety
Increased visibility of nonconformances.

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Waste Identification

 What waste can be identified in the following photos?

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Waste Identification

 What waste can be identified in the following photos?

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After 5S

 Clear, shiny aisles

 Color-coded areas
 Slogans & banners
 No work in process

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Workplace Observation

 Clearly define target area

 Identify purpose and function of target area

 Develop area map

 Show material, people, equipment flow

 Perform scan diagnostic

 Photograph problem areas

 Develop a project display board (area)

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Target Area Vision

Current Condition Desired Conditions

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Target Area Vision
Product Quality

Current Condition Desired Conditions

© 2004 Superfactory™. All Rights Reserved. 13

Target Area Vision
Equipment Maintenance

Current Condition Desired Conditions

© 2004 Superfactory™. All Rights Reserved. 14

Target Area Vision
Work Efficiency

Current Condition Desired Conditions

© 2004 Superfactory™. All Rights Reserved. 15

Target Area Vision
Inventory Levels

Current Condition Desired Conditions

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Target Area Vision
Information Flow

Current Condition Desired Conditions

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Sketch of the Current Work Area

Show flow of people, equipment, and materials with arrows

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Workplace Scan Checklist
S tep Item
De te rm ine w ha t is a nd is not ne e de d
Unneeded equipm ent, tools , etc . ...are pres ent
Unneeded item s are on walls (bulletin boards etc .)
S ort
Item s are pres ent in ais leway s , s tairway s , c orners , etc .
Unneeded inventory , s upplies , parts , m aterials are pres ent
S afety haz ards (water, oil, c hem ic als ) ex is t
A pla ce for e ve rything…
Correc t plac es for item s are not obvious
Item s are not in their c orrec t plac es
S traighten
A is leway s and equipm ent loc ations are not identified
Item s are not put away im m ediately after us e
Height and quantity lim its are not obvious
Cle a ning a nd looking for w a ys to ke e p it cle a n
Floors , s urfac es , and walls are not free from dirt
E quipm ent is not k ept free from dirt, oil, and greas e
S hine
Cleaning m aterials are not eas ily ac c es s ible
Lines , labels , and s igns are not c lean
Other c leaning problem s are pres ent
M a inta in a nd m onitor the first thre e ca te gorie s
Nec es s ary inform ation is not vis ible
A ll s tandards are not k nown and vis ible
S tandardiz e
Chec k lis ts don't ex is t for all c leaning and maintenanc e jobs
A ll quantities and lim its are not eas ily rec ogniz able
How m any item s c an't be loc ated in 30 s ec onds or les s
S tick to the rule s
How m any work ers have not had 5-S training
How m any tim es las t week was daily 5-S not perform ed
S us tain
Num ber of tim es that pers onal belongings were not s tored
Num ber of tim es job aids are not available or up to date
Num ber of tim es las t week 5-S ins pec tions were not done

Num be r of proble m s found+D13 Ra ting

None 5
1 4
2 3
3-4 2
5 or m ore 1

© 2004 Superfactory™. All Rights Reserved. 19

Waste Radar Chart

% of Waste Before 5S

% of Waste After 5S


Process Over production

30 Untapped
20 Resources


Mis-used Motion
Defective Product

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 When in doubt, move it out

 Prepare red tags
 Attach red tags to unneeded items
 Remove red-tagged items to “dinosaur burial ground”
 Evaluate / disposition of red-tagged items

© 2004 Superfactory™. All Rights Reserved. 21

Red Tag Inspection Sheet

Search Look for unneeded furniture Look for unneeded materials

 Floors  Cabinets  Raw material
 Aisles  Benches, tables  Supplies
 Operation areas  Chairs  Parts
 Workstations  Carts  Work in process
 Corners, under equipment Search these storage places  Finished goods
 Small rooms  Shelves  Shipping materials
 Offices  Racks Look for other unneeded items
 Loading docks  Closets  Work clothes
 Inside cabinets  Sheds  Helmets
Look for unneeded equipment Search the walls  Work shoes
 Machines, small tools  Items hung up  Trash cans
 Dies, jigs, bits,  Old bulletin boards  Other
 Conveyance equipment  Signs
 Plumbing, electrical parts  Other _________

© 2004 Superfactory™. All Rights Reserved. 22

Red Tagged Items Log

Needless Items # of Date Reason for Notes /

(describe) items Tagging Disposition

© 2004 Superfactory™. All Rights Reserved. 23

Disposition List

Category Action

Obsolete  Sell
 Hold for depreciation
 Give away
 Throw away
Defective  Return to supplier
 Throw away

Used about once per week  Store in area

Used less than once per month  Store where accessible in plant
Seldom used  Store offsite (or in distant place)
 Sell
 Give or throw away
Use unknown  Store until information is found

© 2004 Superfactory™. All Rights Reserved. 24


 Make it obvious where things belong

 Lines
 Divider lines
 Outlines
 Limit lines (height, minimum/maximum)
 Arrows show direction
 Labels
 Color coding
 Item location
 Signs
 Equipment related information
 Show location, type, quantity, etc.

© 2004 Superfactory™. All Rights Reserved. 25

Straighten Check Sheet
Equipment Materials
 Machines  Raw material
 Small tools  Supplies
 Dies  Parts
 Jigs  Work-in-process
 Bits  Finished goods
 Conveyance equipment  Shipping materials
 Cleaning equipment  Cleaning supplies

Furniture Other items

 Cabinets  Charts, graphs, bulletin boards
 Benches, tables  Pens, pencils
 Chairs  Work clothes
 Carts  Helmets
 Shelves  Work shoes
 Racks  Trash cans

© 2004 Superfactory™. All Rights Reserved. 26


 Clean everything, inside and out

 Inspect through cleaning
 Prevent dirt and contamination from reoccurring

 Results in
 Fewer breakdowns
 Greater safety
 Product quality
 More satisfying work environment

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Shine Check Sheet
 Ceilings
 Aisles
 Workstations
 Corners, under equipment
 Loading docks
 Walls
 Doors
 Pillars, posts
 Floors
 Machines
 Conveyance equipment
 Plumbing, sinks
 Cabinets, shelves, racks
 Carts, Racks
 Drawers, storage bins
 Fixtures, power boxes

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Shine Cleaning Plan

Task Location Who When Materials/ tools


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 Establish guidelines for the team 5-S conditions

 Make the standards and 5-S guidelines visual

 Maintain and monitor those conditions

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Typical Team Standards

 Sort
 Amount of inventory
 Tools that belong in the area
 How often to remove scrap
 Straighten
 Location of aisleways
 Location of tools, equipment
 Shine
 Cleaning schedule
 Maintenance tasks
 Checklist of what to look for as cleaning is performed

© 2004 Superfactory™. All Rights Reserved. 31


Determine the methods your team will use to

maintain adherence to the standards

 5-S concept training

 5-S communication board
 Before and after photos
 One point lesson
 Visual standards and procedures
 Daily 5-minute 5-S activities
 Weekly 5-S application

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Visual Factory Implementation

 Develop a map identifying the “access ways”(aisles,

entrances, walkways etc.) and the “action” areas.
 Perform any necessary realignment of walkways, aisles,
 Assign an address to each of the major action areas.
 Mark off the walkways, aisles & entrances from the action
 Apply flow-direction arrows to aisles & walkways
 Perform any necessary realignment of action areas.
 Mark-off the inventory locations
 Mark-off equipment/machine locations
 Mark-off storage locations (cabinets, shelves, tables)
 Color-code the floors and respective action areas

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Review and Summary

 List each of the 5-S steps.

 Describe the “30-second test”.

 Why is total employee involvement so important?

 What is management’s role?

 Briefly describe each step in the 5-S system.

 How do you intend to use this information?

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