THD Training: by Prasanth.R

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THD Training

VPN and Port forwarding

What Is A VPN

VPN stands for virtual private network,VPN is a network of one

or more computers that securely connected to each other through
a secure and encrypted connection.
• When you connect to the Internet directly, all of your requests will be
going to the Internet directly, as well as all return data from the Internet
will be going to your computer directly.

• when you connect to the Internet through a VPN, it will create a tunnel
between your computer (or mobile device, depending on what you are
using) and the VPN server. All of your outgoing data will be encrypted
before sending to the VPN server, and vice versa.
• Through the VPN connection, your data will be safe because they are
encrypted when transmitting. Hackers or the government can’t monitor
what you are reading or accessing.
VPN works like:-
1. Your computer will encrypt all data (requests, upload data) and send to the VPN
server through a secure connection.
2. The VPN server will decrypt the data and send to the Internet.
3. The VPN server will grab the returned data from the Internet, encrypt all of them
and send it back to your computer
4. Your computer will decrypt the data and display on your browser or whatever
program you are using.
What to do if VPN does not work through router

• If Vpn not connecting, check in router ALG need to enabled.

What to do if VPN does not work through router

• Check vpn server ip ping, traceroute, nslookup and compare in other network too.

• Change the dns options in the client machine and check.

• Connect direct line without router and check VPN connecting or not.

• If vpn connected direct line but not router the vpn which using not supporting the
customer current router.

• if not connecting, might me Cgnat blocking vpn to connect, need to assign testing
ip from ACT end.
What to do if VPN does not work through router

• Slow speed in vpn depends on the vpn provider.

• If vpn is connected but no internet access, only vpn provider can able
to solve this issue.
• if particular system alone not connecting, disable the system firewall,
Port forwarding:
• Port forwarding is a function of network routers that allows a user to
configure specific communication ports to be routed to devices on an IP
(Internet Protocol) network, such as a computer, DVR, or IP camera.In
this case for CCTV equipment, it allows the user to view and control
CCTV equipment remotely.
Example 1:
Port forward layout:
Port forwarding info:
To check port listen:
Port forward troubleshoot:
•  Ip configuration
Port forward server system must be static ip with proper gateway.

• Port service
Given application must be running to open port outside.

•  Firewall in different Operating Systems

Most of the antivirus software have additional firewall feature that sometimes blocks the pop-ups and
interrupts the connection. Your router also works as a firewall protecting you from unwanted connections.

• Multiple routers
you need to login to your first router and look for the DMZ page. You need to enter your IP address in the
DMZ page and update your settings. The new settings will redirect all the connections from the first router
to the second one so that you can let all the configurations work through a single router.
•  Same Port in Multiple rules
Your router may skip checking if a port is already in use of any other
forwarding rule or not. When two port forwarding rules use the same port,
it won’t work.

DMZ is interrupting
the DMZ page is the reason why they are not getting their port forwarding
rule ready. DMZ opens all port rules and cannot work with a port
forwarding rule.

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