Practicum Portfolio Hernandez Eva L.

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Teacher II-LAC Member
I noticed in my checklists of monitoring answer sheets that she had not returned any outputs
for quarter 1, module 3 and 4, so I decided on November 25 to communicate with her on
messenger and I learned that she was not able to do the task because of some family problems,
so I gave the softcopies of the module and modified some activities for her to immediately
comply the activity for that specified lessons. After sometime she had returned all the
necessary outputs, and able to answer correctly.
I decided to conduct online class to help the learners on some difficult lesson and
task esp. in accounting 1, we will have some sample activity related to the lesson, I
will send those powerpoint slides, activity to answer and uploaded videos from
youtube pertaining to that lesson.
I make sure that all the activities I gave to my learners is alligned to the
MELCS and to learning objectives every week.Ensuring also the
allignment of outputs to learning competencies. All the activities are
done well, making it easier even if the lesson is a bit hard for new
In organizing my assessment, I make sure to print for printed modular learners, uploaded in
the google drive for digital learners, screenshot every pages and send it to group chat, and
send as attach file in all GC’s. With these they are able to access my assessment “nobody is
left behind”.When it comes to designing and selection, I only choose the task in module that
will really enhance their skills that develop from the lesson compentency.
I do online kumustahan with my students once in while, especially in my accounting
subject, I present powerpoint presentation of the lesson in the module for the learner to
easily grasp the lesson. I also uploaded youtube videos related to every lesson in each
module. During my entrepreneurship subject I do virtual defense of their business plan
by group, let them present their own and I invited fellow teachers and our focal person
as panelist. With these platform I was able to ignite in them their skills in using ICT,
and I was very glad they perform well.
New normal education is very new to us, distance learning is indeed hard. In
this matter we need to attend webinars, and conducting SLAC/LAC is a need
to all of us in honing our skills, and abilities. To learn new strategies to be able
to deliver varied ways in this distance learning.
I consider a digital migrant in the field of technology, being in my 40’s. I am not really “techy” as
what they term for those very skilled in technology,but I am persistent to learn always in new things.
This new normal teaches me a lot of things to be able to adapt to distance learning, being able to
penetrate the learners through different platforms like google classroom and google meet, thus
collecting of works is indeed not really hard. It also teaches me on how to organize my daily tasks.
While I am doing right now this compilation of my artifacts, I can say that I am just recollecting my
experiences in this new normal, despite our situation in this pandemic, I am very proud that we were
able to deliver our duties to our learners, we still manage to perform it well despite the struggle. Thank
you so much Almighty Father.

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