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A. Background
 Stereotype of women is an assessment of a woman who is only based on
perceptions of the group in which the woman can be categorized. .
 Stereotype of women appears because parents and other adults indirectly
implant stereotypes early on.
 There are some ways to extend stereotype of women in the society. One of
them is literary work. .
 Some authors usually use the literary work to analyze stereotypes of women in the
society. One of the authors who creates the literary work about stereotypes of women
is Jane Austen. The female characters who try to release the inferior label with their
independence are found in some of Jane Austen's works.
 This novel tells about women who live in the rules of society in the limitations of expressing
opinions so that they are only able to harbor what is felt. .
 The writer choses "Stereotypes of Women in Austen's Persuasion" as the title in this study.
B. Identification Problem

There were some problems in Down and Out in Paris and London that the

author described as a cause of proverty such as: After reading the

Persuasion novel, the writer sees Jane Austen in the Persuasion

The injustice novel as

trying to describe allusions to the British society of the day, which governs

marriage based Starvation
on financial need, and not love. There are some problems in

the Persuasion novel which the writer portray as stereotypes of women and
gender inequality occurred in the novel.
C. Research Question
 What kind of gender inequality presented in the novel?
 What efforts did the author do to show gender inequality in Persuasion?

D. Objective of the Study

 To describe the kind of gender inequality in the novel.
 To explain efforts of the author present gender inequality in Persuasion.
E. Sequence of the Writing
background of writing, Identification
problem, research question, the
Some previous studies and applies
objective of the study, and sequence of
some theories to support this analysis.


Consists of a methodological design that
describes qualitative methods, this
chapter also consists of data collection
methods, data analysis methods, and
research procedures.
A. Previous Study
 Hamdiana Said (2015) in Gender Inequality Toward Main Female Characters in
Walker’s The Color Purple and in Gender Inequality Toward Firdaus as a main
character in Sadawi’s Woman at Point Zero (A Comparative Study) focuses on gender
injustice which consists of five forms, namely: gender and marginalization of women,
gender and stereotype gender, gender and violence and gender and subordination of

 Limsia Wanti Pali (2010) in Setting in Austen's Persuasion focuses on the overview of
the main characters and the background of the novel

 Siti Hardiyanti Nursyam (2014) in The Social Criticism of England in 19th Century
Industrial Revolution in Dickens’ Oliver Twist describes the social condition of England
in 19th century industrial revolution. Lies Mariani Tangalayuk (2014) In Female
Characters Resistance Patriarchal System in Austen's Emma analyzed the opposition to
the patriarchal system and to show that the influence of patriarchy still exists in the
society, especially in the life of female characters in the novel.
B. Structuralism Approach

Structural Approach is an approach that focuses on the analysis of the

structure of literary works. Structural approach is the intrinsic approach,
which discusses the work on the elements that construct of the literary work
from the inside. There are several elements that contribute to forming a
story in literary work. These elements called intrinsic element. Intrinsic
element of the novel are elements that directly participated develop a story,
these elements include stories, events, plot, characterization, theme, setting,
language or style, and so on (Nurgiyantoro, 2002: 23). The Intrinsic
element in the novel Persuasion restricted to the plot, character, setting, and
1. Intrinsic Elements of Novel


2. The Social Life of the Author Related to the Fiction

 Down and Out in Paris and London was written by George Orwell. It was penname
of Eric Arthur Blair. He was born on 25th of June 1903 in Montihari, Bengal, India,
from the couple of Richard Walmesley Blair and Ida Mabel Blair, the son of a minor
official in the Indian Civil Service.
 In early 1928 he moved to Paris. He lived in the Rue du Pot de Fer, a working class
district in the 5th Arrondissement.
2. The Social Life of th Author Related to the Fiction
 He was seriously ill in February 1929 and was taken to the Hôpital Cochin in
the 14th arrondissement. Shortly afterwards, his money was stolen from his
lodging house. Then, he tried to be a private English teacher for the France
children but his student suddenly left him without pay him the cost. His money
began to ooze out as he was staying in the room as a lodger in slum area.
 To hold out his life, he became a plongeur in fashionable hotel on the Rue de
 He lived in Paris as a plongeur in hotel and restaurant about six months. Then,
he tried to back to London. After he arrived in London, he failed to get a job
which was promised by his friend. He had to waiting for the job about a month.
 It was his experience during he lived in Paris and London, then he wrote it in
the novel Down and Out in Paris and London.
3. The Social Condition in Europe after the First World War
 The First World War was begun on July, 28th 1914 until November, 11th
1918. It involved some European countries.
 The First World War which happened during four years was the greatest war
in the history during that time in terms of human casualties, objects and costs.
 Most wars took place in Europe that all of Europe had been swept away in all
sectors of life. Agriculture was neglected and damaged.
 In 1918 the national debt of England was increasing as much as fourteen
times the debt in 1914.
 The emergence of America as the strongest equity holders in 1920 which
helped the economy of several countries including Europe after the First
World War led the economic system of Europe adopted a capitalist. As the
result, there was an economic gap for social classes in European society.
C. Social Critique Theory
 Social critique in the literary work is an effort of the authors by giving an
idea or reaction about the problems that they see in the society.
 Social critique arises because of the social problem in the society.
 There are some social problem that occur in the society such as :
1. Proverty Problem
2. Criminal Problem
3. Environmental Problem
 Social critique usually to be purposed in some targets, such as :
1. Critique of the Government
2. Critique of the Economy
3. Critique of the Human Right
A. Methodological Design
To describe the reflection of social critique in Down and Out in Paris
and London toward the social condition of Europe especially in Paris and
London after First World War, the writer uses qualitative method of

B. Source of Data
 The writer uses the data source of novel Down and Out in Paris and
London by George Orwell and reads closely for several times.
 The writer uses books which relate with the analysis to take notes and
marks some quotations. The writer collects the texts, the theory and some
references from some sources that can support to the object of research.
C. Data Collection

1. Primary Data
In this case the writer takes Down and Out in Paris and London by George
Orwell as the primary data. It is published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in
New York, 1961.

2. Secondary Data
It is the additional data which related to the subject. It is taken from
external texts such as books, articles, writings, thesis, and internet
resources. The secondary data contains Metode Penelitian Sastra by Faruk,
Prinsip-prinsip Karya Sastra by Pradopo,, and so on.
D. Research Procedure
 Reading the novel Down and Out in Paris and London carefully to obtain
primary data.
 Identifying the main of the problems to be analyzed.
 Writing down the important things related to the main problems of the study.
 Collecting the data, including text, thesis and some others sources from
books and internet that relating to the object of research and other related
aspects, then classifying the data according to the problem.
 Analyzing secondary data and making some notes.
 Writing the result of data analysis.
 Concluding the result of data analysis.
 The whole analysis data is formed into the thesis.
 The thesis is examined in order to get a Sarjana Humaniora degree in
Hasanuddin University.
1. The Intrinsic Elements of Down and Out in Paris and London
A. Characters

George Orwell Madame F

Boris Charlie

Jules Mario

The Patron of

Bozo B
1. The Intrinsic Elements of Down and Out in Paris and

A. Characters
 The major characters are George Orwell, Boris, Charlie, Paddy and Bozo.
 The minor characters are Madam F, Charlie, Mario, the patron of
restaurant, and B.
 The protagonist are Orwell, Boris, Paddy, Bozo, Madame F, Mario, and B.
 The antagonist in the novel are Jules and the patron of restaurant Auberge
de Jehan Cottard.
1. The Intrinsic Elements of Down and Out in Paris and London
B. Plot
 Exposition
The story was begun with a prologue of Orwell, the author and also the main actor in the novel. He
started his story by describing the atmosphere of a rental house in Paris where he lived.

 Raising Action
Raising action in this novel was begun when Orwell met with Boris who also faced the problem of
poverty was more severe than Orwell.

 Climax
Climax in the novel was started when Orwell was giving up his job at hotel X and he preferred to be a
waiter in a restaurant of the Auberge which was in fact uncertain when it would be opened.

 Falling Action
Falling action in this novel was told when B had found the job to Orwell in London. Then, Orwell
resigned from the restaurant Auberge de Jehan Cottard and back to London.

 Resolution
In this novel, there was a part of the resolution when Orwell met with Bozo and ended up getting a job
that has been delayed for a month.
1. The Intrinsic Elements of Down and Out in Paris and

C. Setting
a. Setting of Time
 The writer found that the author of novel began the story in the morning.
 One day in the summer, Orwell was aware that his money just left a little.
 Orwell has a day off was in Sunday.
 At half past eight every plongeur stopped to work suddenly.
 Orwell back to London and lived tramp during one month.
1. The Intrinsic Elements of Down and Out in Paris and

C. Setting
a. Setting of Place
 The setting of the place in the novel Down and Out in Paris and London
was taken in two big cities in Europe, they were Paris and London.
 In Paris, Orwell lived in Hotel des Trois Moineaux.
 Orwell also mentioned the place named Hotel X, the restaurant Auberge de
Jehan Cottard.
 Beside that, Orwell also mentioned some places when he cameback to
London such as Waterloo Road, Pennyfields, Middlesex Street, Romton,
Edbury, and Cromley.
2. The Social Condition of Characters in the Novel

a. In Paris
 The environment was very dirty and full of noises.
 The hotel condition where Orwell lived was very dark and dirty.
 The lodgers were nomadic and largely were foreigners
 Every lodger has a very tragic of poor life.
 The novel also told the suffering of poor people in Paris. They had to use
their money sparingly, they were suffering from hunger, they only ate a
bread and margarine to prop up their stomach.
 There was a discrimination, a bad treatment, deception and theft in the
 There was a caste system in the hotel.
2. The Social Condition of Characters in the Novel

b. In London
 In London, the tramps had to live by moving from one spike to another
spike because they were not allowed to be on the road and they could not
occupy the spike twice in a month.
 Often there was an abusive action by the upper classes to the lower classes
and also the deception in the London society.
 Through the novel Down and Out in Paris and London, Orwell illustrated
that some tramps were atheists, they did not believe in God.
3. The Reflection of Social Critique of Europe Society after
the First World War in the Novel

a. Proverty Problems
 The proverty which was caused by the First World War became the mainly
problems in Europe.
 Orwell criticized how the proverty problem gave a suffering to the people,
such as starvation.
 There was discrimination that usually happened in the Europe especially
when the economic system of Europe adopted capitalist.
 There was an economic gap for social classes. It showed that the suffering
of poor people who always be distiguished by their environment. So, they
sometimes got a bad treatment from their society as described in the novel.
3. The Reflection of Social Critique of Europe Society after
the First World War in the Novel

b. Criminal Problems
 The effect of the First World War in early 20th century was most suffered in
the whole countries of Europe. The serious problem happened in the
economic aspect.
 Because of the proverty, some poor people did the crime in their society in
order to hold out their life.
 Orwell also criticized the criminal problem which was caused by the
proverty as an affect of the Firts World War.
 He gave a view about the social condition of poor people in Europe which
was full of the crime such as robbery and deception.
3. The Reflection of Social Critique of Europe Society after the First
World War in the Novel

c. Environmental Problems
 The loss of financial after the First World War caused the proverty in
Europe society. It would be suffered during the next fifteen until twenty
years. It made the infrastructure was neglected. Therefore, it caused an
environmental problem in Europe society especially in the poor area.
 Through the novel, Orwell criticized the chaotic environment in Paris
where the poor lived by the description of the environment where Orwell
and Boris lived.
 Beside that, Orwell also gave a comparison between the environment in
Paris and the environment in London. In London, there were spikes that
provided for the tramps. The cost and condition of the spike was different
each other but mostly, the spike in London was chaotic. Its equipment was
not enable to be used.
3. The Reflection of Social Critique of Europe Society after
the First World War in the Novel

Orwell provided the social critique which was addressed it to the

government, the economy, and the human rights.
a. Critique of the Government
 The First World War is a great war that brought a loss in some aspects of
life such as politic, social, religion, economy, and humanity. To solve the
problem, the England government expanded the social service for the
prosperity of the society.
 Through the novel Down and Out in Paris and London, Orwell gave a
critique to the government in Europe who did not run his social service
program spreadly.
 Orwell also told about the social life of the tramps who had to living
homeless on the streets, moving from one spike to another.
3. The Reflection of Social Critique of Europe Society after the
First World War in the Novel
Orwell provided the social critique which was addressed it to the government,
the economy, and the human rights.
b. Critique of the Economy
 After the First World War, the World condition became chaotic especially in
Europe as the central of the war. The loss in economy aspect was a big
problem for Europe society after war.
 There were some ideas of politic-economy such as communism, facism, nasi,
and statism that were occured after the First World War. One of the ideas was
reflected in the novel Down and Out in Paris and London by the character of
 The great economy problem after the First World War occured the economy
gap for social classes in Europe society. The story of the hotel life in Paris
was the Orwell’s way to critique the economy side in Europe.
3. The Reflection of Social Critique of Europe Society after the First
World War in the Novel

Orwell provided the social critique which was addressed it to the government, the
economy, and the human rights.
c. Critique of the Human Rights
 After the First World War, the disease epidemic was increasing and spread widely
and it also caused the people became homeless.
 Beside that, the First World War, Europe caused a gap for social classes in Europe.
At the time, the condition of working class was really apprehensive.
 Orwell criticized that the government in Europe especially in London did not pay
attention to the prosperity of the society. The social service program after the First
World War was not done spreadly.
 It was proved that there were inhabitants who had lived as the tramps because they
were homeless and they were suffered a disease and has physical defect.
 Beside that, the worker were not given a proper treatment in the work life. They had
to work hardly along time and got a little time off to take a rest.
A. Conclusion
 Down and Out in Paris and London is the novel written by George Orwell
based on experience of his real life.
 There is a description about the effects of proverty that occure in the novel
such as robbery, starvation, deception, and discrimination.
 There is the social critique as the effect of proverty that is caused by the
First World War in Europe society.
 Through the novel Down and Out in Paris and London, Orwell does not
only tell his own experience but also he gives a social critique about the
effect of the First World War in Europe Society.
B. Suggestion
 The writer suggests for the readers who want to analyze the novel Down
and Out in Paris and London can find other importance aspects and
analyze it more to make best work.
 The writer hopes the readers who want to analyze this novel can analyze it
by using psychological method to see another part of this novel.

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