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Basic Troubleshooting
• Check with Multiple browsers and PCs.
• Check whether the domain really exist by trying with another ISP or
using (http://)
• Clear browser cache, Cookies and browser history.
• Check Windows firewall settings.
• Check for any parental control software is there in PC or router.
• Reset the browser to default settings.
• Remove malwares, spywares, adwares etc
• Clear your computer DNS cache.

• #netsh winsock reset catalog

• If the DNS resolution is not taking place ,there are two possibilities
1. The domain name is wrong.
2. Our DNS issue.
The first troubleshooting which we can do in that case is assigning
google global DNS manually .
Which is and (Which will be having all DNS entries)
• Check the hosts file of your windows PC
Go to run . Enter C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Check whether any block listed entry is there at the bottom.
It will be beginning with the loopback IP followed by domain.
• Check whether the domain is getting resolved using nslookup.
Eg : enter “nslookup”
Troubleshooting's Based on Errors
• SSL errors.
Change the time and date of PC.
• Proxy errors.
Disable all manually assigned proxy and give automatically.
• If getting white blank screen.
Install malware bytes do a complete scan ,remove the detected
objects and restart the PC.
• DNS errors
Assign google DNS manually (
• Scenario 1
If customer is hosting a site ,he have done some changes to the site
but in our network customer is getting the same old site.

In this case refreshing page or clearing browser cache may not work.
we want to override the cache.
For Windows/Linux : “Ctrl+Shift+R”
For Mac : “Command+Shift+R”
• Scenario 2
The website is getting resolved in nslookup still not opening.
Do a traceroute for the site
Command is “tracert” (Ex: tracert
Tracert command will do traceroute to the domain destination where
the website is hosted.
Tracert is getting failed in a particular HOP there can be many reasons

1)IP blacklist.
Since we are providing NAT-ed IP to customer there is big chance of IP getting
blacklisted. In this case, we need to change the IP Address by switching the connection
between “Dynamic & PPPOE”, If these issue frequently happening to the customer then
provide a one to one NAT-ed IP, If it was already static IP then blacklist removal is required
on Server End.

2)That HOP have an ACL and our IP is not allowed in that.

Even after providing static IP and there is no IP blacklist this is the possible reason.
In this case our IP need to be allowed in the ACL of that HOP. Hence we have to Raise a
Ticket with our Upstream to resolve the issue.
3)That HOP is down.

• Traceroute which is not reaching the destination.

• In this case we can route the entire traffic for that domain through
different path or different upstream.

A successful traceroute
Thank you

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