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Final Group Project Brief

Sem.1 sesi 2021/2022

 Group Project (refer to the list given)

 Full Report Submission: Week 14 (27/1/2022)
 Total marks for this assignment is 30% of your final assessment.
“Case Study: The application of Lean tools to improve manufacturing
efficiency and effectiveness in a manufacturing company”.
It should be based on a real company. You need to disclose the company
You can get the information based on web-site, interview, site visit etc.
You need to explain the lean tools being used, how it is used and the
result/ advantage from its application.
You may include any photo, diagram or other visual representation to
support your explanation
You should have at least 10 journal articles taken from the last 5 years to
support your literature review.

The following task are to be submitted on week 14

Report writing using MS Word, Times New Roman with font size 12, 1.5 line
spacing with no more than 30 pages.

Make sure all the members name are written in your report.
good luck

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