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Course Title: Sports Conditioning Program

Generic Course Title: Fitness Exercises

"Kung fit ako, fit din dapat sila."

Prepared By:
Ma’am Crisanta Bernal Lopez
PE Teacher
Module 1 - Basic Principles of Assessment for Fitness Training

Basic Concept:
 The strength and conditioning professional with a broad understanding of exercise
science can effectively use tests and measurements to make training decisions that
help athletes achieve their goals and maximize their potential. Tests and
measurements form the objective core of the evaluation process. The basic concept
includes the reasons for testing, testing terminology, evaluation of test quality, the
selection of appropriate tests, and aspects of proper test administration.
 Testing helps athletes and coaches assess athletic talent and identify physical
abilities and areas in need of improvement.
Assessment of Athletic Talent
 It is important for a coach to determine whether an individual has the physical
potential to play a sport at the competitive level of the team. That judgment is not
difficult if the candidate has already excelled at the sport elsewhere and is of
adequate body size.
Basic Concept:
Identification of Physical Abilities in Need of Improvement:
 While some physical abilities are innate and not amenable to change, other
physical abilities can be improved through physical training.

Testing Terminology
 To communicate clearly with athletes and colleagues, strength and
conditioning professionals should use consistent terminology.
 The following terms and definitions are widely accepted and used:
 Test - A procedure for assessing ability in a particular endeavor.
 Field test - A test used to assess ability that is performed away from the
laboratory and does not require extensive training or expensive equipment.
Basic Concept:
 Measurement - The process of collecting test data.

 Evaluation - The process of analyzing test results for the purpose of making
 Pretest - A test administered before the beginning oftraining to determine
the athlete's initial basic ability levels.
 Midtest - A test administered one or more times during the training period to
assess progress and modify the program as needed to maximize benefit.
 Formative evaluation - Periodic reevaluation based on midtests administered
during the training, usually at regular intervals. It enables monitoring of the
athlete's progress and adjustment of the training program according to the
athlete's individual needs.
 Posttest - Test administered after the training period to determine the
success of the training program in achieving the training objectives.
Evaluation of Test Quality
 Validity: refers to the degree to which a test or test item measures what it is
supposed to measure, and is one of the most important characteristics of
 Construct validity: refers to overall validity, or the extent to which the test
actually measures what it was designed to measure.
 Face validity: is the appearance to the athlete and other casual observers
that the test measures what it is purported to measure.
 Content validity: is the assessment by experts that the testing covers all
relevant subtopics or component abilities in appropriate proportions. The
terms face validity and content validity are sometimes used interchangeably,
the latter relates to actual validity while the former relates to the
appearance of validity to non experts.
Criterion-Referenced Validity
 Criterion-referenced validity is the extent to which test scores are
associated with some other measure of the same ability.
Types of criterion-referenced validity: concurrent, predictive, and discriminant.
 Concurrent validity: is the extent to which test scores are associated with
those of other accepted tests that measure the same ability.
 Convergent validity: is the type of concurrent validity that field tests used by
strength and conditioning professionals should exhibit.
 Predictive validity: is the extent to which the test score corresponds with
future behavior or performance.
 Discriminant validity: is the ability of a test to distinguish between two
different constructs and is evidenced by a low correlation between the results
of the test and those of tests of a different construct. ( example flexibility,
speed, aerobic endurance)
 Reliability is a measure of the degree of consistency or repeatability of a
 Test Selection:
 1. Metabolic Energy System Specificity
 2. Biomechanical Movement Pattern Specificity
 Experience and Training Status
 Age and Sex
 Environmental Factors
 Test Administration
 Health and Safety Considerations
 Selection and Training of Testers
 Recording Forms
Test Selection:

 Test Format
 Testing Batteries and Multiple Testing Trials
 Sequence of Tests
 Preparing Athletes for Testing

Tests and measurements can be used to assess athletic talent, identify physical
capacities in need of improvement, provide reference values to evaluate the
effectiveness of a training program, and set realistic training goals. To optimize
test quality, testers must understand and consider validity and reliability.
Common Injuries and Conditions
 1. Blisters- are caused by friction as the surface of the shoe rubs against the
skin of the foot.
 2. Low-Back Pain- it is caused by congenital abnormalities, poor posture,
postural deviations, and poor body mechanics, incorrect lifting and sitting
 3. Muscle soreness- it a delayed onset of pain in a muscle following physical
activities that you are not accustomed to.
 4. Strains and Sprains- it is a result from sudden change in direction in the
movement of any body part.
 5. Muscle Strain- muscle strain or pulled muscle is the sudden, painful tearing
of muscle fiber during exertion.
 6. Sprain- is more serious than strain. Sprain involves overstretching injuries
 Of ligaments(tissue that connects bones) as well as the damage to tissues
surrounding the joint.
Common Injuries and Conditions
 7. Muscle Cramps- It is a sudden painful, involuntary contractions of muscle.
 8. Metatarsalgia- is a general term describing pain in the ball of the foot
usually felt under the second and third metatarsal.
 9. Stress Fracture- occur in major weight bearing location of the body
specially the foot(metatarsal bones) and lower leg(tibia).
 10. Fracture- a complete break, a chip or a crack in a bone.
 11. Dislocation are usually obvious than fractures. It is also a movement of a
bone away from its normal position.
1. Interview either of the two persons - an athlete and an exercise enthusiast
who sustained injury while trying to shape up using sports. A written narrative
report from this interview shall be submitted on our GCR. The report shall
contain the answers to but not limited to the following questions:
 How did you prepare your body prior to engaging in any sporting activity? How long
was the preparation? What comprised of the preparations? If there was none, why
were there no preparations?
 Have you had injuries (injuries not inflicted by others, just by yourself) while
preparing yourself for a sporting activity or during the activity itself? Describe the
mechanism by which the injury was incurred.
 To what factors would you attribute these injuries? Why these factors precipitated
the injuries?
2. Choose one sports you want to engage in and the corresponding VALID and
RELIABLE tests that improve your body composition, speed, agility, flexibility,
strength, and aerobic and anaerobic capacities.
PED026:Fitness Exercise

Thank you for listening!

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